Wiki source code of Documentation

Version 48.6 by Paul Panțiru on 2019/10/17

Show last authors
1 {{velocity}}
2 $xwiki.ssx.use('Download.WebHome')
4 (%class="download-options"%)(((
5 (%class="col-xs-12 download-container download-option version-option border-cyan fa-icon fa-user"%)(((
6 === [[User Guide>>enterprise:UserGuide.WebHome]] ===
7 Dedicated for standard users of the wiki. It contains a Getting Started Guide and a reference to the [[Features>>platform:Features.WebHome]], in addition to videos and tutorials.
8 (%class="version-footer"%)(((
9 [[Learn>>enterprise:UserGuide.WebHome||class="btn btn-info]]
10 )))
11 )))
12 (%class="col-xs-12 download-container download-option version-option border-blue fa-icon fa-cogs"%)(((
13 === [[Admin Guide>>platform:AdminGuide.WebHome]] ===
14 Provides general information for administrators that need to customize and administer their XWiki installation (authentication, DB, performance tuning, etc.)
15 (%class="version-footer"%)(((
16 [[Administer>>platform:AdminGuide.WebHome||class="btn btn-primary]]
17 )))
18 )))
19 (%class="col-xs-12 download-container download-option version-option border-green fa-icon fa-code"%)(((
20 === [[Developer Guide>>platform:DevGuide.WebHome]] ===
21 Details how to develop in-wiki applications or how to integrate other software with XWiki. Contains details on how to insert scripts into XWiki pages.
22 (%class="version-footer"%)(((
23 [[Develop>>platform:DevGuide.WebHome||class="btn btn-success]]
24 )))
25 )))
26 )))
28 (%class="noitems"%)If you need more help with your wiki or you'd like to get in touch with the community please visit the [[Support>>xwiki:Main.Support]] for more information. If you still have a question after reading these guides, check our [[FAQ>>xwiki:FAQ.WebHome]].
30 ----
32 == Projects and Extensions ==
34 The web site is organized by [[projects and extensions>>xwiki:Main.Forge]], each having their own site. Every site holds the documentation for its projects:
35 * [[Documentation for Extensions>>extensions:Main.WebHome]]
36 * [[Documentation for Snippets>>snippets:Main.WebHome]]
37 * [[Documentation for XWiki Rendering>>rendering:Main.WebHome]]
38 * [[Documentation for XWiki Commons>>commons:Main.WebHome]]
40 You can also check [[external articles and documentation about XWiki>>Main.ExternalLinks]].
42 Information regarding the Open Source development of the XWiki Platform itself or to XWiki related projects and extensions can be found on the [[Development>>dev:Main.WebHome]] wiki and on the [[Contrib>>contrib:Main.WebHome]] wiki.

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