18.1 |
Jean-Vincent Drean |
2008/07/11 |
Upload new image <a href="/xwiki/bin/downloadrev/AdminGuide/Configuration/defaulteditor.png?rev=1.4">defaulteditor.png</a> |
17.1 |
Thomas Mortagne |
2008/07/10 |
16.1 |
Artem Melentyev |
2008/06/19 |
added edit comment configuration |
15.2 |
Vincent Massol |
2008/05/26 |
14.1 |
daning |
2008/05/22 |
13.1 |
Vincent Massol |
2008/05/02 |
Add redirection instructions |
12.4 |
Artem Melentyev |
2008/04/21 |
explain why to disable attachment versioning |
11.1 |
Vincent Massol |
2008/02/13 |
Upload new image <a href="/xwiki/bin/downloadrev/AdminGuide/Configuration/emailconfiguration.png?rev=1.1">emailconfiguration.png</a> |
10.1 |
Vincent Massol |
2008/02/13 |
Added SMTP config details |
9.2 |
Vincent Massol |
2008/01/18 |
8.4 |
Vincent Massol |
2008/01/13 |
comment out section that is not ready yet |
7.2 |
Vincent Massol |
2007/12/21 |
6.3 |
Sergiu Dumitriu |
2007/12/12 |
Updated references to the main wiki from 'wwwdev' to 'xwiki' |
5.2 |
Vincent Massol |
2007/12/09 |
4.1 |
Vincent Massol |
2007/11/27 |
3.2 |
Vincent Massol |
2007/11/27 |
Added comment |
2.1 |
Tianlan |
2007/11/26 |
1.30 |
Vincent Massol |
2007/11/16 |