Geronimo Installation

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2017/09/06

Apache Geronimo Installation

  • This was written for version 2.2. There is no reason why it wouldn't work on other platforms.
  • The default username for Geronimo is system and the default password is manager.

Out of the box you will have issues with Geronimo, but these are not hard to fix. This was the error I got that lead me down the path to writing this deployment guide for Geronimo:


Error 500 org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.replaceEach(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;

Quick Steps

For the impatient, the steps to get it working are:

  • Add Apache commons language to the repository
  • Create a geronimo-web.xml file and add it to your war file
  • Make your changes as per a normal installation (i.e., to the xwiki.cfg, hibernate.cfg.xml, etc.)
    The optional steps I did were:
  • Add a higher version of commons-beanutils to repository
  • Add a higher version of commons-fileupload to repository
  • Add a higher version of commons-io to repository

Minimum XML Changes

Modify your geronimo-web.xml and add the following library to match how you installed the library into the repository:


All Changes


Here is a sample deployment resource xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="">
   <dep:environment xmlns:dep="">
 ** GroupID : The grouping you put xwiki in, like your parent container I guess.
 ** ArtifactID : Same as the war name, full name + version.
 ** Version : A version of the software.
 ** Type : Type of deployment. In this case a WAR archive.

  ** Configure the JDBC connection pool, in this case the pool is based on H2 database.
  ** It is here you would configure your oracle, postgres, mysql, sqlserver, etc pool drivers.

<!-- The location of the pool -->
<!-- Libraries
 ** This is where I specified the libraries that were out of date in geronimo
 ** that lead to it not working.  There might be better ways, but this was how
 ** I did it to get it working quickly.

<!-- Required -->
<!-- Optional -->
<!-- Optional -->
<!-- Optional -->

<!-- Whatever the webroot you want, ie -->
 ** Map the reference to the JDBC pool located at resource-link to the jndi location ref-name


Warnings In The Log File

  • 37866:  2010-06-03 15:12:03,484 WARN [RequestUtils] No FormBeanConfig found under 'download'
  • 39221:  2010-06-03 15:12:18,062 WARN [RequestUtils] No FormBeanConfig found under 'get'
  • 39804:  2010-06-03 15:12:21,046 WARN [RequestUtils] No FormBeanConfig found under 'view'

I saw these in the log files and apparently you can just ignore them.

Using a JDBC Datasource

Navigate to Geronimo -> Services -> Database Pools and click the Using the Geronimo database pool wizard link.

Step 1: Select Name and Database

Name of Database Pool: <Pool Name>
A name that is different than the name of any other database pools in the server (no spaces in the name please).

Database Type: <Database Version>
The type of database the pool will connect to.

Step 2: Select Driver, JAR, Parameters

JDBC Driver Class: <driver> (e.g. org.h2.Driver)
Driver JAR: <jarfile for the driver> (e.g. jdbc/h2/1.2.136/jar)
DB User Name: <username>
DB Password: <password>
Confirm Password: <password>

Step 3: Final Pool Configuration

JDBC Connect URL: <url>  (e.g. jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/xwiki23)
Make sure the generated URL fits the syntax for your JDBC driver.
Driver Status: Loaded Successfully
Connection Pool Parameters
Transaction Type: LOCAL

Type of transactions that this connection pool supports.
Pool Min Size: 0

The minimum number of connections in the pool. Leave blank for default.
Pool Max Size: 10

The maximum number of connections in the pool. Leave blank for default.
Blocking Timeout: <default> (in milliseconds)

The length of time a caller will wait for a connection. Leave blank for default.
Idle Timeout: <default> (in minutes)

Get Connected