Installing the Demo Distributions

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2024/07/02


Before you start make sure you've read the System Requirements.

First, you need to download the suited XWiki version for your use case.


The graphical installer is a generic installer that works on all platforms. It requires Java to be installed on your system. Simply double-click on it and follow the instructions.


In case you have problems opening the file, you can use this command to launch the installation: java -jar <name_of_installer_file.jar>

Go to the directory where you've installed XWiki (XWIKIHOME) and run start_xwiki.bat in Windows or on Unix or Mac. 

To stop it, run the stop_xwiki.bat script on Windows and on Unix or Mac. 

On Mac you will need to use "Open with Terminal" or run these scripts from the Terminal.


In some cases, you might already have a Web Server running on port 8080. If this happens you have to use another port, specified by passing an argument to the start script (e.g. using the port 8081, as in -p 8081 for XWiki 6.2+ and -8081 for older versions).

Do not close the terminal window that shows up. This is the XWiki server running.

The Demo packages are zip archive files that can be used for all platforms. Unzip them in any directory of your choice (let's call it XWIKIHOME).

Go to the directory where you've installed XWiki (XWIKIHOME) and run start_xwiki.bat in Windows or on Unix or Mac.

To stop it, run the stop_xwiki.bat script on Windows and on Unix or Mac. 

On Mac you will need to use "Open with Terminal" or run these scripts from the Terminal.


In some cases, you might already have a Web Server running on port 8080. If this happens you have to use another port, specified by passing an argument to the start script (e.g. using the port 8081, as in -p 8081 for XWiki 6.2+ and -8081 for older versions).

Do not close the terminal window that shows up. This is the XWiki server running.

Graphical Windows native installer is a Windows executable file. Simply execute it and follow the instructions.

The Windows installer creates shortcuts to start and stop XWiki in your Windows start menu. Launch XWiki using "start".


Make sure you install with a user who has administration rights and run the installed XWiki server with that same user. Otherwise you might get some permission problems. They can be fixed by giving permission to the other user to write in the directories XWiki writes to. Those depend on the XWiki version you use:

  • Before 4.0.1 and 4.1M1, 4.1M2: The directory where you installed XWiki Enterprise (the default location is C:\Program Files\XWiki Enterprise)
  • 4.0.1 and 4.1: C:\XWiki Enterprise
  • 4.2M1+: The XWiki Data directory in %APPDATA%\XWiki\<version>\data

If you install on Windows 7 and if you're using a version of XWiki < 4.1 then you'll need to be careful not to install in the Program Files directory. This is because of new security measures in Windows 7 which prevent from writing in the 

Do not close the DOS window that shows up. This is the XWiki server running.


Once XWiki is started point your browser to http://localhost:8080/.

Log in

If you've installed the Demo zip with the Standard Flavor pre-installed, you can log in using the default Admin user (first letter is capitalized). The default password is admin (lowercase). If you're instaled another package, the Distribution Wizard will have led you to create an admin user. Just log in with it.

You should read Getting Started Guide to learn how to use XWiki.


It's possible to customize how this package behave through parameters and environment variables. You can find more details about those at the beginning of the script you are running or with the -h parameter.

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