WebSphere installation
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2017/09/06
Install the XWiki application
- Start the application server if it isn't running:$WAS_HOME/bin/startServer.sh server1
- Start the console. The default URLs are:
- http://localhost:9060/ibm/console/logon.jsp (non-secure)
- https://localhost:9043/ibm/console/logon.jsp (secure)
- Expand the Applications menu and click on "Install New Application"
- Fill in the following:
- Full path to XWiki WAR
- Context root to /xwiki
- Click "Next"; at this point if your WAR file is on a different machine from the server it will be copied over.
- Fill in each screen and click "Next" for each of them:
- Step 1: You may want to modify the application name
- Step 2: Nothing to do
- Step 3: The jdbc/XWikiDS is not used by XWiki, but you still need to fill it out. Simply click "Browse..." under Target Resource JNDI Name, choose the "Default Datasource" and click "Apply"
- Step 4: Nothing to do
- Step 5: Click "Finish"
- A screen with the results is displayed next. At this point the changes have not been written to the file system. Click on the "Save" button to finish the installation step.
Configure WebSphere
- WebSphere v6.1 does not have the PNG MIME type configured by default, so you need to do so. If you do not follow this step, you'll get a NullPointerException at com.xpn.xwiki.web.SkinAction.isJavascriptMimeType.
- In the Console, expand "Environment" and select "Virtual Hosts"
- Click on the default_host link (or whatever host you installed XWiki onto)
- Click on the "MIME types" link
- Click "New" to add a new MIME type
- Fill out the form this way:
- MIME Type: image/png
- Extensions: PNG png
- Click "OK", save the configuration and restart the server