Special CSS Classes
Last modified by Lucas Charpentier (Sereza7) on 2024/02/22
XWiki has some special classes that are used in certain conditions to assure consistency and enhance functionality. The following classes are defined at least starting with the Colibri Skin:
- A. General classes
- B. Classes used for Form elements
- C. Body styling classes
- Classes for the responsiveness
- Further References
- Special CSS Classes
A. General classes
- .hidden
use to 'display: none' elements
- .sr-only
use to hide elements visually but keep them visible semantically 1
- .invisible
use to 'visibility: hidden' elements
- .clearfloats
use to clear floats when using floated containers, in order to keep the parent's layout correct
- .separator
use to contain separators ( ยท , | )
used in #document-info and blog .entry-footer
- .itemCount
use to contain numeric values that describe quantitative information about an item
used in #docExtraTabs, #document-info, .blog-category-level
example: Comments (1)
- .noitems
use to contain empty state messages
used in #docextrapanes
example: 'No comments for this document', 'No attachments for this document'
- .icon
use for icon buttons (example)
used in .icon.rss in 'Quick Links' panel
- .hasIcon
use for elements that also have a background-icon attached (example)
works in pair with other classes that specify the icon that will be used (ex: .iconRSS, .tmEdit, .etc)
used in menus - .hasIcon
use for avatar icons.
- .loading
sets an animated GIF as being the background image (center aligned) of the element
generally used on Ajax requests in order to express the loading status
example of usage: on loading each of the Annotations, Comments, Attachments, History and Informations tabs
- .column + (.full | .half | .third)
classes for generic (1|2|3) column layout
- .drawer-opener
XWiki XWiki 15.10+ Used with a proper value of `aria-controls`, allows to trigger the opening of a drawer element. Details on creating a drawer
B. Classes used for Form elements
B1. Buttons containers
- .buttonwrapper
use as an external container for buttons (required for Toucan skin)
- .buttonwrapper .button
use .button on input or a elements to display as buttons
- .secondary.button
use for secondary actions, like cancel
- .icon-button
- .icon-button.add-button
- .icon-button.remove-button
use for small icon actions, like add and remove (example)
- .button.disabled
use to display a button in it's disabled state
B2. Behavior classnames
- .withTip
introduced in XWIKI-4163
description: automatically hides and reinserts the default text for input fields, acting as a tip.
warning: will be replaced by the placeholder attribute introduced in HTML5
- .useTitleAsTip
introduced in 5.1 Milestone 1
description: when .withTip is applied, use the value of the title attribute as the tip (i.e. the text displayed in the text input when it's empty); this is useful when the initial value of the text input is different than the tip (place-holder), e.g. a search input might have as initial value the submitted search query, but you still want to display a tip when the user clears the query.
warning: will be replaced by the placeholder attribute introduced in HTML5
- .suggestDocuments
introduced in XWIKI-5301
description: all input fields with classname suggestDocuments will receive an autocomplete control suggesting document names.
- .suggestSpaces
introduced in XWIKI-5657 (XWiki 2.6 RC2)
description: all input fields with classname suggestSpaces will receive an autocomplete control suggesting space names.
introduced in XWIKI-5649 (XWiki 2.6 RC2)
description: all input fields with classname suggestUsers will receive an autocomplete control suggesting document names of documents that contains user objects
introduced in XWIKI-5649 (XWiki 2.6 RC2)
description: all input fields with classname suggestGroups will receive an autocomplete control suggesting document names of documents that contains group objects
- .suggested
description: blocks normal browser autocomplete and initializes the suggest object early instead of waiting for the field to be focused (if the suggests is declared on focus).
- .maximizable
introduced in XWIKI-5660 (XWiki 2.6 RC2) description: offers a link for users to maximize the element on which this classname is applied,
making it possible to view that element in fullscreen mode.
C. Body styling classes
Those classes are added on the body node in order to provide the UI with hotswappable toggles.
- Hide panel columns (styles available in layout.less)
- .hideright hides the right column
- .hideleft hides the left column
- .hidelefthideright hides the left and right columns
- Panel columns width (styles available in layout.less)
- .panel-left-width-Small
- .panel-left-width-Medium
- .panel-left-width-Large
- .panel-right-width-Small
- .panel-right-width-Medium
- .panel-right-width-Large
- Skin
- .skin-flamingo indicates that the skin used is flamingo. This class should only be used in the xwiki-platform-flamingo module or modules with a dependency on this module.
- .skin-colibri indicates that the skin used is colibri.
- .wiki-<id of the wiki> provides information on the current wiki in a multi-tenant setup.
- .space-<reference of the space, with spaces replaced by _s > provides information on the current space. This allows to defined space-specific styles at the wiki level.
- Context action
Context actions are reflected in the style with classes on the model of ${bodyAction}body. For example:- .viewbody indicates that the current page should use the view specific styles (this class is also used by admin, import and export actions)
- .editbody indicates that the current page should use the edit specific styles
- Drawer
XWiki 15.10.0+ With the fix of https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-18007 , both of those are barely used anymore and should be removed after checking that it doesn't break too much backwards compatibility.- .drawer
- .drawer--right
Classes for the responsiveness
With Flamingo, you can use Bootstrap classes plus some XWiki specific classes:
- .responsive-table
introduced in XWIKI-11576 (XWiki 6.4M2 & 6.2.5) description: make a table responsible to the screen-size. To use it, just add the ".responsive-table" class to you table, be sure you have proper <thead> and <tbody> tags in it, and put the title of the each column in the "data-title" attribute of every cell.
Example:<table class="responsive-table">
<td data-title="Name">John Smith</td>
<td data-title="Age">42</td>
Further References
- XWiki's structure is defined in templates that generate specific layout classes (.main, #mainContentArea, etc)
- XWiki provides by default a list of Skins, each with its own characteristics
- XWiki Albatross CSS Files (deprecated)
Special CSS Classes
- When writing CSS code for XWiki there are some code style rules that need to be followed in order to assure consistency and quality.