Old Notifications Tutorial

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2020/01/28


You should check the New Notification Tutorial.

This tutorial uses the old notification mechanism to listen to events (now deprecated in XWiki 2.0). You should follow it if you're using a version of XWiki prior to 2.0.

In order to listen to events you need to write 2 pages:

  • A page containing a Groovy class that registers against the XWiki Event Manager and that has the method to be called when the event happens.
  • Another page that parses the Groovy page and loads it in the Groovy context.

Groovy Notification Class

Your Groovy needs to extend the com.xpn.xwiki.notify.XWikiDocChangeNotificationInterface as shown below.

/* Groovy Class #* */

import com.xpn.xwiki.api.*;
import com.xpn.xwiki.notify.*;
import com.xpn.xwiki.*;
import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.*;

public class MyGroovyClass implements XWikiDocChangeNotificationInterface
    def xwiki;
    def rule;

   public MyGroovyClass()
       this.rule = new DocChangeRule(this);

   public void init(xwiki)
       this.xwiki = xwiki;

   public void cleanup()

   public void notify(XWikiNotificationRule rule, XWikiDocument newdoc, XWikiDocument olddoc,
       int event, XWikiContext context)
       // Do some action here.

/* *# */

In this example we've used a DocChangeRule rule. There are also other rules.

Calling the Groovy Class

#set($mygroovyclass = $xwiki.parseGroovyFromPage("MySpace.MyGroovyClass"))

Example: IRC notification on document change


The code below uses the parseGroovyFromPage method which takes 2 parameters. The second one is the name of page containing JARS as attachments. These JARs are put in the classloader used by Groovy when parsing the page. This feature is only working in XWiki Core 1.3 and later.

  • Step 1: Groovy Class
    /* Groovy Class #* */

    import org.jibble.pircbot.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.xpn.xwiki.api.*;
    import com.xpn.xwiki.notify.*;
    import com.xpn.xwiki.*;
    import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.*;

    public class XWikiBot extends PircBot implements XWikiDocChangeNotificationInterface
        def xwiki;
        def channel;
        def rule;

       public XWikiBot()
           this.rule = new DocChangeRule(this);

       public void init(xwiki, channel)
           this.xwiki = xwiki;
           this.channel = channel;

       public void cleanup()

       public void notify(XWikiNotificationRule rule, XWikiDocument newdoc, XWikiDocument olddoc,
           int event, XWikiContext context)
            sendMessage(this.channel, newdoc.getFullName() + " was modified - " + newdoc.getExternalURL("view", context));

    /* *# */
  • Step 2: Add the PircBot JAR as an attachment to the MySpace.MyGroovyClass page created in step 1.
  • Step 3: Calling page
    ## Start by looking for a bot in the servlet context
    #set ($sc = $context.getContext().getEngineContext().getServletContext())

    ## If the bot isn't in the servlet context, start the bot and put in the context
    #set ($bot = $sc.getAttribute("ircbot"))
    #if (!$bot)
     Bot is not started, starting it...
      #set($bot = $xwiki.parseGroovyFromPage("MySpace.MyGroovyClass", "MySpace.MyGroovyClass"))
      #set ($channel = "#xwiki")
     $bot.init($xwiki, $channel)
      $sc.setAttribute("ircbot", $bot)
     Bot started!

    ## If the parameter passed is stop then stop the bot
    #elseif ($request.action && $request.action == "stop")
      $sc.setAttribute("ircbot", null)
     Bot disconnected!

     Bot already started, doing nothing...

  • Step 4: Creating a Scheduler job so that the Bot is restarted automatically if the server is restarted for example.

    Create a Scheduler job, set it to run every 5 minutes for example and use the following Groovy script in the job:

    // Start by looking for a bot in the servlet context
    def sc = context.getEngineContext().getServletContext()

    // If the bot isn't in the servlet context, start the bot and put in the context
    def bot = sc.getAttribute("ircbot")
    if (bot == null) {
     // Bot is not started, starting it...
     bot = xwiki.parseGroovyFromPage("MySpace.MyGroovyClass", "MySpace.MyGroovyClass")
      def channel = "#xwiki"
      bot.init(xwiki, channel)
      sc.setAttribute("ircbot", bot)
     // Bot started!

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