88.1 |
Ludovic Dubost |
2021/06/24 |
87.1 |
Ludovic Dubost |
2021/06/24 |
86.1 |
Ludovic Dubost |
2021/06/24 |
Uploaded new attachment "installjobrequest.xml", version 1.1 |
85.1 |
Thomas Mortagne |
2021/06/24 |
84.1 |
Thomas Mortagne |
2021/06/24 |
83.1 |
Manuel Leduc |
2021/05/17 |
82.1 |
Manuel Leduc |
2021/04/26 |
Adding the localizations endpoint |
81.1 |
slauriere |
2021/02/15 |
Indicate that the /search endpoint relies on an HQL query, not a Solr one |
80.1 |
Thomas Mortagne |
2020/01/28 |
Migrated property [author] from class [XWiki.XWikiComments] |
79.1 |
Thomas Mortagne |
2019/01/30 |
78.2 |
Oana Florea |
2019/01/28 |
77.1 |
slauriere |
2019/01/24 |
"If type is hql and className is specified" -> "if type is hql or xwql [...]" |
76.2 |
Martin Simmons |
2019/01/22 |
Correct URL for /class/{className}/objects |
75.10 |
Adel Atallah |
2018/09/19 |
74.1 |
Thomas Mortagne |
2018/01/25 |
73.2 |
Vincent Massol |
2018/01/16 |
72.1 |
Marius Dumitru Florea |
2017/09/18 |
71.1 |
Marius Dumitru Florea |
2017/09/18 |
70.4 |
Vincent Massol |
2017/09/07 |
69.1 |
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) |
2017/09/04 |