History of REST API

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2025/02/17

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History of REST API — revisions from 29.2 to 48.1
From To Version Editor Date Summary
48.1 Guillaume Delhumeau 2015/08/26
47.1 Guillaume Delhumeau 2015/08/26
46.1 Guillaume Delhumeau 2015/08/26
45.1 Guillaume Delhumeau 2015/07/09
44.1 Guillaume Delhumeau 2015/07/09
43.1 Guillaume Delhumeau 2015/07/09
42.1 Thomas Mortagne 2014/11/21
41.1 Thomas Mortagne 2014/11/21
40.11 tomce 2013/05/07 Edited comment 6
39.1 Fabio Mancinelli 2012/11/07
38.3 Fabio Mancinelli 2012/11/07
37.9 DanJones 2012/08/17 Added comment
36.1 Fabio Mancinelli 2011/11/08
35.1 Fabio Mancinelli 2011/11/08
34.1 Fabio Mancinelli 2011/11/08
33.1 Vincent Massol 2011/10/20 Explain that the root resource returns the version
32.1 Fabio Mancinelli 2011/10/20
31.2 Eduard Moraru 2011/07/21 Minor clarification.
30.2 Eduard Moraru 2011/07/21 Fixed previous slip-up.
29.2 Eduard Moraru 2011/07/21 Fixed typo.

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