Wiki source code of Main

Version 3.1 by LaurentLunati on 2007/12/07

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1 <div class="Rgreybox" style="width: 94%; margin: 3%" >
2 <div class="Rgreyhead"><h2><img src="/xwiki/bin/download/XWiki/UIBlock/rounded-grey-title.png" /></h2></div>
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4 <p>The XWiki project offers both a generic [platform>platform:] for developing collaborative applications using the [wiki>] paradigm and products developed on top of it. All XWiki software is developed in Java and under the [LGPL>] open source license.</p>
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8 1.1 Products and Platform
10 <div class="Rbluebox" style="float:left; width: 23%; margin: 0 0 3%;" >
11 <div class="Rbluehead"><a href="$xwiki.getURL('enterprise:Main.WebHome')"><h2><img src="/xwiki/bin/download/XWiki/UIBlock/rounded-XE-title.png" /><span></span></h2></a></div>
12 <div class="Rbluebody">
13 <p>A [fully-featured>enterprise:Main.Features] wiki for the Enterprise. It's also a [second generation wiki>enterprise:Main.SecondGenerationWiki] offering the ability to install and develop small applications inside wiki pages.</p>
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16 <div class="Rgreenbox" style="float:left; width: 23%; margin: 0 3% 3% 2%;" >
17 <div class="Rgreenhead"><a href="$xwiki.getURL('manager:Main.WebHome')"><h2><img src="/xwiki/bin/download/XWiki/UIBlock/rounded-XEM-title.png" /><span></span></h2></a></div>
18 <div class="Rgreenbody">
19 <p>An application to [manage>manager.Main.Features] a farm of wikis, allowing large-scale organization and massive scalability.</p>
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22 <div class="Rgreenbox" style="float:left; width: 23%; margin: 0 3% 3% 2%;" >
23 <div class="Rgreenhead"><a href="$xwiki.getURL('watch:Main.WebHome')"><h2><img src="/xwiki/bin/download/XWiki/UIBlock/rounded-XEM-title.png" /><span></span></h2></a></div>
24 <div class="Rgreenbody">
25 <p>A social RSS reader allowing groups to collaboratively follow information news and filter it.</p>
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28 <div class="Rrosebox" style="float:left; width: 23%; margin: 0 2% 3% 3%;" >
29 <div class="Rrosehead"><a href="$xwiki.getURL('platform:Main.WebHome')"><h2><img src="/xwiki/bin/download/XWiki/UIBlock/rounded-platform-title.png" /><span></span></h2></a></div>
30 <div class="Rrosebody">
31 <p>The generic wiki platform offering [runtime services>platform:Main.Features] for applications built on top of it.</p>
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35 [More products and extensions...>Main.Forge]
37 1.1 Getting Started
39 You can check what [projects built using XWiki>References.WebHome] have done and see all those [happy users>]. Web sites like [Curriki>] or [Best Ventes>] are good examples of what can be done with XWiki.
41 To see XWiki in action, you can [download and install>Main.Download] one of the XWiki products listed above or create your own XWiki instance on the [Netcipia Farm>] that runs on XWiki (it's free and takes only 5 minutes to create a new wiki).
43 If you want to better understand how XWiki works, click above on the product for which you want to know more about.

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