Wiki source code of Legal Notice

Version 2.1 by Vincent Massol on 2016/09/02

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Vincent Massol 1.1 1 === Editor of the website ===
3 The website is managed by the community under the defined [[Governance>>dev:Community.Governance]]. Any person in the world is allowed to edit the site (it's a wiki). Oversight is done by the [[XWiki Committers>>dev:Community.Committership]] ([[Current list of active committers>>dev:Community.HallOfFame]]).
5 The website is hosted by [[XWiki SAS>>]], company capitalized at 38.160,00 euros and registered in the Trade and Companies' Register of Paris under the number 477 865 281. XWiki SAS's administrative headquarters are located at: XWiki SAS, 35/37 rue Beaubourg, 75003 Paris, France
7 In order to contact XWiki SAS:
8 * Phone: +33 1 45 42 40 90
9 * [[Contact form>>]]
11 === Copyrights and Intellectual Property ===
13 This website is governed by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The content of this website is licensed under a [[Creative Commons>>]] license.
15 === Cookies ===
Vincent Massol 2.1 17 This site uses cookies for various needs:
18 * when users log in so that they don't have to log in again every time they connect to the site (the "remember me" checkbox)
19 * for Google Analytics needs (e.g. it saves some unique id to identify new visitors vs returning users)
20 * for CloudFlare which is being used in front of to protect it against attacks and to speed up performance
Vincent Massol 1.1 21
22 === Collect of Data ===
24 Since the community has no official legal existence, and since this site allows users to register an email address to get news about XWiki, the collection of those emails is done by XWiki SAS, according to the defined [[Governance>>dev:Community.Governance]].

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