Pinned Pages
You can now manually change the order of the pages displayed in all the page trees used in the wiki (Navigation tree, Breadcrumbs tree, Page Index Tree, etc). It's not a fully manual order but rather a mix of manual and automatic order: some pages, we call them "pinned" pages, are displayed first (in manual order), followed by the rest of the child pages in automatic order (e.g. by page title). You can pin pages at any level in the page tree hierarchy using the dedicated administration section. For a given parent (nested) page the list of pinned child pages is saved in its page preferences. The list of top level pinned pages are saved in the wiki preferences.
The screenshots show the effect of pinning the Nested1/Nested2/Pinned Page Example page in various trees in the XWiki UI (namely: Navigation tree, Breadcrumbs tree and Page Index Tree).
Besides the new administration section, we also updated the Navigation Panel administration section to allow you to change the order of the top level pages and save this manual order using pinned pages. Basically, whenever you move a top level page to a new position, that page and all its previous sibling pages become pinned. You can of course unpin a top level page.