Release Notes for XWiki 17.2.0-rc-1
This is the release notes for XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering and XWiki Platform. They share the same release notes as they are released together and have the same version.
<insert description of release here>
New and Noteworthy (since XWiki <version - 1>)
Full list of issues fixed and Dashboard for <final version here even for RC, e.g. 10.5>.
For Users
Users with edit rights can pin pages in spaces
It was already possible for global administrators and administrators of spaces to pin pages for organizing the navigation panel. Now the feature is also available for people having edit rights on a space: a new tab is available in the page children view, available from the more action menu. From this new tab, it is possible for a user to entirely reorganize the pages of the space by using drag & drop or by using the action button to pin / unpin pages, pretty much like it was already possible in the navigation panel administration.
Reverted the changes to the fields of the registration form merged in 16.10.0 . The form fields are now: first name, last name, username, password, password validation, email ( and then Captcha if enabled).
For Admins
New configuration to improve indexing performance at startup: By default, the Solr search index is synchronized with the document database when XWiki starts. For this, XWiki queries and compares batches of documents from both the Solr search index and the database. As those queries can take a lot of time in large wikis, the batch size has been increased from 100 to 1000 by default and has been made configurable to allow further increasing it to reduce the number of queries at the expense of a higher memory usage. Increasing this option is recommended for large wikis (for example, more than 100k pages in a single wiki), in particular if you notice that performance is slow and that there is a high load on the database after startup. You can find all options related to synchronization on startup in the documentation.
Filter stream export supports excluding property types: The XWiki instance input stream supports excluding certain property types now. This can be used to exclude, for example, "Email" and "Password" properties from an export.
For Developers
New Velocity instanceOf: A new API was added to the Velocity $objecttool to check if a Java Object extend/implement a given class. For example $objecttool.instanceOf($myObject, 'java.lang.Number').
Moved Modules
<description deprecated, retired and moved projects>
The following runtime dependencies have been upgraded (they have a different release cycle than XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering and XWiki Platform):
The following translations have been updated:
Security Issues
Security issues are not listed in issue lists or dashboards to avoid disclosing ways to use them, but they will appear automatically in them once they're disclosed. See the XWiki Security Policy for more details.
Known issues
Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes
General Notes
- When upgrading make sure you compare and merge the following XWiki configuration files since some parameters may have been modified, removed or added:
- xwiki.cfg
- web.xml
- hibernate.cfg.xml
- Add in xwiki.cfg so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to any new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
Issues specific to XWiki 17.2.0-rc-1
<issues specific to the project>
API Breakages
The following APIs were modified since XWiki <version - 1>:
The following people have contributed code and translations to this release (sorted alphabetically):
<code and translation contributors>