Wiki source code of ReleaseNotesXEM10M2

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

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Thomas Mortagne 1.1 1 1 Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise Manager (XEM) 1.0 Milestone 2
3 The main feature of this release is the new rights, users and groups management interface.
5 #toc("" "" "")
Thomas Mortagne 1.7 7 1.1 Features and bug fixes in 1.0 Milestone 2
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 8
Thomas Mortagne 1.13 9 Based on [XWiki Enterprise 1.1.2>ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise112]
Thomas Mortagne 1.7 10
Vincent Massol 1.16 11 All [Application Manager>extensions:Extension.Application Manager Application] 1.0 Milestone 2 features:
Thomas Mortagne 1.13 12 * Make sure application's translations pages are always registered.
13 * Set new application descriptor document default parent to XAppManager.WebHome.
14 * Support pattern matching strings based on HQL "like" comparer in descriptor list fields.
15 * Add "recursive" and "withversions" options in application export.
16 * Improve view of applications descriptors.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 17
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 18 See Jira for full list of fixed bugs and new features: [Application Manager>]
Thomas Mortagne 1.9 19
Vincent Massol 1.16 20 All [Wiki Manager>extensions:Extension.Wiki Manager Application] 1.0 Milestone 2 features:
Thomas Mortagne 1.13 21 * Add box (panel) that list last documents modifications made by current user in all wikis ordered by modifications dates.
22 * Add box (panel) that list last documents modifications in all wikis ordered by modifications dates.
23 * Add box (panel) that list last created wikis ordered by creation date.
24 * Add box (panel) that list all wikis current user own.
25 * Add box (panel) that list all wikis current user can view.
26 * Add box (panel) that list all wikis current user is Admin.
27 * Can view and edit more than one server name in one wiki descriptor document.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 28
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 29 See Jira for full list of fixed bugs and new features: [Wiki Manager>]
Thomas Mortagne 1.9 30
Thomas Mortagne 1.13 31 XWiki Enterprise Manager application:
32 * Add informations dashboards on main page using Wiki Manager 1.0M2 informations panels.
33 * Better info and error printing in XemManager.Install page.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 34
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 35 See Jira for full list of fixed bugs and new features: [XWiki Enterprise Manager Manager>]
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Thomas Mortagne 1.4 38
Thomas Mortagne 1.5 39
Thomas Mortagne 1.7 40
Thomas Mortagne 1.8 41
Thomas Mortagne 1.9 42
Thomas Mortagne 1.12 43
Thomas Mortagne 1.13 44
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 45 1.1 Known issues
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 47 * [Bugs we know about>]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 48
Thomas Mortagne 1.10 49
Thomas Mortagne 1.11 50
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 51 1.1 Installation
Vincent Massol 1.14 53 A XEM installation works like XWiki Enterprise (XE). Thus to install XEM check the [XE installation instructions>platform:AdminGuide.Installation#HInstallingtheXWikiWARmanually].
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 54
55 When compared to XE, XEM is different in the following areas:
56 * Actually at this time only MySQL and Oracle databases engines are supported.
Vincent Massol 1.14 57 * You'll have to configure your database so that it has the rights to create new databases. See the [Virtualization guide>platform:AdminGuide.Virtualization#HRequirements] for details on how to do this.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 58
59 Once you have finished the standard XE-like installation, go to the XEM home page and follow the instructions there.

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