Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/10/13

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Caleb James DeLisle 45.4 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 4
Thomas Mortagne 47.2 5 Second and last milestone of the XWiki Enterprise 2.2 version ([[Roadmap>>Main.Roadmap]]). The next version will be a Release Candidate.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 6
Vincent Massol 43.1 7 The main highlights of this release are:
Thomas Mortagne 44.1 8
Vincent Massol 43.1 9 * New Registration page (with Captcha and validation features)
10 * HTML export supporting exporting pages using the Colibri skin
11 * Improved speed and responsiveness of the WYSIWYG editor
Marta Girdea 43.3 12 * Ability to preview comments before they are saved and ability to edit existing comments
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 13
Caleb James DeLisle 45.4 14 = New and Noteworthy (since [[XWiki Enterprise 2.2 Milestone 1>>ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise22M1]]) =
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 15
Vincent Massol 32.1 16 == New Profile & WatchList UI ==
Marta Girdea 42.7 18 * Complete overhaul of the Profile UI(((
Vincent Massol 41.2 19 [[[[image:profile-home.png||style="border:1px solid black; padding:1px; display:block; width: 800px"]]>>attach:profile-home.png]]
20 )))
Marta Girdea 42.7 21 * Inclusion of the WatchList manager page into the Profile as a tab(((
Vincent Massol 41.2 22 [[[[image:profile-watchlist.png||style="border:1px solid black; padding:1px; display:block; width: 800px"]]>>attach:profile-watchlist.png]]
23 )))
Marta Girdea 42.7 24 * Inline-based editing for modifying profile details(((
Vincent Massol 41.2 25 [[[[image:profile-edit.png||style="border:1px solid black; padding:1px; display:block;"]]>>attach:profile-edit.png]]
26 )))
Vincent Massol 32.1 27 * Added Profile tab for managing Profile preferences
Vincent Massol 34.1 28 * Converted to XWiki Syntax 2.0
Vincent Massol 32.1 29
Vincent Massol 34.2 30 == New Registration page ==
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 31
Vincent Massol 42.2 32 [[[[image:registration.png||style="border:1px solid black; padding:1px; display:block; width: 800px"]]>>attach:registration.png]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 33
Vincent Massol 32.1 34 * Ability to display a Captcha for spam prevention.
35 * All fields are checked by client-side script as the user types, then checked by the server for security.
Marta Girdea 42.7 36 * One-click login after registration.(((
Thomas Mortagne 17.1 37 [[image:OneClickLogin.png||width="500"]]
Vincent Massol 32.1 38 )))
Thomas Mortagne 13.1 39 * Easy for administrators to add fields, configuration with code.
40 * Can be imported/edited without programming rights.
Vincent Massol 32.1 41 * Works on older wikis if LiveValidation is imported (Captcha won't appear)
Thomas Mortagne 13.1 42
Vincent Massol 34.2 43 == New Menu in Edit mode ==
Thomas Mortagne 13.1 44
Vincent Massol 42.11 45 The different edition modes that used to be in a separate Panel are now in a new edit menu (similarly to the menu you get in view mode).
Thomas Mortagne 11.1 46
Thomas Mortagne 10.1 47 image:editmodeui.png
Thomas Mortagne 8.1 49 == WYSIWYG improvements ==
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 50
Thomas Mortagne 28.1 51 === Improved speed and responsiveness of the WYSIWYG editor ===
Thomas Mortagne 8.1 52
Vincent Massol 34.2 53 * Decreased the number of tool bar updates (the updates should be delayed with a significant number of milliseconds); normally, just a single update needs to be executed, after the user finishes typing a text fragment
54 * Decreased the number of evaluations done at each update by using a cache; most of the evaluations are related to the current selection and are shared by multiple editor plugins
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 55
Thomas Mortagne 7.1 56 == Comments UI improvements ==
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 57
Thomas Mortagne 7.1 58 === Edit comment ===
Marta Girdea 42.7 60 The users have the possibility to edit their comments.
Thomas Mortagne 21.1 61
Sergiu Dumitriu 42.9 62 [[[[image:editcomment.png||style="border:1px solid black; padding:1px; display:block;"]]>>attach:editcomment.png]]
Thomas Mortagne 5.1 63
Thomas Mortagne 7.1 64 === Preview comment ===
Marta Girdea 42.7 66 The users have the possibility to preview their comment before submitting it.
Thomas Mortagne 21.1 67
Sergiu Dumitriu 42.9 68 [[[[image:previewcomment1.png||style="border:1px solid black; padding:1px; display:block;"]]>>attach:previewcomment1.png]]
Thomas Mortagne 7.1 69
Sergiu Dumitriu 42.9 70 [[[[image:previewcomment2.png||style="border:1px solid black; padding:1px; display:block;"]]>>attach:previewcomment2.png]]
Marta Girdea 42.7 71
Vincent Massol 32.1 72 == Important bugs fixed ==
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 73
74 * HTML export now support dynamic skin elements (like Colibri skin color theme system)
Thomas Mortagne 20.1 76 == Dependencies upgrade ==
78 * Upgrade to GWT 2.0.0
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 80 == General Notes ==
Caleb James DeLisle 45.4 82 {{warning}}
83 If you're running in a multiwiki setup you'll also need to define the property // to your //xwiki.cfg// file or explicitly name all databases to be migrated as in <tt>,db2,...//.
84 {{/warning}}
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 85
86 You may also want to [[import the default wiki XAR>>Main.Download]] in order to benefit from the improvements listed above.
Caleb James DeLisle 45.4 88 {{warning}}
Vincent Massol 45.5 89 Always make sure you compare your //xwiki.cfg// file with the newest version since some configuration parameters were added. The XWiki CaptchaPlugin was replaced by the [[Captcha Module>>extensions:Extension.Captcha Module]]. If your //xwiki.cfg// contains the line "com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.captcha.CaptchaPlugin," you must remove it otherwise XWiki will fail to start. Note you should add // so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
Caleb James DeLisle 45.4 90 {{/warning}}
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 91
92 = Dependencies =
94 This release includes the following modules in the specified versions since XWiki Enterprise 2.2 Milestone 1 was released.
96 == Core/Web ==
98 |=Group Id|=Artifact Id|=New Version|=Old Version|=JIRA URL
Thomas Mortagne 47.1 99 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform##|##xwiki-*##|2.2-milestone-2|2.2-milestone-1|[[jira>>]]
100 |##org.xwiki.platform##|##xwiki-*##|2.2-milestone-2|2.2-milestone-1|[[jira>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 101
102 == Applications ==
104 |=Group Id|=Artifact Id|=New Version|=Old Version|=JIRA URL
Thomas Mortagne 47.1 105 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-administration##|1.23|1.22|[[jira>>]]
106 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-blog##|1.19|1.19|[[jira>>]]
107 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-officeimporter##|1.13|1.13|[[jira>>]]
108 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-panels##|1.32|1.31|[[jira>>]]
109 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-scheduler##|1.16|1.16|[[jira>>]]
110 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-statistics##|1.6|1.6|[[jira>>]]
111 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-tag##|1.8|1.8|[[jira>>]]
112 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-watchlist##|1.24|1.24|[[jira>>]]
113 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-webdav##|1.2|1.2|[[jira>>]]
114 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.applications##|##xwiki-application-wiki-macro-bridge##|1.3|1.3|[[jira>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 115
116 == Plugins ==
118 |=Group Id|=Artifact Id|=New Version|=Old Version|=JIRA URL
Thomas Mortagne 47.1 119 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.plugins##|##xwiki-plugin-activitystream##|1.5|1.5|[[jira>>]]
120 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.plugins##|##xwiki-plugin-jodatime##|1.3|1.3|[[jira>>]]
121 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.plugins##|##xwiki-plugin-lucene##|1.14|1.13|[[jira>>]]
122 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.plugins##|##xwiki-plugin-mailsender##|1.13|1.13|[[jira>>]]
123 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.plugins##|##xwiki-plugin-scheduler##|1.16|1.16|[[jira>>]]
124 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.plugins##|##xwiki-plugin-skinx##|1.13|1.13|[[jira>>]]
125 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.plugins##|##xwiki-plugin-tag##|1.8|1.8|[[jira>>]]
126 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.plugins##|##xwiki-plugin-watchlist##|1.24|1.24|[[jira>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 127
128 == Skins ==
130 |=Group Id|=Artifact Id|=New Version|=Old Version|=JIRA URL
Thomas Mortagne 47.1 131 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.skins##|##xwiki-skin-albatross##|1.27|1.27|[[jira>>]]
132 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.skins##|##xwiki-skin-colibri##|1.10|1.9|[[jira>>]]
133 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform.skins##|##xwiki-skin-toucan##|1.32|1.32|[[jira>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 134
135 == Top Level POM ==
137 |=Group Id|=Artifact Id|=New Version|=Old Version
138 |##com.xpn.xwiki.platform##|##xwiki##|28|28
140 == Tools ==
142 |=Group Id|=Artifact Id|=New Version|=Old Version|=JIRA URL
Thomas Mortagne 47.1 143 ||##xwiki-configuration-resources##|1.37|1.36|[[jira>>]]
144 ||##xwiki-jetty-resources##|1.17|1.17|[[jira>>]]
145 ||##xwiki-license-resources##|1.1|1.1|[[jira>>]]
146 ||##xwiki-packager-plugin##|1.15|1.15|[[jira>>]]
147 ||##xwiki-rootwebapp##|1.3|1.3|[[jira>>]]
148 ||##standards-validator##|1.1|1.1|[[jira>>]]
149 ||##xwiki-xar-handlers##|1.9|1.9|[[jira>>]]
150 ||##xwiki-xar-plugin##|1.13|1.13|[[jira>>]]
151 ||##xwiki-verification-resources##|1.14|1.14|[[jira>>]]

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