Wiki source code of Roadmap

Version 884.1 by Marius Dumitru Florea on 2024/11/29

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1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc depth="3"/}}
3 {{/box}}
5 The [[XWiki development process>>dev:Main.WebHome]] uses [[JIRA>>]] for listing all tasks to be implemented and all bugs to be fixed.
7 You'll find there the dates and versions planned for issues to be fixed and hence the XWiki roadmaps.
9 If you're interested to help out check the [[contributing page>>dev:Community.Contributing]].
11 Already implemented roadmaps can be found in the [[archives>>Roadmaps.Archives.WebHome]].
13 = XWiki 16.x [[Cycle>>dev:Community.VersioningAndReleasePractices]] =
15 Release dates for the 16.x Cycle:
17 * 16.0.0: January 2024 (/)
18 * 16.1.0: February 2024 (/)
19 * 16.2.0: March 2024 (/)
20 * 16.3.0: April 2024 (/)
21 * 16.4.0: May 2024 (/)
22 * 16.5.0: June 2024 (/)
23 * 16.6.0: July 2024 (/)
24 * 16.7.0: August 2024 (/)
25 * 16.8.0: September 2024 (/)
26 * 16.9.0: October 2024 (/)
27 * 16.10.0: November 2024 (/)
28 * 16.10.1: December 2024 (x)
29 * 16.10.2: December 2024 (x)
31 {{comment}}
32 * TBD - TBD(((
33 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
34 TBD-1234
35 {{/jira}}
36 )))
37 {{/comment}}
39 = December Roadmap =
41 General goals:
43 * Stabilization!
44 * Finish features started in the XWiki 16.x cycle so that they are considered finished by the stakeholders. It's important to plan quickly a meeting with your stakeholders to discuss that.
46 == XWiki Standard ===
48 === For 16.10.1 & 16.10.2 ===
50 * WCAG - Lucas + Michael reviewing the PRs/merge them
51 ** Outstanding from past roadmaps:(((
52 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
53 XWIKI-22496
54 {{/jira}}
55 )))
56 ** New:(((
57 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
58 XWIKI-22492
59 XWIKI-17664
60 {{/jira}}
61 )))
62 * Security issues - Pierre & Michael
63 ** Outstanding from past roadmaps:
64 *** (Pierre)
65 *** (Michael)
66 *** (Michael)
67 *** (Michael)
68 *** (Michael)
69 * UI/UX improvements - Thiago + Adina
70 ** Outstanding from past roadmaps:
71 *** Thiago:
72 **** Keep some time of availability to discuss/work on UI design for Required Rights (
73 *** Adina:(((
74 * {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}XWIKI-22194
75 XWIKI-22607{{/jira}}
76 )))
77 ** New:
78 *** Thiago:(((
79 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
80 XWIKI-22684
81 {{/jira}}
82 )))
83 *** Adina:(((
84 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
85 XWIKI-22685
86 {{/jira}}
87 )))
88 * Realtime - Marius
89 ** Outstanding from past roadmaps:(((
90 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
91 XWIKI-22284
92 {{/jira}}
93 )))
94 * Consistency of message boxes - Lucas
95 ** Outstanding from past roadmaps:(((
96 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
97 XWIKI-22433
98 {{/jira}}
99 )))
100 * Required Rights - Michael
101 ** New:{{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
102 XWIKI-22665
103 XWIKI-22461
104 {{/jira}}
105 * Various important issues:
106 ** Outstanding from past roadmaps:(((
107 {{jira id="xwikiorg" fields="type, key, status, assignee, summary, created"}}
108 XWIKI-17777
109 XWIKI-22611
110 {{/jira}}
111 )))
112 ** New:(((
113 {{jira id="xwikiorg" fields="type, key, status, assignee, summary, created"}}
114 XWIKI-21071
115 XWIKI-22575
116 XWIKI-22617
117 XWIKI-22344
118 XWIKI-22516
119 XWIKI-22571
120 {{/jira}}
121 )))
122 * PDF Export - Marius:
123 ** New:(((
124 {{jira id="xwikiorg" fields="type, key, status, assignee, summary, created"}}
125 XWIKI-22694
126 {{/jira}}
127 )))
129 === For 17.0.0 ===
131 * Javax -> Jakarta migration - Thomas
132 ** New:
133 *** Stabilize the jakarta branches and merge
134 * Speed up page save - Thomas
135 ** New:(((
136 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
137 XWIKI-22613
138 {{/jira}}
139 )))
141 == Contrib & Others ==
143 * Cristal contrib extension 0.13 - Manuel + Pierre + Marius + Thiago
144 ** Redefining of the MVP which becomes "Minimal personal Note-taking app". Deadline: end of Jan 2025, for FOSDEM. Goal: polish what we have.
145 ** New:(((
146 {{jira id="xwikiorg" fields="type, key, status, assignee, summary, created"}}
147 CRISTAL-302
148 CRISTAL-284
149 CRISTAL-252
150 CRISTAL-182
151 CRISTAL-236
152 CRISTAL-304
153 CRISTAL-307
154 CRISTAL-310
155 CRISTAL-311
156 CRISTAL-194
157 {{/jira}}
159 * Use the app to find areas of UI/UX improvements - All
160 * Help polish all UIs + review existing UIs vs mockups - Thiago
161 )))
162 * Replication - Thomas
163 ** New:(((
164 {{jira id="xwikiorg" fields="type, key, status, assignee, summary, created"}}
165 REPLICAT-196
166 {{/jira}}
167 )))
169 Other:
171 * All: BFDs on Thursdays
172 * All: Fix flickers
173 * All: With the time left, fix some critical/major open bugs.
175 == Dates ==
177 * 16.10.1: 9th of December 2024
178 * 16.10.2: Between 23rd and 30th of December 2024 (complex period, need to find an available RM)

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