XWiki Roadmap Archives for the 10.x Release Cycle
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2018/12/27
- XWiki 10.x Cycle
- XWiki 10.11
- XWiki 10.10
- XWiki 10.9
- XWiki 10.8
- XWiki 10.7
- XWiki 10.6
- XWiki 10.5
- XWiki 10.4
- XWiki 10.3
- XWiki 10.2
- XWiki 10.1
- XWiki 10.0
XWiki 10.x Cycle
Release dates for the 10.x Cycle:
- 10.0: January 2018
- 10.1: February 2018
- 10.2: March 2018
- 10.3: April 2018
- 10.4: May 2018
- 10.5: June 2018
- 10.6: July 2018
- 10.7: August 2018
- 10.8: September 2018
- 10.9: October 2018
- 10.10: November 2018
- 10.11: December 2018
XWiki 10.11
- All: BFD (20%)
- Thomas/Vincent: Improve STAMP KPIs (20%)
- All: Bug fixing/small polishing focus on items added during 10.x
- Marius/Adel: Auto complete of references in WYSIWYG Macro Dialog (+ grouping feature so that users don't get both "page" and "reference" at the same time + "deprecated"/"priority" to show "page" more proeminently than "reference")
- Thomas: More async/caching of UIX.
- Thomas: Bug: Unsupported character exception is warned in console when downloading attachment
- Simon: Import: make it work with new versions of Libre Office (idea: use a more recent fork of jodconverter, we identified one and check if we need to merge changes we did in our fork)
- 10.11RC1:
17th18th of Dec 2018 - 10.11Final:
24th-31st26th of Dec 2018 (I’m putting a range since it’s Christmas and we don’t know who’ll be there)
XWiki 10.10
- Thomas/Vincent: Improve STAMP KPIs (20%)
- All: BFD (20%)
Outstanding work:
- Thomas: continue work on performance (started in 10.4). Goal: go back to XWiki 8.x performance!
- Specifically commit the work already done on the asynchronous framework/macro + apply it for UIX + panels + other places - Status: work already done mostly, will require a few more days
- Other performance-related topics
- Specifically commit the work already done on the asynchronous framework/macro + apply it for UIX + panels + other places - Status: work already done mostly, will require a few more days
- Simon/Marius (moved from 10.8 roadmap): Macro inline editing in WYSIWYG
- Work mostly done but there are still some leftovers, especially in XRENDERING-518 which is proving harder than expected. Since it’s already late in the release, it’ll be committed in 10.10RC1.
- Work mostly done but there are still some leftovers, especially in XRENDERING-518 which is proving harder than expected. Since it’s already late in the release, it’ll be committed in 10.10RC1.
- Adel (moved from 10.8 roadmap): finish applying Autocomplete on reference everywhere,
- We have one issue that is in 10.9. The rest is ready but will be committed in 10.10 only (too late for 10.9).
- We have one issue that is in 10.9. The rest is ready but will be committed in 10.10 only (too late for 10.9).
- Simon: Page Move/Renaming: don't allow and/or warn when moving pages containing xclass definitions. Use case: prevent users from breaking AWM apps they created
- Work finished but too late to be in 10.9. Will now be in 10.10
- Work finished but too late to be in 10.9. Will now be in 10.10
- Adel/Marius (moved from 10.8 roadmap): Auto complete of references in WYSIWYG Macro Dialog (+ grouping feature so that users don't get both "page" and "reference" at the same time + "deprecated"/"priority" to show "page" more proemintenly than "reference")
- Guillaume: fix outstanding issues for notifications
New work:
- Simon: Button to remove all deleted pages/attachments in a single click
Best effort (if time permits, the items below are previous leftovers from previous roadmaps or items originally planned for 10.10):
- Marius/Adel/Simon: ConfigurableClass doesn't support page level configuration ccse
- Marius/Adel/Simon: Import: make it work with new versions of Libre Office (idea: use a more recent fork of jodconverter, we identified one and check if we need to merge changes we did in our fork)
- Marius/Adel/Simon: Display Reference of documents to copy paste
- Marius/Adel/Simon: Improve the XClass picker when in object edit mode (make it like the Add Macro dialog for WYSIWYG editor)
- Thomas: work on some items to make the upgrade experience simpler + unattended upgrades (ability to upgrade XWiki from the command line without interaction). Use the result of Caty's investigation from XWiki 10.8 period.
- 10.10RC1:
19th of November 201821th of November 2018 - 10.10Final:
26th of November 201829th of November 2018
XWiki 10.9
- Thomas/Vincent: Improve STAMP KPIs (20%) - 1 day per week
- All: BFD (20%)
- Thomas: continue work on performance (started in 10.4). Goal: go back to XWiki 8.x performance! Hint: https://t.co/0ZckyVYg6c
- Simon/Marius (moved from 10.8 roadmap): Macro inline editing in WYSIWYG
- Adel/Marius (moved from 10.8 roadmap): Auto complete of references in WYSIWYG Macro Dialog (+ grouping feature so that users don't get both "page" and "reference" at the same time + "deprecated"/"priority" to show "page" more proemintenly than "reference")
- Adel (moved from 10.8 roadmap): finish applying Autocomplete on reference everywhere, see https://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/AutocompleteOnReference
- Simon: Page Move/Renaming: don't allow and/or warn when moving pages containing xclass definitions. Use case: prevent users from breaking AWM apps they created
- Guillaume: Remove AS whenever it's used and replaced it with the new Notifications macro
Best effort: If we have time (otherwise candidates for 10.10+):
- Marius/Adel/Simon: Display Reference of documents to copy paste
- Marius/Adel/Simon: Improve the XClass picker when in object edit mode (make it like the Add Macro dialog for WYSIWYG editor)
- Thomas: work on some items to make the upgrade experience simpler + unattended upgrades (ability to upgrade XWiki from the command line without interaction). Use the result of Caty's investigation from XWiki 10.8 period.
10.9RC1: 22nd of October 2018(skipped)- 10.9Final:
29th30th of October 2018
XWiki 10.8
- Thomas, Marius, Adel, Simon, anyone interested: Improve STAMP KPIs (20%) - 1 day per week
- All: BFD (20%)
- Thomas: continue work on performance (started in 10.4). Goal: go back to XWiki 8.x performance! Hint: https://t.co/0ZckyVYg6c
- Thomas: Add a new tab in the user profile to list groups the user belongs to
- Marius: Improve the Group sheet page. When viewing a group page, be able to filter by first name, last name in addition of id (which is already implemented).
- Guillaume: Notifications performance + bugfixes
- Marius/Simon: For macros having wiki markup content (need new macro descriptor metadata), let the user enter it in the WYSIWYG directly. When hovering over the macro allow editing content + have some icons to edit parameters (similar to the CKEditor easy image feature: https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/issues/932 They call it a "balloon toolbar"). Related: Macros Options
- Simon: Move Menus inside administration (see http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/IdeaMenuInAdministration)
- Adel/Simon/Marius: finish applying Autocomplete on reference everywhere, see https://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/AutocompleteOnReference#HWYIWYGMacros
- Vincent/Thomas: Possible work on improving the LaTeX exporter (will maybe be done in October or split between Sep. and Oct.)
- Caty: investigate how we could make the upgrade experience simpler.
- Caty: investigation for a new XClass picker in object edit mode
- 10.8RC1:
17th of Sep18th of Sep - 10.8Final: 24th of Sep
XWiki 10.7
- Bug fixing (50%)
- Increasing test coverage and mutation scores (50%)
10.7RC1: 20th of August 2018- 10.7Final: 27th of August 2018
XWiki 10.6
- Thomas: continue work on performance (started in 10.4)
- Thomas: Bug fixes (ongoing)
- Guillaume: Notifications bugfixes
- Marius/Adel: For macros having wiki markup content (need new macro descriptor metadata), let the user enter it in the WYSIWYG directly. When hovering over the macro allow editing content + have some icons to edit parameters (similar to the CKEditor easy image feature: https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/issues/932 They call it a "balloon toolbar"). Related: http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/MacrosOptions
- Marius/Adel: Move Menus inside administration (see http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/IdeaMenuInAdministration)
- 10.6RC1:
11th16th of July 2018. - 10.6Final:
18th20th of July 2018 (Need to be released before the 20th since XWiki SAS seminar starts on the 23rd of July).
XWiki 10.5
- Thomas: continue work on performance (started in 10.4)
- Thomas: Fix inconsistence of WebHome appearing everywhere when using references in macros and API calls. Finish Nested Spaces/Pages work. Page API.
- Guillaume: Notifications bugfixes
- Marius/Adel: Autocomplete on reference. Note: This would lessen the issue with WebHome.
- Example 1: In object editor when the type is "Page Reference" + picker
- Example 2: In WYSIWYG macro editor when a macro has a reference parameter + picker, see locations
- Example 3: Database list (class reference input field) (especially important for AWM apps)
- Marius/Adel: Finish Visible Save implementation, see XWIKI-14162
- 10.5RC1: 11th of June 2018
Note: we're giving a few less days so that we have enough time for 10.6 before the XWiki SAS yearly seminar
- 10.5Final:
18th of June 201819th of June 2018
XWiki 10.4
Thomas: Finish work for edit protection from 10.3. Specifically ability to prevent editing/moving/deleting extension pages when a confi param is set for that.
- Thomas: Register global wiki macro at wiki level when the macro document is in a subwiki
- Thomas: Performance work. Goal: be as good as XWiki 8.4.x. Fix performance issue in XWiki 10.x/Investigate problems with notifications. See for ex https://forum.xwiki.org/t/xwiki-and-tomcat-crashes/2788 but several users have reported issues so there's definitely something really bad happening.
- Guillaume: Finish AS replacement + continue fixing Notifications problems
- Marius: Improve Navigation panel. Introduce notion of blacklist for the Navigation panel and provide an Admin UI for it. Goal: remove the XWiki space by default using this blacklist (users can be seen in the User Index). Allow users to control better what they have in the panel + control the order. Others: try to improve performance.
- Adel: Evaluate and implement weblate for XWiki (replacement for l10n). Note: weblate is moving fast: https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/changes.html
10.4RC1: 14th of May 201810.4Final: 22nd of May 2018 (21st is a bank holiday in France)21st of May 2018
XWiki 10.3
Fully replace the AS with Notifications (leftover from 10.2) - Assignee: GuillaumeDelayed to futureIntroduce notion of blacklist for the Navigation panel and provide an Admin UI for it. Goal: remove the XWiki space by default using this blacklist (users can be seen in the User Index). Assignee: MariusDelayed to futureSlot reserved for one usability improvement from those explored by Caty. Assignee: MariusDelayed to futureSlot reserved for one usability improvement from those explored by Caty. Assignee: GuillaumeDelayed to future- Finish the work for "Discourage or disallow users to edit an extension's page“ - (see also the design page) - Assignee: Thomas
Start work on performance. Goal: be as good as XWiki 8.4.x - Assignee: ThomasDelayed to future
- 10.3RC1:
16th of April 2018Skipped since we were too late
- 10.3Final:
26th of April 201823rd of April 2018
XWiki 10.2
- Finish moving to FS-based attachments by default (it was planned for 10.0 already) - Assignee: Thomas
- Note that the work is done but we’d make it the default in 10.2, giving us more time to do additional tests
- Prevent accidental move/renames - Assignee: Thomas
- Start designing the work for "Discourage or disallow users to edit an extension's page“ - (see also the design page) - Assignee: Thomas
- Finish work on Notifications - Assignee: Guillaume
- Known bug fixes
- Improvements:
- Continue preparation/discusssions about usability proposals - Assignee: Caty
- 10.2RC1: 19th of March 2018
- 10.2Final: 26th of March 2018
XWiki 10.1
- Finish moving to FS-based attachments by default (it was planned for 10.0 already) - Assignee: Thomas
- Finish polishing/tuning/fixing Notifications and remove watchlist - Assigne: Guillaume
- Idea: enable mails by default when notifs are enabled.
- Idea: enable mails by default when notifs are enabled.
- Prevent accidental move/renames - http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14591 - Assignee: Thomas
- Start discussions to agree about usability proposals listed at http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/Usability/Tasks5/Prioritization/ so that the first ones can be done during 10.2 and 10.3 - Assignee: Caty
- Skin refresh investigation (including Bootstrap 4) - Assignee: Caty
- 10.1RC1: 19th of Feb 2018
- 10.1Final: 26th of Feb 2018
XWiki 10.0
- Finish notifications - Guillaume (will be backported in 9.x)
- FS attachments by default - Thomas
- Performance - Thomas
- Skin refresh investigation + continue on usability for onboarding of admins and users (examples: inviting and adding users, creating the initial hierarchy of pages, change the logo, create the top menu) - Caty
- 10.0RC1: 22nd of Jan 2018
- 10.0Final: 29th of Jan 2018