
Mar 31 2022

XWiki 14.2.1 Released

This is a bugfix release that covers very important issues that we have discovered right after 14.2 has been released.

Mar 30 2022

XWiki 13.10.4 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.10.4. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues that we have discovered since 13.10.3 has been released.

Mar 28 2022

XWiki 14.2 Released

This release add support for attachment usage refactoring when moving or renaming attachments, and introduce the Client-side PDF Export extension, allowing users to export wiki pages to PDF using the browser's print to PDF feature.

Mar 22 2022

XWiki 14.2 Release Candidate 1 Released

This release add support for attachment usage refactoring when moving or renaming attachments, and introduce the Client-side PDF Export extension, allowing users to export wiki pages to PDF using the browser's print to PDF feature.
For developers, it is now possible to possible to execute JavaScript code after the page is fully ready. In addition, the custom event propertiesEdit is not stronly typed (i.e., not only strings).

Feb 28 2022

XWiki 14.1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 14.1. This release adds support for displaying images from the page content in a lightbox and extends the image syntax to support image captions. The latter requires HTML5, so we added support for HTML5 in various places, such as the HTML Macro, WYSIWYG Editor, rendered diff. For developers, we introduce a new API to perform asynchronous document static analysis, which is currently used to collect mentions from page content or comments, and will be soon used to collect backlinks. Another notable change is the jQuery upgrade, which comes with some API breakages, so please make sure you read the migration notes.

Feb 23 2022

XWiki 14.1 Release Candidate 1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 14.1 Release Candidate 1. This release adds support for displaying images from the page content in a lightbox and extends the image syntax to support image captions. The later requires HTML5 so we added support for HTML5 in varios places, such as the HTML Macro, WYSIWYG Editor, rendered diff. For developers we introduce a new API to perform asynchronous document static analysis, which is currently used to collect mentions from page content or comments, and will be soon used to collect backlinks. Another notable change is the jQuery upgrade which comes with some API breakages so please make sure you read the migration notes.

Feb 16 2022

XWiki 13.10.3 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.10.3. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues that we have discovered since 13.10.2 has been released.

Jan 31 2022

XWiki 14.0 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 14.0. This is the first release of the 14.x cycle which introduces dropping support for Java 8: XWiki now requires Java 11 to work. As part of this cycle we're also dropping support of Internet Explorer 11. This release includes new work to allow refactoring of attachments, a few new UI extension points for developers and the ability to discover extensions contributing missing macros and to install them quickly.

Jan 25 2022

XWiki 14.0 Release Candidate 1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 14.0 Release Candidate 1. This is the first release of 14.x cycle which introduces the drop of Java 8: XWiki now requires Java 11 to work. As part of this cycle we're also dropping support of Internet Explorer 11. This release includes new work to allow refactoring of attachments, a few new UI extension points for developpers and better explanatory messages when macro are missing, among other improvments.

Jan 12 2022

Highlights of XWiki 13.x cycle

January is here and this means we've just finished the XWiki 13.x cycle. It's time to look back at what we achieved last year, in 2021. Here are some links to visual reports of what was done in 13.x:

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