
Last modified by Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) on 2013/09/25

19 posts

Jan 21 2025

XWiki and Cryptpad communities meetup at FOSDEM 2025

The XWiki development team is happy to announce that the XWiki and CryptPad communities will be gathering at an informal meetup at FOSDEM, on Saturday, 1st of February. For this purpose, we have created a registration form so that we can organize everything and also keep you informed of all the latest details.

Important information to know:

  • Day: February 1, 2025
  • Hour: starting with 20:00 until 00:00
  • Location:  Scott’s Bar & Kitchen, Rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères 2,1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

The party will be organized in collaboration with NextCloud and OpenProject.

PS: If by chance you can’t make it anymore, please let us know as soon as possible to open up your place to somebody on the waiting list.

Sep 03 2024

Invitation to the XWiki SAS Party

XWiki SAS, and the XWiki software, are turning 20 this year, and I'm delighted to invite you to celebrate together this milestone on Thursday, the 19th of September, on the Loceynius barge, at Solférino port (Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France), starting at 20:30

Your contributions have been a vital part of this open-source journey, and so we have open spots for the XWiki community. Regardless how small or big your contributions were, if you contributed some code, a translation, some documentation, participated in some discussion, or contributed in another way, you're welcome. 

If you'd like to join us, please confirm your participation before the 6th of September at latest, so we can make sure there's enough cheer to go around: register. ...

Jan 25 2024

XWiki and Cryptpad communities meetup at FOSDEM 2024

The XWiki development team is happy to announce that the XWiki and CryptPad communities will be gathering at an informal meetup at FOSDEM, on Saturday, 3rd of February. For this purpose, we have created a registration form so that we can organize everything and also keep you informed of all the latest details.

Important information to know:

  • Day: February 3, 2024
  • Hour: starting with 19:00 until 00:00
  • Location: 2nd floor (Mezzanine) at Scott’s Bar & Kitchen, Rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères 2,1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

PS: If by chance you can’t make it anymore, please let us know as soon as possible to open up your place to somebody on the waiting list.

Oct 08 2019

FOSDEM 2020 - Collaborative information and content management applications - Call for participation

The XWiki development team is very happy to announce the call for participation of the devroom "Collaborative information and content management application devroom", held during the 2020 edition of FOSDEM, on the morning of Saturday February 1st. ...

Aug 26 2019

My GSOC19 Experience

Hello there! My name is Divyansh Jain. I am a student at Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University. I have been selected as an Android developer for the XWiki organization and I've finished working on their XWiki Android Authenticator application in GSOC19. ...

Oct 19 2018

Collaborative information and content management application devroom - Call for participation

The XWiki development team is very happy to announce the call for participation of the devroom "Collaborative information and content management application devroom", held during the 2019 edition of FOSDEM, on the afternoon of Saturday 2nd February.

Please see below for the full call for participation.

Call for Participation

This is the call for participation in the FOSDEM 2019 devroom on Collaborative information and content management applications, to be held on Saturday 2nd February 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. We are looking for contributions under the form of conferences, talks or discussions covering the following main topics:

  • New projects presentation
  • Self-hosted platforms
  • Secure collaboration
  • Collaborative applications
  • Connectors & Integrations
  • Knowledge management techniques
  • Protocols for collaboration

If you have any idea of a talk fitting into the subject of the devroom, please don't hesitate to let us know about it!
We hope to provide an opportunity for everyone to meet and exchange about collaborative issues encountered while using Open Source solutions ; present the some tools used for content management and discuss about global solutions for incentivizing collaboration.

Submission process

Please submit your proposals at before December 10th 2018.

If you already have a Pentabarf account (for example as a result of having submitted a proposal in the past), make sure you use it to log in and submit your proposal. Do not create a new account if you already have one. Please provide a bit of information about yourself under Person -> Description -> Abstract. When you submit your proposal (creating an "Event" in Pentabarf), make sure you choose the "Collaborative information and content management applications devroom" in the track drop-down menu. Otherwise your proposal might go unnoticed. Fill in at least a title and abstract for the proposed talk and a suggested duration. Bear in mind that a lot of the value in these meetings comes from the discussions, so please be reasonable regarding the duration of the talk.

Important dates

December 10th 2018: deadline for submission of proposals
December 16th 2018 or before: announcement of final schedule
February 2nd 2019, in the afternoon: devroom day


The FOSDEM organizers hope to be able to live-stream and record all the talks. The recordings will be published under the same license as all FOSDEM content (CC-BY). Only presentations will be recorded, not informal discussions and whatever happens during breaks between presentations. By agreeing to present at FOSDEM, you automatically give permission to be recorded. The organizers will agree to make exceptions but only for exceptional and well-reasoned cases.

Other information

This developer room is backed up by the following projects : 

  • Cryptpad
  • Nextcloud
  • OW2
  • Tiki
  • XWiki

To get a bit more information about the devroom itself, including the initial proposal of the devroom itself, please see this page.

If you have any question about this devroom, please don't hesitate to get in touch by sending us an email to

The XWiki development team

Oct 12 2018

XWiki & CryptPad hackathon in San Francisco

Between the 12th and the 20th of October, Ludovic Dubost, Anca Luca and Clément Aubin will be in San Francisco. They're looking forward to meeting contributors and friends from the area, so let them know if you want to grab a coffee and exchange ideas.

What's more is that you can join themat the hackathon hosted by Noisebridge, on Saturday, 20 October. The event will start with a presentation about CryptPad, the end-to-end encrypted realtime collaboration tool, followed by the hackathon on CryptPad and XWiki, the open source software, where you can bring your contribution to the code.

The host will be Steve Phillips, creator of CrypTag & Cypherpunks Write Code and lead developer of LeapChat. Noisebridge is a hackerspace for technical-creative projects, doocratically run by its members. They are a non-profit educational institution intended for public benefit. Located in the heart of San Francisco, their motto is: We teach, we learn, we share. 

For more details about the event read a blog article posted on the XWiki SAS blog.

Feb 06 2018

XWiki at FOSDEM 2018

On 3 & 4 February 2018 we've participated to the annual FOSDEM (Open Source Developers’ European Meeting) event. XWiki SAS sponsored 12 XWikiers that held 8 presentations around XWiki or other general interest topics. Check out some pictures and video recordings from the event. ...

May 09 2016

XWiki at Open Source Camp Iasi 2016

XWiki took part in the first edition of Open Source Camp, hosted at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, in Iasi, Romania. ...

Jan 27 2016

XWiki at FOSDEM 2016

Remember FOSDEM? That big free event which every year gathers thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world in Brussels? This year will take place at ULB Campus Solbosch on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st of January 2016. The XWiki team members will be there as speakers, as representatives at the stand or as attendances, ready to meet and share ideas with you! ...

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