May 24 2021
XWiki 13.4 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.4. This release continues to bring Live Data improvments, focusing on the look & feel and adding the ability to edit inline the table data and the ability to filter boolean values. In the same spirit, some existing live tables in XWiki Standard have been converted to Live Data including the list of releases, panels, wikis or likes. Other minor improvments are also provided, like the refactoring of references in macros or a new REST API for the icon theme application. ...
May 18 2021
XWiki 13.4 Release Candidate 1 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.4 Release Candidate 1. This release continues to bring Live Data improvments in particular some changes in the look & feel and the capability to perform inline edition of data in tables and to filter boolean values. In the same spirit, some existing live tables in XWiki Standard have been converted to Live Data including the list of releases, panels, wikis or likes. The release also provides other minor improvments like the refactoring of references in macros, or a new REST API for the icon theme application. ...
May 13 2021
XWiki 12.10.7 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 12.10.7. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues, including 8 blockers, that we have discovered since XWiki 12.10.6 has been released. We strongly encourage users to upgrade to it. ...
Apr 26 2021
XWiki 13.3 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.2. The release brings the ability to define default notification filters for new users and paves the way for adding components metadata inside Extensions (such as being able to indicate the Rendering macros that an Extension provides; This will allow for future use cases such as exposing all available macros from inside your wiki, even for extensions that you haven't installed yet!). Security has been tightened by not allowing redirection to other domains without an explicit consent. Last but not least, this release brings several developer improvements: Localization REST endpoint, a Syntax Registry, LESS compilation support for WebJars, and more. ...
Apr 19 2021
XWiki 13.3 Release Candidate 1 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.3 Release Candidate 1. The release brings the ability to define default notification filters for new users and paves the way for adding metadata inside Extensions (such as being able to indicate the Rendering macros that an Extension provides; This will allow for future use cases such as exposing all available macros from inside your wiki, even for extensions that you haven't installed yet!). Security has been tightened by not allowing redirection to other domains without an explicit consent. Last but not least, this release brings several developer improvements: Localization REST endpoint, a Syntax Registry, LESS compilation for WebJars, and more. ...
Apr 08 2021
XWiki 12.10.6 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 12.10.6. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues, including 6 blockers, that we have discovered since XWiki 12.10.5 has been released. We strongly encourage users to upgrade to it. ...
Mar 30 2021
XWiki 13.2 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.2. This release improves the notification filter management, by separating the system filters from the user-made filters, and the notification settings management, by allowing administrators to access and modify notification settings for any user from the corresponding user profile. In-place editing has been improved to update various parts of the UI (breadcrumbs, navigation tree, tabs) on save. The links to create a missing page translation from the Information tab now open directly the in-place editor if that is your preferred editor. Last but not least, the Translate button that was previously available when editing in-place is now available in view mode also, when it makes sense. ...
Mar 22 2021
XWiki 13.2 Release Candidate 1 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.2 Release Candidate 1. The maximum size of pages references, titles and short string properties has been increased from 255 to 768 characters. It also gives more control to administrators on user notification configuration and generally improve notification filters readability. Finally, it contains various bugfixes and improvements. ...
Mar 12 2021
XWiki 12.10.5 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 12.10.5. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues, including 4 blockers, that we have discovered since XWiki 12.10.4 has been released. We strongly encourage users to upgrade to it. ...
Feb 23 2021
XWiki 13.1 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.1. Mostly a stabilization release with bugs fixes and some improvement such as a better experience when translating pages, adding the possibility to set wiki macro priorities, new URLs for resetting passwords and retrieving usernames, and ability to disable the Like feature. ...