May 22 2020
Bug Fixing Day 254
This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #254. We've managed to close 8 bugs (4 real fixes) with 1 participant. We are still at -82 bugs behind the 500 days period. ...
May 18 2020
XWiki 12.4RC1 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 12.4RC1. This version brings some usability improvements such as simpler to use Include and Display macros, a new experimental and more performant notification store, and a lot of developer-level improvements (the work continued for the new User API, easier to implement inline editing of forms, API to modify configuration sources, a Mail obfuscation API, and more). ...
May 15 2020
XWiki 11.10.5 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 11.10.5. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues that we have discovered since 11.10.4 has been released. ...
Bug Fixing Day 253
This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #253. We've managed to close 3 bugs (2 real fixes) with 2 participants. We are still at -80 bugs behind the 500 days period. ...
May 08 2020
Bug Fixing Day 252
This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #252. We've managed to close 5 bugs (3 real fixes) with 3 participants. We are still at -72 bugs behind the 500 days period. ...
May 01 2020
Bug Fixing Day 251
This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #251. We've managed to close 8 bugs (6 real fixes) with 4 participants. We are still at -67 bugs behind the 500 days period. ...
Apr 29 2020
XWiki 12.3 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 12.3. This release brings fast in-place editing for plain wiki pages and AppWithiMinutes entries. The page Information tab has been extended with more information, some of which can also be edited in-place. For extension developers there's a new locale picker and a new UIXP to publish RequireJS modules. Application sheets can now be easily modified to add support for field-by-field in-place editing. Finally, many improvements have been added to the dedicated Solr multi-core system. ...
Apr 24 2020
Bug Fixing Day 250
This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #250. We've managed to close 7 bugs (3 real fixes) with 3 participants. We are still at -60 bugs behind the 500 days period. ...
Apr 22 2020
XWiki 12.3RC1 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 12.3RC1. The version introduce the new in-place editor for wiki pages content title and some metadata as well as for standard AppWithiMinutes entries and will be added to more and more areas in future versions. For extensions developers many improvements has been added to dedicated Solr cores system. ...
Apr 17 2020
Bug Fixing Day 249
This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #249. We've managed to close 5 bugs (4 real fixes) with 3 participants. We are still at -55 bugs behind the 500 days period. ...