
Mar 28 2019

XWiki 10.11.4 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 10.11.4. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues that we have discovered since 10.11.3 has been released.

Mar 25 2019

XWiki 11.2 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 11.2. This release brings a warning to the users when they are editing a page and other users are saving the same content. The Object editor has a new way of presenting XClasses meant to increase the user experience, while the top level application pages are not displayed anymore in the Navigation Panel. In addition the performance of the Notifications feature has been improved.

Mar 19 2019

XWiki 11.2 RC1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 11.2 RC1. This release brings a warning to the users when they are editing a page and other users are saving the same content. The Object editor has a new way of presenting XClasses meant to increase the user experience, while the top level application pages are not displayed anymore in Navigation Panel.

Feb 25 2019

XWiki 11.1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 11.1. This release adds support for renaming apps created with App Within Minutes and brings improvements to the WYSIWYG editor: inline editing of the Box Macro title and macro category count displayed by the Macro Selector.

Feb 22 2019

Bug Fixing Day 208

This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #208. We've managed to close 5 bugs (all real fixes)  with 6 participants. We are still at -153 bugs behind the 500 days period.

Feb 21 2019

XWiki 10.11.3 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 10.11.3. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues that we have discovered since 10.11.2 has been released.

Feb 19 2019

XWiki 11.1 RC1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 11.1 RC1. This release adds support for renaming apps created with App Within Minutes and brings improvements to the WYSIWYG editor: inline editing of the Box Macro title and macro category count displayed by the Macro Selector.

Feb 15 2019

Bug Fixing Day 207

This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #207. We've managed to close 13 bugs (7 real fixes)  with 6 participants. We are still at -138 bugs behind the 500 days period.

Feb 08 2019

Bug Fixing Day 206

This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #204. We've managed to close 4 bugs (2 real fixes)  with 2 participants. We are still at -140 bugs behind the 500 days period.

Feb 01 2019

Bug Fixing Day 205

This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #204. We've managed to close 4 bugs (2 real fixes)  with 2 participants. We are still at -146 bugs behind the 500 days period.

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