Blog - posts for February 2014
Feb 28 2014
Bug Fixing Day 56
Yesterday we had our Bug Fixing Day #56. We managed to close 10 bugs (3 real fixes). We're now at -20 bugs only for the 1600 days period! ...
Feb 27 2014
XWiki 5.4.2 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki Enterprise 5.4.2. This is a bugfix release. See the release notes for more information on what it fixes compared to XWiki 5.4.1 ...
Feb 20 2014
Deprecation Fixing Day 2
As part of our XWiki Days we had a Deprecation Fixing Day on the 20th of February 2014. Its goal was to have the maximum number of XWiki committers and contributors work together to fix the maximum number of deprecation calls and moving deprecated APIs not used anymore to our Legacy modules.
We had 3 committers participating with the following results.
Committer | Deprecated calls fixed | APIs moved to Legacy | New Legacy modules |
Guillaume Delhumeau | 35 | 0 | 0 |
Vincent Massol | 3 | 2 | xwiki-platform-legacy-rendering-macro-include |
Thomas Mortagne | 26 | 28 | 0 |
TOTAL | 64 | 30 | 1 |
The Sonar Dashboard says we had 2057 deprecated calls. We fixed 64 deprecated calls which leads us to 1993 remaining deprecated calls.
But even more important we moved 30 deprecated API to Legacy which means nobody coding on the XWiki project will be able to use those APIs by errors from now on!
Thanks to everyone who participated!
Feb 14 2014
Bug Fixing Day 55
Yesterday we had our Bug Fixing Day #55. For the 5.x development cycle we've decided to intensify our bug fixing and invert the bugs created vs bugs fixed ratio so that we're always in the green, by having weekly BFDs.
We managed to close 12 bugs (12 real fixes). Nice BFD! We're now at -13 bugs only for the 1600 days period! ...
Feb 12 2014
XWiki 5.4.1 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki Enterprise 5.4.1. This is a bugfix release fixing a security issue among other things. See the release notes for more information on what it fixes compared to XWiki 5.4. ...
Feb 07 2014
Bug Fixing Day 54
Yesterday we had our Bug Fixing Day #54. For the 5.x development cycle we've decided to intensify our bug fixing and invert the bugs created vs bugs fixed ratio so that we're always in the green, by having weekly BFDs. We managed to close 17 bugs (9 real fixes). Nice BFD! ...
Feb 06 2014
XWiki 5.2.4 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki Enterprise 5.2.4. This is a bugfix release fixing a security issue among other things. See the release notes for more information on what it fixes compared to XWiki 5.2.3. ...
Feb 05 2014
XWiki Days Review for the 5.x Cycle
XWiki Days are events dedicated to the community members, when we gather and collaborate (even compete) on resolving as many issues of a particular topic in a given day. The topics we approach can vary from bug fixes to writing documentation to reducing deprecation calls, etc. See more details about the XWiki Days organized so far. ...
XWiki 5.4 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki Enterprise 5.4. This is an improvement and stability release for things started during the 5.x cycle. The highlights of this release are Solr, WikiStream, Distribution Wizard and Activity Stream improvements. ...
Feb 04 2014
XWiki at FOSDEM 2014
XWiki community members (Vincent, Ludovic, Marius, Anca, Oana and Fabio) participated once again to FOSDEM (Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting) on Saturday February 1st, 2014 in Brussels (Belgium). In cooperation with Tiki and MediaWiki we helped coordinating the 'Wikis devroom', where XWiki project was lucky to have 6 talks. ...