
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2020/01/28

Blog - posts for May 2016

May 27 2016

Bug Fixing Day 104

Last Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #104. We've managed to close 8 bugs (5 real fixes) with 4 participants. We are still at -135 bugs behind the 1 year period. ...

May 25 2016

Use the Apache HTTP library to interact with the XWiki RESTful API

XWiki provides fine-grain access to virtually every element through an API that is based on HTTP semantics, i.e., a RESTful API. In this post you will find all the details to take advantage of this API and interact with it from Java or Groovy using Apache HttpComponents 4.x. ...

May 24 2016

XWiki 8.1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 8.1 final. This release brings an upgrade to the Java 8 runtime, a new Tips panel that replaces the old Quick Links panel, Extension Manager improvements and LDAP avatar synchronization. ...

May 19 2016

Bug Fixing Day 103

Last Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #103. We've managed to close 3 bugs (2 real fixes) with 3 participants. We are still at -135 bugs behind the 1 year period. ...

May 17 2016

XWiki Big Data with Elastic Search


Update Nov 2016: we published an extension to integrate Elasticsearch and Kibana4 into XWiki.

Almost two years ago, in the XWiki open source community, we needed to learn how many XWiki users we actually had and understand a bit better our user base. For this we decided to implement a big data system allowing to get information about the XWiki open source installs, all anonymously of course. ...

May 13 2016

XWiki Development Practices seen by XWiki SAS

Vincent Massol has held an internal training at XWiki SAS about the Development Practices used by the XWiki SAS product team in charge of developing the XWiki open source project (among other projects). Most of the practices detailed are those from the XWiki open source project, defined on the dev subwiki. However the slides also provide a glimpse of other development practices that are used to complement the open source practices, such as Roadmap preparation and Stakeholder meetings. ...

May 09 2016

XWiki at Open Source Camp Iasi 2016

XWiki took part in the first edition of Open Source Camp, hosted at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, in Iasi, Romania. ...

XWiki 8.1 Release Candidate 1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 8.1 RC 1. This release candidate brings a couple of improvements and bugfixes to Extension Manager and other bundled components. ...

May 06 2016

Bug Fixing Day 102

This Thursday we had our Bug Fixing Day #102. We've managed to close 6 bugs (5 real fixes) with 2 participants. We are still at -135 bugs behind the 1 year period. ...

May 04 2016

Create applications with XWebIDE

When you want to create a structured application in XWiki, sometimes AppWithinMinutes is not enough and you have to customize the generated pages. It is now possible to do that with the XWebIDE application, which integrates the basic features of the most famous Integrated Development Environments (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, and add some tools dedicated to XWiki. ...

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