Wiki source code of Captcha configuration

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2017/09/06

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1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
4 = Add Captcha for Registration =
6 {{info}}
7 This option is useful when you allow guests to register as wiki users.
8 {{/info}}
10 Log in as Administrator, click the {{image reference="DrawerMenuIcon.png"/}} button to open the drawer menu, then click on "Administer Wiki":(((
11 {{image reference="AdministerWikiMenu.png"/}}
12 )))
14 In the wiki administration page, click on the "Registration" link from the vertical menu to the left.(((
15 {{image reference="RegistrationAdmin.png"/}}
16 )))
18 Next, scroll down through the options. Find and check the option **REQUIRE CAPTCHA TO REGISTER**:(((
19 {{image reference="RequireCaptchaRegistration.png"/}}
20 )))
22 Then, in the wiki administration page, click on the "Rights" link from the vertical menu to the left.(((
23 {{image reference="AdministrationRights.png"/}}
24 )))
26 Next, click on the radio button "Users". Make sure unregistered users have the **View** and **Register** right set:(((
27 {{image reference="ViewRegisterRights.png"/}}
28 )))
30 To see the results of these settings, logout and click the {{image reference="DrawerMenuIcon.png"/}} button to open the drawer menu, then click on "Register":(((
31 {{image reference="Register.png"/}}
32 )))
34 Now visitors can add the details in the registration form, including Captcha:(((
35 {{image reference="RegistrationForm.png"/}}
36 )))
38 = Add Captcha for comments =
40 {{info}}
41 This setting is needed when unregistered users want to post a comment.
42 {{/info}}
44 Log in as Administrator, click the {{image reference="DrawerMenuIcon.png"/}} button to open the drawer menu, then click on "Administer Wiki":(((
45 {{image reference="AdministerWikiMenu.png"/}}
46 )))
48 In the wiki administration page, click on the "Rights" link from the vertical menu to the left.(((
49 {{image reference="AdministrationRights.png"/}}
50 )))
52 Next, click on the radio button "Users" to display the access rights for Unregistered users and give them **View** and **Comment** right:(((
53 {{image reference="RightsToGuests.png"/}}
54 )))
56 Then, pick the option **Require unregistered users to solve a captcha when posting a comment on a page**:(((
57 {{image reference="CaptchaRight.png"/}}
58 )))
60 Finally, logout and check the result:(((
61 {{image reference="CaptchaComment.png"/}}
62 )))

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