
Version 9.1 by Vincent Massol on 2011/05/19

For XWiki 3.1 and beyond

Starting with version 3.1 XWiki logs using SLF4J. By default XWiki is configured so that SLF4J uses Logback. XWiki's Logback configuration is located in the WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml file.

To customize the Logback configuration simply edit the file and restart the Servlet container for it to take effect.


By default XWiki is configured to log everything on the console only.

Using JMX to change the logging configuration

LogBack exposes its configuration with JMX and thus it's possible to use a JMX console to modify the logging configuration at runtime, thus not needing to restart the Servlet container. This is very useful in production when needing to debug an issue.

See the Monitoring Guide for more details on using JMX with XWiki.

Analyzing logs with Lilith

Lilith is a logging and access event viewer. It makes it easy to analyze large quantities of logs. To use it, configure XWiki's Logging to send events to the Socket appender. Add the following to the logback.xml file:

 <appender name="socket" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.net.SocketAppender">

And add the new appender to the list of appenders to use. For example:

 <root level="warn">
   <appender-ref ref="stdout"/>
   <appender-ref ref="socket"/>

Open Lilith (it's a desktop application) and it'll automatically listen on port 4560 so when you start XE you'll see its logs show up in Lilith.

For example:


For older XWiki versions

XWiki versions 3.0 and older use Commons Logging for logging. By default XWiki is configured so that Commons Logging uses log4J. XWiki's Log4J configuration is located inside XWiki's JAR (xwiki-core-x.y.jar), in a log4j.properties file. XWiki' JAR is itself located in your WEB-INF/lib/ directory.


By default XWiki is configured to log everything on the console only.

Using a custom Log4J configuration

The best solution is to create a new log4j.properties file in your WEB-INF/classes directory. It'll thus override the one from the XWiki JAR. As an example, here's a sample configuration:

### Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%X{url}] [%t] %-5p %-30.30c{2} %x - %m %n

### By default everything that is of warning or severity WARN, ERROR or FATAL is logged both to
### the console and to the xwiki.log file.
log4j.rootLogger=warn, stdout

### Hibernate logging options

### XWiki logging configuration

### Deactive Struts warnings

### Deactivate JGroups warnings

## Deactive PDF Export CSS Applier warnings

Refer to Log4J's documentation to understand the settings. As an example, to turn on Hibernate's calls, just set the following:


Activating the XWiki Monitoring feature


The monitoring feature is already active in the default configuration.

XWiki has a feature to monitor times spent in its major components. To activate it, you need to:

  • Enable the Monitor plugin by adding/modifying the following plugin definition in the xwiki.cfg configuration file:
  • Enable it by adding/modifying the following in the xwiki.cfg configuration file:
  • Since the plugin logs everything under the DEBUG severity you also need to configure the XWiki Logging (as described above) by setting the com.xpn.xwiki.monitor category to the DEBUG level.

    For example for Logback it means adding the following in logback.xml:

    And for older XWiki versions using Log4J it means adding the following in log4j.properties:


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