
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/06/26

There are various solutions you can use to monitor a running XWiki instance:

  • Install and configure Glowroot
  • Install and configure JavaMelody
  • Use a Profiler. This has the advantage of providing advanced information, but has the drawback of being resource intensive and thus slowing the XWiki instance. It also requires a special startup script.
  • XWiki is using the JMX Technology to provide runtime monitoring of XWiki instances. The following features are available:
    • Monitor the InfiniSpan caches XWiki is using to cache Document data, Users & Groups data and more
    • Monitor the JGroups channel and protocols (when the XWiki Cluster feature is turned on)
    • Monitor the Logback Logging configuration and change it
    • Monitor Solr
    • Monitor Apache DBCP connection pool
    • Monitor Hibernate

XWiki also has a Monitor Plugin that you can use to monitor execution times. However this plugin is going to be deprecated in the future and replaced by the JMX technology.



There is nothing specific about XWiki when you install Glowroot, just follow the standard documentation.



  • Installation in XWiki Standalone distribution:
    • Download the version with a JEE version supported by XWiki (e.g. Hawtio 3.x for versions of XWiki not supporting Jakarta EE)
    • Unwar the default Hawtio WAR in Jetty's webapps directory next to the xwiki directory
    • Set up authentication for Hawtio or disable authentication to try it.
      • You can edit|bat to add -Dhawtio.authenticationEnabled=false to disable authentication
    • Access it through https://localhost:8080/hawtio##


To install JavaMelody for XWiki follow these steps (see the JavaMelody user guide for more details):

  • Download the latest 1.x version of javamelody.jar and jrobin-x.jar and put them in the WEB-INF/lib folder
    • WarningJavaMelody v2.x moved to Jakarta EE and is not compatible with XWiki
  • Edit web.xml and add the following information:
    <!-- to enable BASIC authentication with username and password, but do no want to use a realm and "security-constraint"
    The storage files of statistics and of graphs are stored in the temporary directory of the server, unless if you have defined the "storage-directory" path
           <param-value>user1:pwd1, user2:pwd2</param-value>
    </filter> -->
    ... other <filter>s from the default web.xml here ...

    ... other <filter-mapping>s from the default web.xml here ...

    ... other <listener>s from the default web.xml here ...
  • Edit hibernate.cfg.xml and add:
    <property name="jdbc.factory_class">net.bull.javamelody.HibernateBatcherFactory</property>

Then restart XWiki and access JavaMelody at http://localhost:8080/xwiki/monitoring.


Recent versions of JavaMelody (at least 1.70+ ?) require the configuration in this guide to be adapted like this:

in web.xml:


in hibernate.cfg.xml:

<property name="connection.driver_class">net.bull.javamelody.JdbcDriver</property>
<property name="connection.driver">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>

JMX Console

Since JMX is a standard you can use any JMX-compatible monitoring console (most application servers provide a web-based JMX console). There's also a console called JConsole which is bundled by default in the Java Runtime you're using. To start it, simply execute the jconsole executable.


Note that starting with XWiki 6.3, if you're using the Standalone Distribution (which bundles Jetty) you can now use -j (or --jmx) to monitor/manage the Jetty instance itself (it adds Jetty-specific MBeans):


XWiki Caches Monitoring

XWiki can use different cache implementations. The JBoss Cache and JBoss Infinispan implementations have nice JMX features available as shown below.

Starting with XWiki 3.3 the default implementation is JBoss Infinispan.

With JBoss Infinispan

Since JBoss Infinispan natively supports JMX we benefit from this feature directly (JBoss documentation available here).


Prior to XWiki 3.5 the JMX support was not enabled by default. To enable it, edit WEB-INF/cache/infinispan/config.xml and uncomment the two places where the "jmx" string is mentioned

Example showing the cache list and some statistic for a given cache:


Example showing how to clear a given cache from all its entries:


With JBoss Cache

Since JBoss Cache natively supports JMX we benefit from this feature directly (JBoss documentation available here).

Example showing all JBoss Caches in memory in a running instance, showing all the elements in the cache (example on the document cache):


Example showing Cache stats (for the document cache):


Velocity Cache Monitoring

Velocity caches Velocity macros. XWiki offers a JMX view of the content of the Velocity caches.

JConsole examples showing the Velocity Cache monitoring:



JGroups Monitoring

JConsole example showing the JGroups monitoring:


Interesting things to do on JGroups in the JMX console:

  • Change the log level on the protocols to enable logging
  • Disconnect a node from the cluster and reconnect it

Logback Monitoring

Since XWiki 14.8 Logback no longer support JMX so you won't be able to use JMX to update your logging configuration.

JConsole example showing how to modify the logging level for a category:


Tomcat JMX Proxy Servlet

Tomcat has a JMX Proxy Servlet bundled in their manager webapp (see here and here for more details on Tomcat and JMX]].

Here's some useful URLs to use the JMX Servlet Proxy to list and set JGroups Protocol Levels:

  • To display the current log level for the TCPPING protocol: http://localhost:8080/manager/jmxproxy?qry=jgroups:type=protocol,cluster=event,protocol=TCPPING
  • To set the log level to info for the TCPPING protocol: http://localhost:8080/manager/jmxproxy?set=jgroups:type=protocol,cluster=event,protocol=TCPPING&att=Level&val=info


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