API Reference

Last modified by Michael Hamann on 2025/03/25

XWiki's APIs are the methods that the XWiki development team consider safe for you to use (i.e. for which backward compatibility is guaranteed). They can be called from Java or directly from your wiki pages using a scripting language (Velocity, Groovy, Python, Ruby, etc).


As users of the XWiki API you need to be aware of some important points:

  • You should never use a class having internal in its package. It means this class is not a public API and XWiki developers can change it at any time. If you depend on such a class you're on your own and the XWiki Development Team doesn't guarantee its stability.
  • You should pay attention to the @Unstable annotation. When you see code marked with this annotation it means it's a new public API that it still considered unstable and that can change at any time too. See Unstable Annotation for more details.

Scripting Reference Documentation

In order to know the full list of APIs that you can use you can:

How to find a class

You can get the maven module where to find a Java class by using XWiki Nexus Search page. Put the complete class name and you will get all modules containing it. Nexus also allows you to see what's in those artifacts and read the JavaDoc.


XWiki is made of various extensions/modules and each module offers API for both developers coding in Java and for Scripts written in wiki pages. In the future our goal is to have JavaDoc links directly from each extension page located in the Extensions Wiki

Right now we're providing all JavaDocs for all modules:

The full JavaDoc is also available (Informationbut only for old versions, we need to fix this).

Older JavaDocs of XWiki can be found in our Maven Release repository. For example for XWiki Platform Core JavaDocs, check the files suffixed by javadoc for the version you wish under this directory.

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