More Options

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2023/05/24

Adds an item in the "more options" menu


The extension point adds the content inside the "more options" menu.


Note: the "shortcuts" (all viewers) are displayed after the extension points. This will probably change in the next future.


You must have the "admin" right on the wiki to be able to create an UI extension.


This Extension Point is contributed by this extension and was added in version 7.3-milestone-2 of that extension.

Content menus
Extension Id
Content to be provided

The code to add in the extension point.

It should look like this:

{{velocity}}{{html clean="false"}} ## we need clean="false" because we want to display the raw content of #submenuitem()
 #submenuitem('url', 'title', 'id', 'class', 'icon')
Parameters to be provided
  • order: the order in which the item will be displayed. The lower the number is, the more on the top the item is. Examples of correct orders: 10000, 20000. Please let enough room to add other UIX between existing ones and your own. The current items (even if most of them are not really implemented as UI extensions) have these orders:
    Watch Page10000WarningRemoved in XWiki 7.4M1
    Watch Space20000WarningRemoved in XWiki 7.4M1
    Watch Wiki30000WarningRemoved in XWiki 7.4M1
    Print preview90000menus_content.vm
    View source100000WarningMoved to viewers sub-menu in XWiki 12.8RC1
    Share by email110000menus_content.vm
  • separator: (optional) true if a separator should be displayed before the item.

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