
Version 102.1 by Vincent Massol on 2022/07/19

As a user, you can export a single wiki page or a set of wiki pages into several formats. To perform a page export click on "Export" in the "More actions" menu, then click "Export as PDF".



 "Export" as it appears using the Flamingo Skin. 

In addition, Admins can also export all the pages of the wiki through the Import/Export Admin feature.

PDF Export


XWiki 14.2+ An experimental client-side PDF export extension is available and is meant to replace the current server-side one.


The PDF Export has a UI interface to manage the export:


To export a page as PDF, use the action menu as explained above or use the following type of URL:


Right now we don't have any user interface for exporting an arbitrary set of wiki pages. This is a work in progress. However it's possible to export a set of pages, using the following type of URL:


In addition the following URL parameters can be added to refine what should be exported:

  • pages: there can be several such parameters, each representing a page to export. For example: &pages=Main.WebHome&pages=Blog.WebHome.
    InformationWhen pages parameters are specified, the current document specified in the URL isn't used
  • includechilds: the value is a number specifying the depth of children pages to include in the PDF export. For example &includechilds=2 will include all children pages of the page to export, all its children (i.e. pages which have the page as its parent) and all the children's children.
  • includelinks: the value is a number specifying the depth of linked pages to include in the PDF export. For example &includelinks=2 will include all pages linked from the page to export and the links in the linked pages.
  • pagebreaks: if the value is set to 1 then a page break is inserted between all exported pages.
  • comments: if set to 1 then also export the comments.
  • attachments: if set to 1 then also export the attachments (only if they are images).


ODT Export


If you configure your wiki to work with an office server (LibreOffice or OpenOffice) as described in the Office Importer Application you'll notice a new entry in the export modal popup (as long as you are connected to the office server). 


You can tweak the export URL to export to other office formats supported by your office server. For instance /xwiki/bin/export/Sandbox/WebHome?format=doc exports Sandbox.WebHome page to Microsoft Word's proprietary DOC format.

RTF Export

The RTF export works in the same manner as the PDF export.


Similar to the ODT export, you need an office server started to see the RTF export option.

XAR Export

The XAR export allows exporting pages in the internal XML format used by XWiki. This is the format that you can use to Import/Export pages and applications into/from XWiki instances.

To export a page as a XAR use the action menu as explained above:


A tree will be displayed to allow you to chose children pages that you want to export along with the current page. Starting with XWiki 11.10 you can filter the tree to exclude extension pages (e.g. Created pagesCreated and modified pages or All pages). Check out the Administration Application for more information about the export tree.


Naturally, this tree is not displayed if the current page is terminal, which means it cannot have children.


  • The "Export XAR" option will only appear if you are logged in with an admin user.
  • To import back a XAR file, you also need to be an admin user and use the Import section in Administration


You could also use the following type of URL (note that the Space/Page part in the URL is ignored and the Export action only takes into account the pages Query String parameter):


In addition the following URL parameters can be added to refine what should be exported:

  • pages: there can be several such parameters, each representing a pattern of pages to export (prior to XWiki 6.3, only fixed page names could be specified, not patterns). Here is the format of an export pattern:
    • wikiid: the name of the wiki from where to get the wiki pages
    • pageFullNamePattern: the full name pattern of the page based on SQL "LIKE" comparator. Remember that the character % has to be converted in %25 in an URL.
  • (Since Information10.9RC1) excludes: there can also be several such parameter, each representing a pattern, or list of pages associated to a pages pattern. The format is the same as for pages except all special characters must be encoding in the URL. Also, as the parameter is attached to a pages parameter, be careful with the order. See the examples below.
  • name: the name of the exported XAR file. If not specified, a default name will be used.
  • history: if defined then also export the page's history. Example: &history=true
  • backup: if defined then the XWiki document author of each page remains the same as the one exported when reimporting into an XWiki instance.
  • author: if defined, specifies the author's name in the XAR export which can later be viewed when reimporting into an XWiki instance.
  • description: if defined, gives a description added to the XAR export which can later be viewed when reimporting into an XWiki instance.
  • license: if defined, specifies the license to the XAR export which can later be viewed when reimporting into an XWiki instance.
  • version: if defined, specifies the version of the export to the XAR.

Some examples:

  • Exports all pages in the Main space:
  • Exports all pages in the current wiki:
  • Exports the pages Main.WebHome and Blog.WebHome:

Since Information10.9RC1:

  • Exports all pages in the Main space except pages under Main.Space1 space, and all pages under Other space:
  • Exports all pages in the subwiki:Main space except a page named subwiki:Main.Excluded&Other and subwiki:Main.WebHome:
  • Exports all pages in the Main space and all in the Other space except Other.Excluded (see the empty excludes for respecting the order):

HTML Export


HTML Export is available starting with XWiki Entreprise 6.3.

The HTML export allows exporting wiki pages as static HTML pages independent from the XWiki engine. All pages are exported in view mode. That way you can export a whole space containing documentation and access it on your computer without any web server. The export is done with the current skin.

To export a page as HTML use the action menu as explained above:


A tree will be displayed to allow you to chose children pages that you want to export along with the current page.

The HTML export is packaged as a ZIP. Here's an example of its content and how it's organized:


A basic index page is also generated and provides a list (and links) of all pages that have been exported. For example:



You could also use the following type of URL:


In addition the following URL parameters can be added to refine what should be exported: 

  • name: the name of the generated Zip file.
  • description: the comment in the generated Zip file.
  • pages: there can be several such parameters, each representing a pattern of pages to export. Here is the format of an export pattern:
    • wikiid: the name of the wiki from where to get the wiki pages
    • pageFullNamePattern: the full name pattern of the page based on SQL "LIKE" comparator. Remember that the character % has to be converted in %25 in an URL.
  • (Since Information10.9RC1) excludes: there can also be several such parameter, each representing a pattern, or list of pages associated to a pages pattern. The format is the same as for pages except all special characters must be encoding in the URL. Also, as the parameter is attached to a pages parameter, be careful with the order. See the examples below.

Some examples:

  • Exports the current page from the current wiki:
  • Exports the current page from the current wiki in packagename.zip:
  • Exports all the pages from the Space space as well as the Space2.Page page from the current wiki:
  • Exports all the pages from the Space space located in the wiki2 subwiki:

Since Information10.9RC1:

  • Exports all pages in the Main space except pages under Main.Space1 space, and all pages under Other space:
  • Exports all pages in the subwiki:Main space except a page named subwiki:Main.Excluded&Other and subwiki:Main.WebHome:
  • Exports all pages in the Main space and all in the Other space except Other.Excluded (see the empty excludes for respecting the order):

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