Wiki source code of Download XWiki

Last modified by Manuel Leduc on 2025/03/13

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1 {{velocity}}
2 ## ##########################################################################################################
3 ## $versions = Version Number (0) - Release Date (1) - Type (2) {LTS, stable, development} - Release Notes Page (3) - Release Summary (4)
4 #set ($versions = [
5 ['16.10.5', '11 March 2025', 'LTS', 'xwiki:ReleaseNotes.Data.XWiki.16\.10\.5.WebHome', '
6 * Bug fixes and new LTS
7 * Performance improvements
8 * Users with edit rights can pin pages
9 '],
10 ['17.1.0', '25 February 2025', 'stable', 'xwiki:ReleaseNotes.Data.XWiki.17\.1\.0.WebHome', '
11 * Pasted images are uploaded as attachments
12 * Performance and security improvements
13 ']])
14 #* Example:
15 #set ($versions = [
16 ['10.11.10', '13 November 2019', 'LTS', 'xwiki:ReleaseNotes.Data.XWiki.10\.11\.10.WebHome', '
17 * Bug fixes
18 '],
19 ['11.10.2', '30 December 2019', 'stable', 'xwiki:ReleaseNotes.Data.XWiki.11\.10\.2.WebHome', '
20 * Bug fixes
21 '],
22 ['13.3-rc-1', '19 April 2021', 'development', 'xwiki:ReleaseNotes.Data.XWiki.13\.3RC1.WebHome', '
23 * Default Global Notification Filters
24 ']
25 ])
26 *#
27 ## ##########################################################################################################
28 ## $versionDetails = TypeID: Name (0) - Button Style (1) - Notes (2)
29 #set ($versionDetails = {
30 'LTS': ['Long Term Support', 'primary', 'Note: This version is the latest stable version from the last XWiki cycle. This is the most stable version and is what we recommend to use in production.'],
31 'stable': ['Stable', 'info', 'Note: This version is the latest stable version from the current XWiki cycle. This is the version recommended if you wish to try out the new features from the cycle.'],
32 'development': ['Development', 'success', 'Note: This version is the latest development version from the current XWiki cycle. This is the version to use if you want to test the really latest feature and provide feedback. Not for production.']
33 })
34 ## ################################################################
35 ## Generate the versions layout
36 ## ################################################################
37 #macro(downloadVersionsLayout $versions $versionDetails)
38 (% class='download-options' %)(((
39 #foreach($version in $versions)
40 (% class='col-xs-12 download-container download-option version-option border-$version.get(2)' %)
41 (((
42 (% class="download-version fill-$version.get(2)"%)$version.get(0)(% class='noitems pull-right'%)$version.get(1)
43 === $versionDetails.get(${version.get(2)})[0] ===
44 $version.get(4)
45 (% class='noitems' %)$versionDetails.get(${version.get(2)})[2]
46 (% class='version-footer' %)((([[Download>>.DownloadVersion||class="btn btn-${versionDetails.get(${version.get(2)})[1]}" queryString="projectVersion=${version.get(0)}"]][[Release Notes>>$version.get(3)||class='btn btn-link']])))
47 #if ($version.size() >= 6)
48 (% class="noitems version-warning" %)
49 $version.get(5)
50 #end
51 )))
52 #end
53 )))
54 #end
55 #downloadVersionsLayout($versions, $versionDetails)
56 {{/velocity}}
58 (% class="noitems" %)Interested in testing the latest snapshots builds or older versions? See [[more versions>>Download.DownloadOther]]. You can also use a [[Hosted version of XWiki>>Hosted]] instead of installing it yourself.
60 (% class="noitems" %)If you're interested to know the XWiki versioning and support strategies, please check: [[Versioning Strategy>>doc:dev:Community.VersioningAndReleasePractices]] & [[Support Strategy>>xwiki:Main.Support||anchor="HSupportedVersions"]].

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