Wiki source code of News

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/10/21

Show last authors
1 Find below all the recent news from the site blog and from the list of pages that have been changed recently. You can also check [[planned community Events>>Main.Events.WebHome]].
3 {{container layoutStyle="columns"}}
4 (((
5 = Blog {{velocity}}[[image:icon:feed>>path:$xwiki.getURL("Blog.GlobalBlogRss", "view", "xpage=plain")]]{{/velocity}} =
6 {{velocity}}
7 {{cache id="news-blog8-${}-${request.ipp}"}}
8 (% style="overflow:hidden" %)(((
9 {{blogpostlist blog="Blog.WebHome" layout="full" published="yes" limit="5" /}}
10 )))
11 {{/cache}}
12 {{/velocity}}
13 )))
14 (((
15 {{velocity}}
16 #set ($rssURL = $$doc.documentReference))
17 #set ($rssURL = "${rssURL.substring(0, $rssURL.indexOf('/rest'))}/rest/notifications/rss")
18 #set ($rssURL = "${rssURL}?userId=$!escapetool.url($services.model.serialize($xcontext.userReference, 'default'))")
19 #set ($rssURL = "${rssURL}&count=50&useUserPreferences=false&displayOwnEvents=true&wikis=xwiki,extensions,dev,contrib,commons,rendering,snippets")
20 {{/velocity}}
21 = Activity {{velocity}}[[image:icon:feed>>path:$rssURL)]]{{/velocity}} =
22 {{velocity}}
23 ## We need this since the cache macro will prevent JS and CSS to be applied at each load of the page
24 $xwiki.jsx.use("Main.Activity")##
25 $xwiki.ssx.use("Main.Activity")##
26 {{/velocity}}
28 {{activity entries="50" wikis="xwiki,extensions,dev,contrib,commons,rendering,snippets"/}}
29 )))
30 {{/container}}

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