Surrey Biodiversity Partnership

Last modified by Benjamin Lanciaux on 2012/12/21

Surrey Biodiversity Partnership - Home - WebHome_1194349099261.png

General Information

Surrey Wildlife Trust
Sue Webber, Coordinator


XWiki is used to power the partnership's main website. A custom new look has ben designed for them by Cyan Shiner. They are taking advantage of XWiki's extensive skinning abilities to create a website that will help raise awareness about endangered UK habitats and species.


The Surrey Biodiversity Partnership is an initiative aiming at the protection of wild life in Surrey, England, UK. Its core partners include the Surrey Wildlife Trust, Surrey County Council, Natural England, Corporation of London, the Environment Agency, the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG), the National Trust, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Woking and Spelthorne Borough Councils plus a network of local species specialists.

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