Display Changes Macro

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/04/09

Example usage

{{getChanges products="XWiki" versions="8.3%" audience="User" contextVariable="changeDocs"/}} {{displayChanges contextVariable="changeDocs"/}}


Children Macro

A new {{children/}} macro has been added to display a tree view of all children of the current page.

XAR Children Export

It's now possible, for HTML and XAR formats, to export selected children along with the current page.

Active Installs for Extensions

The number of active installs is displayed for each extension in the Repository App's home page livetable and in the extension page.

Ratings on Extensions Repository home page

Rating is now displayed in the Repository App's home page livetable.

Not Found Suggestions

We have added suggestions for the "document not found" and "attachment not found" error screens. The suggestions address minor typos and misspelling (including lower case vs upper case), but also bad location requests.

Document Tree Improvements

The tree now displays the rendered translated page title when the showDocumentTitle parameter is set to true, which is the default value. So the document tree is now taking into account the current locale when displaying the page titles. Moreover, the child pages are now sorted by their raw translated title, with a fall-back on the raw default title and then on the page name (if the raw titles are empty). Note that the rendered title may be different than the raw title if the title is dynamic (i.e. has Velocity code) so the child pages may not be sorted correctly if some have dynamic titles. The child pages are sorted by their name when the showDocumentTitle parameter is set to false.

The support for relative references in the root and openTo parameters has been improved. You still need to prefix the entity reference with its entity type though.

{{documentTree root="document:Alice" openTo="document:Bob" /}}

The behavior of the limit parameter has changed a bit: if there is only one child node remaining the "more ..." link is replaced by that child node, instead of displaying "one more".

The child nodes should be loaded much faster now as we refactored and improved the database queries used under the hood.

Extension Repository adds recommendations

The Extension Repository Application now supports the optional feature of being able to mark some Extensions as Recommended. This provides some form of curation and separate "good" Extensions from others. The need arises when there are lots of Extensions. 

The screenshots show:

  • The view when the Recommendation feature is turned on
  • How a Recommended Extension is displayed with a badge showing it's Recommended

The AutoSave feature is now available in the WYSIWYG edit mode.

The Blog Category Panel now has an entry for All blog posts with a RSS feed for all.

Improved Not Found Screen

Added partial matches for the Document/Attachment Does Not Exist suggestions, in addition to the existing stemmed and fuzzy matches, for better results.

We were previously searching using indexed Solr data (stemmed) and also using fuzzy searches (string difference of 2; helps with minor typos), but this did not cover partial matches. Example: "Sandb" is matched by the fuzzy search, since it has a difference of 2 characters ("ox"), but "Sand" is not matched by anything (no stemming and too greater string difference - 3).

New parameters for the Gallery Macro

The Gallery Macro has 3 new parameters. You can use the width and height parameters to control the amount of space reserved for the gallery. The class parameter can be used to add custom CSS class names in order to customize the appearance of a gallery. Here's an example where we use the Bootstrap Grid system:

{{gallery class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4" width="" height="300px"}}

When importing an office document with embedded images, those images are now saved as attachments to the target wiki page. This used to be the default behavior until recent versions of LibreOffice / OpenOffice have started to embed the images in the generated HTML using the Data URI scheme, which ended up in the wiki syntax. We have now restored the initial behavior.

User Profile Preference Hints

We have added documentation hints for User Profile Preferences so that it's more obvious to understand what each option means.

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