
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

Release Notes for XWiki 1.0 beta 2

The 1.0 Beta 2 is mostly a bug fix release. It also contains some new improvements such as new macros.

Changes from 1.0 Beta 1

  • Lots of bugs fixed. Most of them are bugs related to the WYSIWYG editor and the new 1.0 skin.
  • Simplified Edit menu with only a single menu entry. This is to make it simpler for new users. It's possible to switch between Simple and Advanced from the user profile page.
  • New macros to display colored panels with a logo representing the severity:
#info("This is some useful information")
#warning("Careful not to break something")
#error("You did something terrible")
  • New macro to display a floating box (aligned right by default). Two possible syntaxes:
#floatingbox("text here")
text here
  • __text__ is now the notation for underline
  • Lots of other minor improvements

See the full list of changes.

Known issues

  • Bugs we know about
  • If you use $xwiki.version with version 1.0 Beta 2 you'll get "0.9.1924". This is wrong and should be "1.0 Beta 2". We'll fix this for Beta 3...

Migration from 1.0 Beta 1

  • Start by making a backup of your current database.
  • Plug your new xwiki install to point to your database.
  • In order to be able to let users switch from "simple" to "advanced" modes, you should import the new XWiki.XWikiUsers and XWiki.XWikiUserSheet pages in your wiki. You can do that by importing the full XAR and then selecting only that page to be imported in the Import tab of the Administration view.
  • You should also reimport the Panels Application since several bugs have been fixed.

Migration from 0.9.x versions

  • Start by making a backup of your current database.
  • Then there are 2 possible use cases:
    • You want to keep your existing skin. In that case, simply install the new version and point it to your existing database.
    • You want to use the new 1.0 skin with your current database. In that case, install the new version and point it to your existing database. Then start XWiki and import the Panels XAR (this is required as the new skin makes use of them). Last, go to your wiki Administration page and in the skin section, enter "xwiki10b1".
  • In order to be able to let users switch from "simple" to "advanced" modes, you should import the new XWiki.XWikiUsers and XWiki.XWikiUserSheet pages in your wiki. You can do that by importing the full XAR and then selecting only that page to be imported in the Import tab of the Administration view.

Contact us on the mailing list if you're experiencing any problem. Just make sure you have your current database backed up before you do anything.

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