
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2020/01/28

Release Notes for XWiki 1.0 RC 1

The 1.0 RC 1 release is meant to have fixed all important bugs leading to a final 1.0 release. If no new important bugs are found in the 1 to 2 weeks after the RC1 release, it'll be automatically promoted as the final 1.0 release. If important bugs are found, we may have to go through a 1.0 RC 2 release and repeat the process. Compared to 1.0 Beta 6, the RC 1 release is a bug fix release with some minor improvements (see details below).

Invalid macro parameters used for the [toc] macro. Cause: [Failed to validate bean: [must be greater than or equal to 1]]. Click on this message for details.

Changes from 1.0 Beta 6

  • Lots of bugs fixed
  • Updated French translation
  • New translation: Simplified Chinese and Russian
  • Search is now case insensitive in the default Wiki for all DBMS (it was working fine for MySQL previously)
  • Ability to navigate backlinks documents on the Rename page
  • Lucene plugin is now working
  • Fixed #skype macro which is now using Skype's Presence Service (was previously using which is not working anymore)
  • New #pagedViewLinks macro that displays links to the first, previous, next and last pages in a paged view
  • Lots of Macros have been documented on the Extensions wiki
  • Non ASCII chars can now be used in document names and attachments (This requires correct encoding configuration)
  • Superadmin is set to use the Advanced editing mode by default (was in Simple mode)
  • {style} macro now supports border and icon attributes
  • Added support for Oracle

See the full list of changes.

Known issues

  • Bugs we know about
  • Backlinks are used to find all the links to rename when renaming a page. However backlinks are saved when a page is saved thus it may happen that you don't have all backlinks generated with a clean XWiki database. In this special case, you can call the following in a page to refresh all links (you'll need to be admin to do this):

Migrating from versions prior or equal to XWiki 1.0 Beta 4

This is only for users using a custom web.xml file. We have changed slightly the way to configure XWiki in XWiki 1.0 Beta 5. Namely we have changed the way XWiki is initialized. Before we were initializing Velocity by using the VelocityViewServlet in web.xml. This has been removed and we've added a InitializationServletContextListener class to perform all required XWiki initializations (right now we're only initializing Velocity). Thus you'll need to do the following starting from 1.0 Beta 5 onwards:

  1. Remove the VelocityViewServlet from your web.xml
  2. Add the following 2 elements to your web.xml: context-param, listener. Here's an example:
 <description>XWiki Application</description>

 <!-- Define context level parameters for XWiki's initialization -->
   <description>Velocity's configuration</description>


 <!-- XWiki's initialization is done in a Servlet Context Listener. This is where we set up
       everything that should be initialized prior to XWiki servicing requests. For example this
       is where we initialize Velocity. -->



In addition if you're upgrading an existing installation make sure you remove previous version of the Velocity JARs located in xwiki/WEB-INF/lib (Velocity and Velocity-Tools) and replace them with the new versions (Velocity 1.5 Beta 2 and Velocity-Tools 1.3) which can be found in the standalone distribution (the .exe or .tar.gz version)

Make sure you check the additional migration notes for the specific version you're migrating from below.

Migration from 1.0 Beta 2, Beta 3, Beta 4, Beta 5 or Beta 6

  • Start by making a backup of your current database.
  • Plug your new XWiki install to point to your database.
  • Import the latest version of the Panels application to ensure you have the most up to date Panels in your wiki. Be careful that existing Panels which are also in the Panels Application will be overwritten (new Panels you have created won't be touched).

Migration from 1.0 Beta 1

  • Start by making a backup of your current database.
  • Plug your new XWiki install to point to your database.
  • In order to be able to let users switch from "simple" to "advanced" modes, you should import the new XWiki.XWikiUsers and XWiki.XWikiUserSheet pages in your wiki. You can do that by importing the full XAR and then selecting only that page to be imported in the Import tab of the Administration view.
  • You should also reimport the Panels Application since several bugs have been fixed.

Migration from 0.9.x versions

  • Start by making a backup of your current database.
  • Then there are 2 possible use cases:
    • You want to keep your existing skin. In that case, simply install the new version and point it to your existing database.
    • You want to use the new 1.0 skin with your current database. In that case, install the new version and point it to your existing database. Then start XWiki and import the Panels XAR (this is required as the new skin makes use of them). Last, go to your wiki Administration page and in the skin section, enter "xwiki10b1".
  • In order to be able to let users switch from "simple" to "advanced" modes, you should import the new XWiki.XWikiUsers and XWiki.XWikiUserSheet pages in your wiki. You can do that by importing the full XAR and then selecting only that page to be imported in the Import tab of the Administration view.

Contact us on the mailing list if you're experiencing any problem. Just make sure you have your current database backed up before you do anything.

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