Release Notes for XWiki 5.1 Milestone 1

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24


We have found an important regression in this release: the Add > Page and Add > Page from Office menu entries are not visible in some cases for simple users (with no administration rights). See XWIKI-9183 for more details. The problem is going to be fixed in 5.1 Milestone 2. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

This is the release notes for XWiki Platform, XWiki Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager. They share the same release notes as they are released together and have the same version.

This is the first milestone for the 5.1 release. It brings an improved Solr search UI with faceted search and a couple of bug fixes and other small improvements.

New and Noteworthy (since XWiki 5.0)

Full list of issues fixed and Dashboard for 5.1.

Solr search UI overhaul

We have redesigned the Solr search page to include faceted search and we improved the display of the advanced search options and the search results. Solr search is still not enabled by default because you still have to manually trigger the index from the administration, but we're working on this and we are confident that 5.1 final will have automatic Solr indexing and Solr enabled by default. See the documentation for the Solr Search Application for more details.



  • Moved the User Directory feature to an application on its own.
  • Moved the XWiki Syntax Help feature to an application on its own.
  • When an user wants to change his password, he now has to enter his current password for more security. Live validation of his new password validity (length) has also been added.
    ChangeOwnPassword .png
  • The attachment upload input now remains visible after uplading one or more files:


  • The "Send to" input from the Share page dialog displays a scope toggle when you are in a subwiki (or an workspace) that allows you to control whether the suggested users are local or global.


See the full list of JIRA issues fixed in this release.

For Developers


The following dependencies have been upgraded:

  • logback 1.0.13
  • commons-compress 1.5
  • commons-codec 1.8
  • httpclient 4.2.5
  • diffutils 1.3
  • Doxia 1.4
  • JGroups 3.3
  • HTMLCleaner 2.5
  • Lucene and Solr 4.3


  • All REST responses now specify the version of XWiki running on the server in the XWiki-Version HTTP header, and the current user in the XWiki-User header.
  • You can now provide a version summary (comment) when updating a page using REST. You can retrieve the version summary either by getting the page or by getting the page history, in which case you get the summary for each page revision.
  • We added a new special CSS class name, useTitleAsTip, that, combined with withTip, will allow you to have a tip (place-holder) different than the initial value of the text input.
  • A new URL parameter has been added to reference non aggregated JavaScript files: ?minify=false. See the Debugging Guide.
  • Added API to easily create a DocumentReference from a LocalDocumentReference
    DocumentReference documentReference = new DocumentReference(localReference, wikiReference);


The following translations have been updated: 

Tested Browsers & Databases

Here's the list of browsers we support and how they've been tested specifically for this release:

Chrome30.pngGoogle Chrome 27PartiallyManual Test Report for XWiki 5.1 Milestone 1
Firefox30.pngMozilla Firefox 21Not Tested
IE30.pngInternet Explorer 8Not Tested
IE30.pngInternet Explorer 9Not Tested

Here's the list of databases we support and how they've been tested specifically for this release:

hypersql.pngHyperSQL 2.2.9PartiallyManual Test Report for XWiki 5.1 Milestone 1
mysql.pngMySQL 5.6.10Not Tested
oracle.pngOracle 11.2Not Tested
postgresql.pngPostgreSQL 9.1.3Not Tested

Known issues

Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes

General Notes

You may also want to import the default wiki XAR in order to benefit from all the improvements listed above.


Always make sure you compare your xwiki.cfg and files with the newest version since some configuration parameters were added. Note that you should add so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.

Issues specific to XWiki 5.1 Milestone 1

  • The data type of the 'email' property from the user profile has changed from String to Email, a specialized type introduced in 4.2. Unfortunately this change doesn't apply automatically when you upgrade from an older version so you have to do it your self:
    1. edit XWiki.XWikiUsers with the class editor
    2. delete the 'email' property
    3. add a new property of type Email named 'email' with 'e-Mail' as pretty name
    4. save
    The values of both String and Email data types are stored in the same database table so there souldn't be any migration issues for existing users.

API Breakages

The following APIs were modified since XWiki 5.0.2:

  • Young API: New method to separate job setup from job start to put real jobs in queue.
org.xwiki.job.Job: Method 'public void initialize(org.xwiki.job.Request)' has been added to an interface
  • Young API: The URL module has never been finished and we started working on it again.
org.xwiki.url.InvalidURLException: Class org.xwiki.url.InvalidURLException removed

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