
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 1.2 Milestone 1

This is the first milestone for the 1.2 version. It contains several improvements and new features.


We have discovered several bugs in this version with the export and with attachments. We're not recommending that you upgrade to it at this time unless you'd like to help us test it, which we would appreciate a lot. Just don't put it in production (you shouldn't anyway since it's a milestone version).

Invalid macro parameters used for the [toc] macro. Cause: [Failed to validate bean: [must be greater than or equal to 1]]. Click on this message for details.

Changes from 1.1

Main changes:

  • Platform bugs fixed
  • Document history is now kept in a separate table in the database which means that Document load time is now improved and independent on the number of revisions
  • Better Interoperability with Confluence. Also use swizzle-confluence through a facade
  • Refactoring and Cleanup of XML-RPC implementation, proper exception handling for XML-RPC code and improved support for attachments via XML-RPC
  • Recycle bin for deleted documents (which can be recovered)
  • Ability to alter the document history
  • Minor edit of document
  • Main.Dashboard page now display major edits by default with the option of listing minor edits

+ lots of other changes (Platform, Panels, XWiki Enterprise)

Known issues

Migrating from 1.1.1

The database structure has been changed but we have set up an automatic migration system so you shouldn't have to touch your Database to upgrade to 1.2M1. So you can simply install this version and configure it to point to your existing database. However you may want to import the default wiki XAR in order to benefit from improvements listed above.

Migrating from versions earlier than 1.1.1

Check the release notes for 1.1.1.

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