Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24
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Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 1.3 Release Candidate 1
First release candidate of the XWiki Enterprise 1.3 version.
Summary of changes since XWiki Enterprise 1.3 Milestone 2
Main changes:
- Lots of bugs fixed
- Improved Toucan Skin with several bug fixes on IE
- Added a new XWiki.XWikiSyntax page that lists XWiki syntax to replace the link to the web site, thus allowing the ability to see syntax information even when offline.
- Generalized Ajax Suggest Feature (see XWIKI-1604 - No documentation yet).
- Ability to force a default language.
- Ability to enable/disable the watchlist feature by wiki. Moved the Watchlist pages to an application proper (i.e. as XWiki documents) instead of template files.
- Added License/Notice files to all released files.
- Added ability to customize the email template for the Watchlist feature (the email template is located in the XWiki.WatchListMessage page).
- The Watchlist feature now sends the change differences in the email.
+ lots of other changes, see Platform details and XWiki Enterprise details.
Known issues
Common Migration notes
The database structure has been changed but we have set up an automatic migration system so you shouldn't have to touch your Database to upgrade to 1.3RC1. Thus you can simply install this version and configure it to point to your existing database.
You may also want to import the default wiki XAR in order to benefit from improvements listed above.
Migrating from 1.1.2 or later
No additional steps required.
Migrating from versions earlier than 1.1.2
Check the release notes for 1.1.2.