Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 1.9
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24
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Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 1.9
Final version of XWiki Enterprise 1.9 (Roadmap).Summary of changes since XWiki Enterprise 1.8.4
1 UI improvements
This version contains several improvements enhancing the usability and productivity on the wiki. Many thanks to Marta Gîrdea, who supervised the development of most of these improvements.Quick Jump to any Page navigation
It is now possible to jump from any page to any other page, using a modal dialog aided by a suggest-powered search. To start, just press

- Some of the shortcuts are not available on all systems and browsers (for example Chrome), and they inhibit some of the browser's native shortcuts (for example * The suggest box searches only on the document name. The next release will bring support for quick search by the document's title.
- The suggest box displays at most 10 documents. It should be possible to fetch more results when pressing the Down arrow after the last item.
- The edit button does not open form-based documents in the inline editing mode, but in the configured editor (wiki or WYSIWYG). This will probably be fixed in the next release.
- Typing just the name of a document, without the space, does not open a document in the current space, but in the view space. This will be fixed in the next release.
- It is not possible to enter more than one search term, separated by spaces, since the suggest searches for an exact match of the input string. This will be fixed once the overall REST-based search will be improved.
Faster Save and Continue using AJAX
Save and Continue doesn't refresh the page anymore, but makes an AJAX request to save the document. When pressing the Save & Continue button, or the

Improved Full Screen editing
XWiki had a full screen editing mode since 2007, when it was implemented thanks to a Google Summer of Code student. But it had several limitations that made it less useful than it should have been:- It had a particular look that didn't integrate well with the current skin
- It didn't have the action buttons allowing to save or preview the document
- It only worked with the main content editor, and only for wiki editing and the old WYSIWYG editor
- It had several minor bugs on different browsers

- Improved support for browsers (tested in IE 6, 7 and 8, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and of course Firefox).
- Returning from Preview restores the maximized editor (and in most browsers except IE also when hitting the browser's Back button).
- Reuses the skin styles and integrates nicely with both Albatross and Toucan Current limitations:
- Because of some IE bugs, the button will appear after a short delay.
- Because of other IE bugs, when exiting full screen the edited field will be displayed a bit larger for about half a second.
- Because of some other IE bugs, when exiting full screen the window will be scrolled to the top of the document (this should be fixed in the next release).
New Live Table UI
The Live Table displaying all documents and all attachments in the Document Index page, as well as Users, Groups and Rights entries in the administration has been extended functionally and revamped from a design and user experience point of view. We have dropped the pseudo scroll bar in favor of a pagination mechanism. Columns are now sortable, which allows for example to sort the document or attachment index by date (ascending or descending).
Improved comments UI and functionality
The XWiki comments have also been improved, now allowing users to reply to existing comments, and have threaded discussions. Just click the "Reply" button to respond to any comment.

Multiple attachment upload in one request
Uploading more than one file at once is difficult in web interfaces, since it is impossible to select more than one file in the dialog provided by the browser. It was even more difficult in XWiki, since the user had to scroll down to the attachment area, expand the upload form, browse for a file, submit, wait a lot for the file to be uploaded, and then go back and do all the steps again, several times. We made things a bit easier, by allowing to insert all the wanted files in the form (as distinct file input field), then submit only once. A first improvement is that the upload form is now expanded by default. You will notice the Add another file and the red X buttons. You can add as many fields as you like (keeping in mind that the wiki has a limit on the total size of the upload data), and you can later remove any field wrongly selected. Pressing the Cancel button will restore the form to its initial state, with only one empty file field.

New UI for the Class and Object editors
The Class and Object editors have been revamped to improve the usability. For the object editor, the accordion has been replaced with expandable tree-like structures, with quick buttons for editing only one object at a time, and for deleting an object (which is performed using AJAX, thus much faster, without loosing the context).

Improved toolbar in the wiki editor
The toolbar for the wiki editing mode has been improved, adding support for the xwiki/2.0 syntax, adding more buttons, and replacing the icons with images from the Silk icon set.

- When switching the syntax from 1.0 to 2.0, before reloading the document the toolbar for the old syntax is used. This should be fixed in a future release.
Preliminary support for Autosave
A feature frequently asked for is the ability to autosave documents, so that when a problem occurs after a long editing session, at least all but the most recent changes should be recovered. While more changes in the underlying structure of XWiki are needed in order to implement it properly, for the moment we have a preliminary implementation for this feature. When editing in the wiki mode, you will notice a checkbox allowing to enable the Autosave feature:

- The autosave only works with the wiki editor; support for the new WYSIWYG will be added shortly.
- Autosave actually saves the document, creating real versions, so anybody can see the created drafts.
- Each autosave creates a distinct version, so a long editing session with a short autosave interval will create lots of minor versions.
- A new version will be saved even if no changes occurred since the last autosave.
2 PDF export improvements
Some important features were added and several issues addressed related to the PDF export feature:- PDFs now contain a cover page and a table of contents page.
- Changed the default font to FreeSerif, as it looks better on paper.
- Scaled images preserve the custom dimensions in PDFs also, with the exception that the aspect ratio is always preserved to be the same as the original image, and:
- Images are prevented from overflowing the paper, by being automatically scaled down to the maximum available space.
- The export works when running the container as a user with no home directory, since now the cache is correctly created in the temporary directory.
- A few style changes.
3 JavaScript improvements
We started to cleanup and improve our JavaScript widgets and APIs, to make the code smaller, more modular, more easy to understand, to have a common architecture.New notifications
XWiki now sends custom events when certain actions occur:- * * Other events will be added in the future as needed. A complete documentation for those events and their memo data is available on the JavaScript API page on XWiki's platform development guide.
Usage example
Prototype.js is the framework recommended for XWiki development. It eases listening for and sending event using the Event "class" and three new methods for the document object. To listen for a custom event, do:document.observe("xwiki:dom:loaded", function() {
alert("The document has loaded");
alert("The document has loaded");
});"xwiki:mymodule:myaction", {"someParam": true, "anotherOne": myObject});
New reusable components
To support the new UI features, the following new components have been added:- * * * *
We started cleaning up the old JavaScript code, replacing custom code with methods provided by Prototype.js, removing unused code, applying a common codestyle, introducing a standard naming convention, introducing a standard directory policy, etc. The first components affected are the Suggest, the behavior for the form action buttons, and the XWiki object itself.Deprecation strategy
We added a4 Switched to UTF-8 as the default encoding
The default encoding of XWiki has changed to UTF-8 to better integrate in the multi-national web. If you want to go back to the old encoding, you must edit The default HSQLDB database bundled with the standalone XWiki distributions are not affected by the encoding, so they should work after an upgrade without any changes.5 Mailsender improvements
The SMTP setting (username, password, server port, and extra Javamail properties which allow to enable SSL) are easier to configure (now accessible in the Administration -> General tab), and are by default visible in the wiki. Previously, they had to be manually added to the XWiki.XWikiPreferences class. These settings are also used with the registration confirmation email.
6 New Office Importer feature: document splitting
The Office Importer application now allows to split documents into multiple wiki pages during import.
7 XWiki 2.0 Syntax is enabled by default
This means that new pages are created using the XWiki 2.0 Syntax and thus benefit from the new WYSIWYG editor too. See Migration notes for more details.8 Other improvements
- Document syntax can be changed from the WYSIWYG editor.
- Upgraded to Groovy 1.6.3.
- Group Sheets are now using the Livetable widget.
- Upgrade to Jython 2.5rc3 (used in the Code macro since we're using Pygments for pretty-displaying).
- Simple Users don't see technical spaces anymore.
- New behavior for Velocity Macro for New Lines and White space (see Migration notes for more details).
- WYSIWYG improvement: Indenting multiple items at once in a list
Known issues
Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes
You can return to no cleaning by setting core.velocity.filter=none in file.