XWiki Enterprise 2.3.1 Release Notes

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

New and Noteworthy


  • [XPLUCENE-4] - Index inside of zip files using Lucene
  • [XPLUCENE-13] - Ability to rebuild the indexes just for one virtual wiki
  • [XPLUCENE-47] - Add ability to index attachments in OpenXML format
  • [XPLUCENE-29] - Adding capability to refresh the index without cleaning it
  • [XPLUCENE-36] - Lucene search on property level

Important Bugs Fixed

  • [XE-651] - RSS feed for search results doesn't work
  • [XE-670] - Deleted Documents and Deleted Attachments are not displayed anymore
  • [XE-673] - Cannot create a new space from the dashboard
  • [XE-675] - Recent Changes appears empty on user profiles when not logged as advanced user
  • [XWIKI-5166] - Guest user rights are not properly tested when tested from another wiki
  • [XWIKI-5133] - The caret jumps at the start of the page when pressing Enter at the end of a line
  • [XWIKI-5175] - NPE in XWikiLDAPUtils#isMemberOfGroup cause authentication to fail
  • [XPWATCHLIST-109] - WatchListClass page saved very often
  • [XAADMINISTRATION-125] - Editing a user/group from "XWiki Preferences > Users/Groups" doesn't work


Updated translations:

  • Core: ca, fr, gl, pt, sk
  • Wysiwyg: ca, de, es, fr, it, lv, ru, sk, sv, zh_tw


  • [XWIKI-5151] - Upgrade to JBossCache 3.2.4
  • [XPLUCENE-57] - Upgrade to Lucene 2.9.2

Known issues

Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes

General Notes


Always make sure you compare your xwiki.cfg file with the newest version since some configuration parameters were added. Note you should add xwiki.store.migration=1 so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.

Migration Notes

  • Standalone/inline Macro parsing has been fixed.

    There has been a bug that appeared when we released the new XWiki Syntax 2.0 several releases back and which we've finally fixed in this release. Basically if you had a macro followed by a new line and then another macro, both macros were considered as being standalone. This is now fixed and they are correctly considered by the parser as inline. More specifically if you were previously using a standalone macro (such as the TOC macro or the HTML macro) and your macro wasn't separated from a previous macro by at least 2 new lines, it'll now fail to render.

    In addition, several pages that are part of the XWiki Enterprise default XAR were not written correctly and didn't have these 2 new lines as mentioned above. We've fixed these pages too but you'll need to make sure you import them in your existing wiki (if you're upgrading) since otherwise these pages will fail to display correctly. These pages are:

    • XWiki.ClassSheet
    • XWiki.WebSearch
    • XWiki.LuceneSearch

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