First release candidate of the XWiki Enterprise 2.3 version (Roadmap).
New and Noteworthy (since XWiki Enterprise 2.3 Milestone 2)
The highlights of this release are: minor improvements, bugfixes.
- Annotations can now be activated by default from the wiki administration
- Email addresses can now be modified from the user profile
- Upgrade to Pygments 1.3.1
- Upgrade to Groovy 1.7.2
Important bugs fixed
- XWIKI-5085 - OfficeImporter does not set title of imported documents
- XE-636 - "Failed to execute macro: html" error when using the search feature
- XE-639 - Broken Sandbox.WebHome German translation
- New Spanish translations for the homepage and the sandbox space
- All the translations have been updated
Known issues
Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes
General Notes
WarningIf you're running in a multiwiki setup you'll also need to define the property to your xwiki.cfg file or explicitly name all databases to be migrated as in <tt>,db2,....
You may also want to import the default wiki XAR in order to benefit from the improvements listed above.
WarningAlways make sure you compare your xwiki.cfg file with the newest version since some configuration parameters were added. Note you should add so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
Upgrade and Migration Notes
- Standalone/inline Macro parsing has been fixed.
ErrorThere has been a bug that appeared when we released the new XWiki Syntax 2.0 several releases back and which we've finally fixed in 2.3 Milestone 2 release. Basically if you had a macro followed by a new line and then another macro, both macros were considered as being standalone. This is now fixed and they are correctly considered by the parser as inline. More specifically if you were previously using a standalone macro (such as the TOC macro or the HTML macro) and your macro wasn't separated from a previous macro by at least 2 new lines, it'll now fail to render.
In addition, several pages that are part of the XWiki Enterprise default XAR were not written correctly and didn't have these 2 new lines as mentioned above. We've fixed these pages too but you'll need to make sure you import them in your existing wiki (if you're upgrading) since otherwise these pages will fail to display correctly. These pages are:
- When upgrading from 2.3 Milestone 2
- Main.LuceneSearch
- Main.WebSearch
- When upgrading to previous version add also the following pages
- Main.RecentChanges
- Main.AllDocs
- XWiki.Tableview
- XWiki.Treeview
- XWiki.AllAttachments
- XWiki.OrphanedPages
- XWiki.DeletedDocuments
- XWiki.DeletedAttachments
- XWiki.XWikiUserPreferencesSheet