XWiki Enterprise 2.4.1 Release Notes

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

Some blocker issues have been found in this version. You should wait to use 2.4.2 instead.

This is a bugfix release for the 2.4 series.

New and Noteworthy

Important Bugs Fixed

  • XWIKI-5511 - In some conditions a newly created wiki does not have the standard classes
  • XWIKI-5492 - Can't move the focus outside of the rich text area in Opera
  • XWIKI-5440 - user.isUserInGroup return false if User in Master and group in virtual
  • XWIKI-5452 - "cache.path" configuration is not taken into account by JBossCache module
  • XWIKI-5414 - Keyboard shortcuts are not ignored when trying to navigate with keys in a select input
  • XWIKI-5391 - MediaWikiScanner#docElements() raises unexpected ParseException when encountering <D_TABLE_CAPTION> tokens
  • XWIKI-5515 - NPE when accessing an not existing wiki and autowww = 0
  • XWIKI-5363 - PeriodFactory#createSinceMonthsPeriod creates a "since weeks" period instead
  • XWIKI-5476 - Problem with non-px image dimensions in wysiwyg mode only with IE7
  • XWIKI-5457 - Propeditor cannot work anymore with recent livetable code
  • XWIKI-5243 - Reflected XSS in edit(wiki|wysiwyg|wysiwygnew).vm
  • XWIKI-5450 - SQL injection in suggest.vm
  • XWIKI-5428 - Save and Continue doesn't validate the mandatory document title
  • XWIKI-5434 - Saved request parameters are not restored on relogin
  • XWIKI-5244 - Stored XSS via user/group name
  • XWIKI-5510 - Text and background color don't match the color themev
  • XWIKI-5417 - xwiki/2.0 renderer should escape any (% it can find
  • XWIKI-5453 - includeMacro() no longer works in XE 2.4
  • XASEARCH-10 - Escaping issue in Main.DatabaseSearch
  • XAADMINISTRATION-156 - Cannot add "global" user in groups
  • XAADMINISTRATION-155 - Improper search icon position in Administration Application
  • XAADMINISTRATION-168 - Small inconsistency in DOM of some elements that use ConfigurationClass Class


Updated translations:

  • Core: ca, cs, de, es, fr, gl, hi, hr, ko, lv, nl, no, pl, ro, ru, sk, sv, uk, zh_TW, zh
  • Wysiwyg: ca, es, fr, it, lv, ru, sk, sv, zh_TW
  • XE: ca

New translations:

  • XE: zh


  • XWIKI-5403 - Downgrade mis-released 2.1 version of commons-net back to the latest official version, commons-net-2.0
  • XWIKI-5489 - Upgrade to Jython 2.5.2b2

Known issues

Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes

General Notes

Always make sure you compare your xwiki.cfg file with the newest version since some configuration parameters were added. Note you should add xwiki.store.migration=1 so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.

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