The XWiki development process uses JIRA for listing all tasks to be implemented and all bugs to be fixed.
You'll find there the dates and versions planned for issues to be fixed and hence the XWiki roadmaps. There's also a release calendar listing all known dates for future releases. Please understand that these dates are often tentative since XWiki's development is open source and lots of committers/contributors are working in their free time on XWiki.
If you're interested to help out check the contributing page.
General goals for all releases:
- More tests
- Better javadoc
- More documentation on
- Code cleanup/refactoring
Already implemented roadmaps can be found in the archives.
Note that all planned release dates are also entered in the Calendar on JIRA.
XWiki 13.x Cycle
Release dates for the 13.x Cycle:
- 13.0: January 2021
- 13.1: February 2021
- 13.2: March 2021
- 13.3: April 2021
- 13.4: May 2021
- 13.5: June 2021
- 13.6: July 2021
- 13.7: August 2021
- 13.8: September 2021
- 13.9: October 2021
- 13.10: November 2021
- 13.10.1: December 2021
- 13.10.2: December 2021
XWiki 13.10.1 & 13.10.2
XWiki Standard
Specific issues to fix before the end of the 13.x cycle:
- Bug: Finding and selecting a page when trying to add a link towards it does not work for a specific group of users when some exclusive rights are given to a different group on a parent page - Marius
- Less strict code verification in the reset password system - Simon
- Realtime - Marius
- Bug: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError when uploading a larger size file in a XWiki packaged Jetty instance - Vincent
- Security: - ?
Issues to be done on XS but for 14.x (issue needed for contrib extensions/others are listed below under contrib/others):
- Image improvement - Lavinia, Michael
- Lightbox for image in view mode - Lavinia
- Design proposal
- Lightbox for image in view mode - Lavinia
- Implement caption support - Michael
- Design proposal
- CKEDITOR support
- Adapt all renderers
- Adapt the parser/block structure
- Adapt the numbered content macro
- Realtime Editing
Contrib & Others
- FASTEN - Thomas
- Propose to search for extensions containing a missing macro right in the error message (only for 14.x)
- first module of the FASTEN XWiki Extension to report security vulnerabilities in installed extensions
- Propose to search for extensions containing a missing macro right in the error message (only for 14.x)
- Change Request Extension - Simon
- Replication 0.7 - Thomas
- Paragraph Numbering Extension - Manuel
- Migration to the new design choices
- Numbered Headings - Michael/Manuel
- All: BFD
- All: Fix flickers
- 13.10.1:
13rd of Dec(2 weeks) 16th of Dec - 13.10.2: 27th of Dec (2 weeks)