The XWiki development process uses JIRA for listing all tasks to be implemented and all bugs to be fixed.
You'll find there the dates and versions planned for issues to be fixed and hence the XWiki roadmaps. There's also a release calendar listing all known dates for future releases. Please understand that these dates are often tentative since XWiki's development is open source and lots of committers/contributors are working in their free time on XWiki.
If you're interested to help out check the contributing page.
General goals for all releases:
- More tests
- Better javadoc
- More documentation on
- Code cleanup/refactoring
Already implemented roadmaps can be found in the archives.
Note that all planned release dates are also entered in the Calendar on JIRA.
XWiki 15.x Cycle
Release dates for the 15.x Cycle:
- 15.0: January 2023
- 15.1: February 2023
- 15.2: March 2023
- 15.3: April 2023
- 15.4: May 2023
- 15.5: June 2023
- 15.6: July 2023
- 15.7: August 2023
- 15.8: September 2023
- 15.9: October 2023
- 15.10: November 2023
- 15.10.1: December 2023
- 15.10.2: December 2023
XWiki 15.9
XWiki Standard
Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Security issues not finished:
- WCAG - Lucas + Michael reviewing the PRs/merge them
- Bug fix CKEditor - Marius (BFD with help from Manuel)
- PDF export bug fixes (BFD?) - Marius
- UI proposals on the forum to finish - Adina
- Push devs to answer and conclude on each proposal, especially for:
- the dropdown borders and shadows
- division between panels and content
- Push devs to answer and conclude on each proposal, especially for:
- What's New: Improved UI - Adina (with help from Vincent)
- Implement the HTML/JS/CSS
- TODO: Vincent to check the status on the provided HTML/CSS, see
- UI support for news item images:
- Implement the HTML/JS/CSS
- Compiled XDOM - Thomas
- Realtime bugfixes - Dorian (with help from Marius)
- Continue working on LiveTable to Live Data migrations - Michael
New work:
- New Security issues - Michael
- Required rights - Michael, Manuel
- Implement Skin improvements - Manuel
- Realtime improvements - Marius
- WCAG - Lucas + Michael reviewing the PRs/merge them
- Continue working on LiveTable to Live Data migrations - Michael
- Word-based notifications - Simon
- Revamping of notification watch buttons - Simon
- Signed Extensions - Michael
- Start thinking about the need/architecture
- Extra Doc Revamp - Adina
Contrib & Others
Outstanding from previous roadmaps:
- URL Normalizer in platform - Thomas
- Proposal to merge the extension in platform + activate by default + implement it, if it passes
- Change Request - Simon
New work:
- WAISE project, Contrib extension - Paul (with Michael as tech lead)
- TODO: list issues here.
- Wiki 3.0 contrib extension
- Manuel
- Setup the critial dev infrastructure (issue tracker, documentation wiki, CI)
- Forum proposal of the global architecture (what's client side, what's server side, how do we connect to the storage backend...) (based on
- Work on authentication (delegate authentication to the underlying storage) PoC + proposal
- Clement D
- Benchmark of Javascript component injection libraries + design page + forum proposal (based on Ludovic PoC)
- Vue 3 as our front-end framework forum proposal (based on Ludovic PoC)
- Document tree PoC + design page + forum proposal
- Manuel
- All: BFDs on Thursdays
- All: Fix flickers
- All: With the time left, fix some critical/major open bugs. Take them from the critical list of open bugs
- 15.9 RC1: 23rd of October 2023
- 15.9 Final: 30th of October 2023