XWiki Roadmap Archives for the 5.x Release Cycle
This page contains the roadmap for past releases that were part of the 5.x Release Cycle. Latest roadmaps can be found on the XWiki Enterprise Roadmap page.
XWiki Enterprise 5.x Cycle
- Theme: Speed and Simplicity
Mission: Improve XWiki's usage for new and regular users by improving Usability and Usage Speed in order to make XWiki simpler and faster both from a pure performance point of view and from are user interface point of view.
Technical details:
- Individual Feature Improvement from a Usability perspective including speed of access (real time updates, commenting in activity stream)
- General Usability Improvements on XE for simplicity
- Technical Rewrite of certain features (activity stream) for performance or architecture reasons
- General Performance Improvement of XWiki (page loading, rendering time)
- Bug Fixing in general
Release dates for the 5.x Cycle:
- 5.0:
AprilMay 2013 - 5.1:
JuneJuly 2013 - 5.2:
SeptemberOctober 2013 - 5.3:
November 2013December 2013 - 5.4:
January 2014February 2014
Here's the full list of what was achieved in the XWiki 5.x cycle.
XWiki Enterprise 5.4
See what was done in the release notes.
Check the complete list of issues fixed for 5.4.
- SOLR Search improvements - Owner: Marius:
- Multiwiki improvements - Owner: GuillaumeD:
- DM/EM improvements - Owner: Thomas + Marius:
- Scalable import/export + Confluence import - Owner: Thomas:
- Signed script implementation - Owner: Denis:
Here are also some JIRA issues that were raised as important (in this order of importance):
+ XWIKI-9156 which is confidential (security issue)
Proposed dates
- 5.4M1:
6th of Jan 20148th of Jan 2014 - 5.4RC1:
20th of Jan 201427th of Jan 201430th of Jan 2014 - 5.4Final:
27th of Jan 20143rd of Feb 20145th of Feb 2014
XWiki Enterprise 5.3
See what was done in the release notes.
Check the complete list of issues fixed for 5.3.
- SOLR Search improvements - Owner: Marius:
- Continue working on the workspaces integration by default in XWiki Enterprise - Owner: GuillaumeD:
- Finish scalable import/export (and make it the default) - Owner: ThomasM:
- Implement Confluence import using wikistream - Owner: ThomasM:
- Improvements on EM/DW - Owner: ThomasM + Marius:
- Signed script implementation - Owner: Denis:
- If time permits: AWM improvements - Owner: Marius:
Here are also some JIRA issues that were raised as important (in this order of importance):
+ XWIKI-9156 which is confidential (security issue)
Proposed dates
- 5.3M1:
21st of October25th of October - 5.3M2:
4th of November11th of November14th of November19th of November - 5.3RC1:
18th of November20th of November27th of November4th of DecemberStarted 6th of December, finished 8th of December - 5.3Final:
25th of November27th of November4th of December10th of DecemberStarted 11th of December, finished 13th of December
XWiki Enterprise 5.2
See what was done in the release notes.
Check the complete list of issues fixed for 5.2.
- SOLR Search improvements/tuning + search suggest in SOLR - Thomas + Marius
- Have Workspace by default in XE + improved home page - Caty + Guillaume Delhumeau
- Scalable import/export based on wiki stream - Thomas
- Improvements on EM (introduce "always" switch in the EM conflict UI, When uninstalling a XAR extension a question should be asked for various conflict use cases, various bugs, etc) - Thomas + Marius
- Security issues - Thomas Delafosse
- Add UI extension point in key places - Need someone!
Here are also some JIRA issues that were raised as important (in this order of importance):
Last, here's a list of interesting investigations to do (for future implementation):
- Activity Stream UI + Notifications Investigations - Caty + GuillaumeD
- Easier automatic field validation (including UI for advanced user). Ajax or Not - Marius (if enough time)
Proposed dates
- 5.2M1:
12 Aug13 Aug - 5.2M2:
9 Sep13 Sep - 5.2RC1:
23 Sep27 Sep - 5.2Final:
30 Sep7 Oct
XWiki Enterprise 5.1
See what was done in the release notes.
Check the complete list of issues fixed for 5.1.
- Security fixes and review/apply the feature-authorization-context branch - Thomas Delafosse and Andreas
- XWiki-7879 : Refactor to confine delegation of programming rights (only committers on the security list will be able to see this issue on JIRA)
- First usable version of SOLR implementation - Thomas Mortagne for the back end, Caty for the UI design, Marius for the UI implementation and Sorin/Manuel for ensuring the quality of the new SOLR is at least as good as our current Lucene search so that we could switch to the SOLR version ASAP (would be great to be able to do that at the end of 5.1)
- By order of priority and time permitting:
- Horizontal menu - Marius
- Home Page Improvements - Marius + Caty
- AWM: Add the ability to publish an application as an extension - Marius
- Some specific JIRAs:
- Horizontal menu - Marius
Proposed dates
- 5.1M1:
27 May 201331 May 2013 - 5.1M2:
10 June 201314 June 2013 - 5.1RC1:
24 June 201327 June 2013 - 5.1 final:
1st of July9 July 2013
XWiki Enterprise 5.0
Targeted features/Improvements/Bugs
- Continue SOLR implementation
- EM upgrade of subwikis in farm mode + flavor concept (add Flavor type in EM/Repository) + leftover from 4.x for EM/DW:
- AppWithinMinutes work, ordered by priority:
- Scalable import/export
- Home page improvements (XE) and usability improvements in general
- Horizontal Menu management (add, remove pages)
- virtual=1 by default
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Various important bugs to fix (ordered by priority - top is first priority):
- XEM Homepage / Portal - Caty
- Knowledge base Flavor - Caty/Ludovic
- New Activity Stream Investigation Part 1 - JV (he's agreed to become our AS champion
- General Flavours Investigation - Caty
Proposed dates
- 5.0M1:
4 March 20136 March 2013 - 5.0M2:
25 March 20133 April 2013 - 5.0RC1:
8 April 201315 April 201321 April 2013 - 5.0Final:
15 April 201322 April 201326 April 2013