Manual Test Report Template

Version 11.13 by Sorin Burjan on 2012/05/16
Warning: For security reasons, the document is displayed in restricted mode as it is not the current version. There may be differences and errors due to this.

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [xwiki:TestReports.ManualTestReportXWiki16102.WebHome]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.


This document represents the template used for the Manual Test Report for each released version. It is considered a work in progress.


The aim of this report is to test all features on XWiki Enterprise 4.x cycle and see that the everything is working before the release.

Current Progress

Tested using XWiki Enterprise 4.x release found here

Tested using the following browsers

For the list of supported browsers please click here.

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer

Tested using the following Databases

For the list of supported databases please click here.



Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [xwiki:TestReports.ManualTestReportXWiki16102.WebHome]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.



Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Register a new user" Click on "Register"; Fill in the fields; Click "Register" Check if Registration works-
"Log-In"Click on "Log-In"; Fill in the username; Fill in the Password; Click "Log-In" Check if Logging in works
"Log-In"Click on "Log-In"; Fill in the wrong username; Fill in the Password; Click "Log-In" Check is allowed to login
"Log-In" Click on "Log-In"; Fill in the username; Fill in the wrong Password; Click "Log-In" Check is allowed to login
"Log-Out" & Log-In"Click on "Log-Out";Go do a any page except the WebHome page; Click on "Log-In"; Fill in the username; Fill in the  Password; Click "Log-In" Check if you will remain on the page you were before logging in;
"Forgot username"Click on "Log-In"; click on "username" Redirect to Forgot Username page-
"Reset password"Click on "Log-In"; click on "password" Redirect to Reset Password page-
"Log-Out"Click on "Log-Out" Check if Logout works-

User Profile

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Profile Page"Click on "Profile"; Click "Switch to Advanced edit mode"; Click "Save & View"Changes are saved-
"Profile Page"Click on "Profile" ; Click "Switch to Simple edit mode"; Click "Save & View"Changes are saved-
"Profile Page"Click on "Profile" ; Click "Default editor to use"; Select "Wiki"; Click "Save & View"Changes are saved; Go to a page and click "Edit"; Wiki editor should load-
"Profile Page"Click on "Profile" ; Click "Default editor to use"; Select "WYSIWYG"; Click "Save & View"Changes are saved; Go to a page and click "Edit"; WYSIWYG editor should load-
"Change your password" Click on "Profile" ; Click "Change your password"; Fill in the new password; Reenter the password; Click "Update" Changes are saved-
"Modify your profile"Click on "Profile"; Click "Modify your profile"; Change your profile; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Redirect to Edit page-
"Modify your profile"Click on "Profile"; Click "Modify your profile"; Change your profile; Click "Save & Continue" Changes are saved-
"Modify your profile" Click on "Profile"; Click "Modify your profile"; Change your profile; Click "Save & View" Changes are saved-
"Modify your profile"Click on "Profile"; Click "Modify your profile"; Click "Cancel" Changes are discarded-
"Change Photo"Click on "Profile"; Click on the top right corner of your profile picture; Click "Cancel and return to profile" Changes are discarded-
"Change Photo"Click on "Profile"; Click on the top right corner of your profile picture; Upload a new image and press "upload" Image is uploaded and used as profile picture-
"Change Photo"Click on "Profile"; Click "Change Photo"; Click on an existing photo; Click "Set this photo" Image is used as profile picture-
"Watchlist"Click on "Watchlist"; Click "Watchlist"; Delete a watched page/space/wiki Changes are saved; Page/space/wiki is not listed anymore-
"RSS Watchlist"Click on "Watchlist"; Click "Watchlist"; Click on the RSS Feed See the watchlist modifications as RSS feed-

Action Menus

Brief testing of the action menus and the pages/spaces they point to. These pages/spaces (e.g. wysiwyg editing, administration) will be later the subject of more in depth testing.

"Add" Menu

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Space"Hover over "Add"; Click on "Add Space"; Fill in a space name; Click "Create" Redirect to Create Space page-
"Page"Hover over "Add"; Click on "Page"Redirect to Create Page page
"Page From Office Document"Hover over "Add"; Click on "Page From Office Document";Look at the OfficeImporter Documentation for instructions on how to setup and configure an OpenOffice server--
"Comment to Page"Hover over "Add"; Click on the "Comment to Page".The page should scroll down at the bottom in the Comments tab--
"Attachments to Page"Hover over "Add"; Click on the "Attachments to Page".The page should scroll down at the bottom in the Comments tab--

"Wiki" Menu

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Watch Space"Hover over "Wiki"; Click on "Watch Space"; See if the star turns yellow and the writing to "Unwatch Wiki"--
"Watch Space"Hover over "Wiki"; Click on "Unwatch Space";See if the star turns gray and the writing to "Watch Wiki" 
"Administer Wiki"Hover over "Wiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"Redirect to Administer Wiki page--
"Document Index"Hover over "Wiki"; Click on "Document Index" Redirect to Document Index page

"Space" Menu

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Watch Space"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Watch Space"; See if the star turns yellow and the writing to "Unwatch Space"
"Watch Space"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Unwatch Space";See if the star turns gray and the writing to "Watch Space" 
"Administer Space"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"Redirect to Administer Space page--
"Document Index"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Document Index" Redirect to Document Index page

"Page" Menu

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Watch Page"Hover over "Page"; Click on "Watch Page"; See if the star turns yellow and the writing to "Unwatch Space"
"Watch Page"Hover over "Page"; Click on "Copy"; See if the star turns gray and the writing to "Watch Page"
"Share Page by Email"Hover over "Page"; Click on "Share Page by Email";See if the javascript modal appears; Check if the fields and the layout are properly displayed--
"Copy"Hover over "Page"; Click on "Rename";Redirected to the Copy feature page.--
"Rename"Hover over "Page"; Click on "Rename"; Select a new space; Insert the new page name; Click on "Rename"Redirected to the Rename feature page. Check if Rename feature works--
"Delete"Hover over "Page"; Click on "Delete"; Redirected to a page and be asked for confirmation

"Profile" Menu

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Profile"Hover over "Profile" menu and click on "Profile";Redirects to your profile page--
"Preferences"Hover over "Profile" menu and click on "Preferences";Redirects to your profile preferences--
"Watchlist"Hover over "Profile" menu and click on "Watchlist";Redirects to your profile watchlist--
"Network"Hover over "Profile" menu and click on "Network"Redirects to your profile network. Here you see the users you follow. --

"Edit" Menu

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Edit"Click on "Edit" Redirects to default edit mode of the page
"Wiki"Hover over "Edit"; Click on "Wiki" Redirects to Wiki edit mode
"WYSIWYG"Hover over "Edit"; Click on "WYSIWYG" Redirects to WYSIWYG edit mode
"Inline Form" Hover over "Edit"; Click on "Inline Form" Redirects to Inline edit mode-
"Access Rights"Hover over "Edit"; Click on "Access Rights" Redirects to Access Rights edit mode
"Objects" Hover over "Edit"; Click on "Objects" Redirects to Objects edit mode
"Class" Hover over "Edit"; Click on "Class" Redirects to Class edit mode

"Export" Menu

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Export as PDF"Hover over "Export"; Click on "Export as PDF" Save file dialog appears
"Export as RTF"Hover over "Export"; Click on "Export as RTF" Save file dialog appears
"Export as HTML"Hover over "Export"; Click on "Export as HTML" Save file dialog appears
"Export as XAR"Hover over "Export"; Click on "Export as XAR" Save file dialog appears

"More Actions" Menu

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Print Preview"Hover over "More Actions"; Click on "Print Preview" Button redirects to "Print Preview" page; Check if the layout of the page is ok and fit for printing
"View Source"Hover over "More Actions"; Click on "View Source" Button redirects to "View Source" page

Action Stream

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Create PageCreate a page; Go to main page; See if the small icon denoting page creation is visible under your user
Edit Page Create a page; Edit the page again, and press "Save and View" Go to main page; See if the small icon denoting page editing is visible under your user
Delete PageDelete a page; Go to main page; See if the small icon denoting page deletion is visible under with user
Annotate Page Annotate a page; Go to main page; See if the small icon denoting page annotation is visible with your user
Comment on PageComment on a page; Go to main page; See if the small icon denoting page comment is visible with your user
Attach to Page Add an attachment to a page; Go to main page; See if the small icon denoting adding attachment is visible with your user
See all actions Go to main page; Press on the small arrow pointing down Drop down should expand; All previous actions should be visible-
See all actions in detail Go to main page; Press on the small arrow pointing down; Some of the actions from the list have their own arrow; Press each arrow and see more details regarding that action Drop down should expand; All previous actions should be visible-

Wiki Editor

You can find out more about the Wiki Editor and page editing in general by clicking here.
We recommend you also try our new WYSIWYG editor. To learn more about XWiki's GWT rich text editor and discover all its features you may want to take a look at the WYSIWYG editor user guide.

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Edit a page"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki" Button redirects to Wiki edit mode-

Multilingual Page

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Add other languages to a page"Go to "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Localization"; Select "Yes" to Enable multilingual support; Add "fr", "en", "ro"; Go to the page you want to add translations to; Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; On the panel from the right side, click on the language you want to translate to; Add content and save; Switching from one language to another should change the UI language and the content also;-

Edit Title

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Page Edit TitleHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Change the title from the "Title" field; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Title is changed in review
Page Edit TitleHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Change the title from the "Title" field; Click "Save & Continue" Title is saved
Page Edit Title Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Change the title from the "Title" field; Click "Save & View" Title is saved and shown in Preview mode

Text Formatting

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Make text "Bold"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Bold" button to make the text bold; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if bold styling applies on preview-
Make text "Bold"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Bold" button to make the text bold; Click "Save & Continue" Check if bold styling applies after saving-
Make text "Bold"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Bold" button to make the text bold; Click "Save & View" Check if bold styling applies after saving and going in view mode-
Make text "Bold"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Bold" button; Fill in some text instead of "Text in Bold"; Click "Save & View" Check if bold styling remains if content is changed-
Make text "Italic" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Italic" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if italic styling applies on preview-
Make text "Italic"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Italic" button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if italic styling applies after saving-
Make text "Italic" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Italic" button; Click "Save & View" Check if italic styling applies after saving and going in view mode-
Make text "Italic"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Italic" button; Fill in some text instead of "Text in Italics"; Click "Save & View" Check if italic styling remains if content is changed-
Make text "Underline"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Underline" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit"  Check if underline styling applies on preview-
Make text "Underline"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Underline" button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if underline styling applies after saving-
Make text "Underline"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Underline" button; Click "Save & View" Check if underline styling applies after saving and going in view mode-
Make text "Underline"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Underline" button; Fill in some text instead of "Text in Underline"; Click "Save & View" Check if underline styling remains if content is changed-
Make text "Strikethrough"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Strikethrough" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if Strikethrough styling applies on preview
Make text "Strikethrough"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Strikethrough" button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if Strikethrough styling applies after saving
Make text "Strikethrough"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Strikethrough" button; Click "Save & View" Check if Strikethrough styling applies after saving and going in view mode
Make text "Strikethrough"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Strikethrough" button; Fill in some text instead of "Strikethrough"; Click "Save & View" Check if Strikethrough styling remains if content is changed
Make text "Subscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Subscript" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if Subscript styling applies on preview
Make text "Subscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Subscript" button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if Subscript styling applies after saving
Make text "Subscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Subscript" button; Click "Save & View" Check if Subscript styling applies after saving and going in view mode-
Make text "Subscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Subscript" button; Fill in some text instead of "Text in subscript"; Click "Save & View" Check if Subscript styling remains if content is changed
Make text "Superscript" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Superscript" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if Superscript styling applies on preview
Make text "Superscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Superscript" button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if Superscript styling applies after saving
Make text "Superscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Superscript" button; Click "Save & View" Check if Superscript styling applies after saving and going in view mode
Make text "Superscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Superscript" button; Fill in some text instead of "Text in superscript"; Click "Save & View" Check if Superscript styling remains if content is changed
Make text "Bullets On / Off" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Bullets On / Off" button to turn Bullets on; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Bullets On / Off"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Bullets On / Off" button to turn Bullets on; Click "Save & Continue" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Bullets On / Off"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Bullets On / Off" button to turn Bullets on; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Bullets On / Off" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Bullets On / Off" button to turn Bullets on; Fill in some text instead of "List item"; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Numbering On / Off" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Numbering On / Off" button to turn Numbering on; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Numbering On / Off"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Numbering On / Off" button to turn Numbering on; Click "Save & Continue" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Numbering On / Off" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Numbering On / Off" button to turn Numbering on; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Numbering On / Off"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Numbering On / Off" button to turn Numbering on; Fill in some text instead of "List item"; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 1" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 1" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 1" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 1" button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 1"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 1" button; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 1"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Heading 1" button; Fill in some text instead of "Heading 1"; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 2"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 2" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 2"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 2" button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 2"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 2" button; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 2"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Heading 1" button; Fill in some text instead of "Heading 2"; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 3"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 3" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 3"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 3" button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 3"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 3" button; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 3" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Heading 3" button; Fill in some text instead of "Heading 3"; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 4"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 4" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 4"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 4" button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 4" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Select some text; Click on the "Heading 4" button; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies
Make text "Heading 4"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Heading 4" button; Fill in some text instead of "Heading 4"; Click "Save & View" Check if formatting applies-
Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Create "Internal Link" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on "Internal Link"; Replace "Link Example" with an internal link; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if Link feature works properly-
Create "Internal Link" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on "Internal Link"; Replace "Link Example" with an internal link; Click "Save & Continue" Check if Link feature works properly
Create "Internal Link" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on "Internal Link"; Replace "Link Example" with an internal link; Click "Save & View" Check if Link feature works properly
Create "Internal Link" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Write an internal link; Select the link; Click on "Internal Link"; Click "Save & View" Check if Link feature works properly
Create "External Link" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on "External Link"; Replace "name of link" with some text; Replace example URL with a different URL; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Check if Link feature works properly-
Create "External Link" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on "External Link"; Replace "name of link" with some text; Replace example URL with a different URL; Click "Save & Continue" Check if Link feature works properly-
Create "External Link" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on "External Link"; Replace "name of link" with some text; Replace example URL with a different URL; Click "Save & View" Check if Link feature works properly
Create "External Link" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Write a label and a link in the form "label>>link"; Select the label and the link; Click on "External Link"; Click "Save & View" Check if Link feature works properly-

Horizontal Ruler

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Add "Horizontal ruler" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Horizontal ruler" button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Ruler should appear in Preview mode
Add "Horizontal ruler" Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Horizontal ruler" button; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the page and remain in Edit mode
Add "Horizontal ruler"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Horizontal ruler" button; Click "Save & View" Saves the page and redirects to View mode


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Attach image"Attach an image to a page; Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Attached image" button; Fill in the name of the image attached to the page; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Image should appear in Preview ode-
"Attach image" Attach an image to a page; Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Attached image" button; Fill in the name of the image attached to the page; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the page and remains in Edit mode
"Attach image"Attach an image to a page; Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Attached image" button; Fill in the name of the image attached to the page; Click "Save & View" Saves the page and redirects to Edit mode


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Add "HTML Code"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Write some HTML code; Select the code; Click on "HTML Code"; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Executed HTML code should appear in Preview-
Add "HTML Code"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Write some HTML code; Select the code; Click on "HTML Code"; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the page and remains in Edit mode
Add "HTML Code"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Write some HTML code; Select the code; Click on "HTML Code"; Click "Save & View" Saves the page and redirects to Edit mode
Add "HTML Code"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on "HTML Code"; Replace "<! Your HTML code here >" with some HTML code; Click "Save & View" Check is "HTML Code" button works

Velocity Code

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Add "Velocity Code"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Write some Velocity code; Select the code; Click on "Velocity Code"; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Executed velocity code should appear in Preview-
Add "Velocity Code"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Write some Velocity code; Select the code; Click on "Velocity Code"; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the page and remains in Edit mode
Add "Velocity Code"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Write some Velocity code; Select the code; Click on "Velocity Code"; Click "Save & View" Saves the page and redirects to Edit mode
Add "Velocity Code"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on "Velocity Code"; Replace "#* Your velocity code here *#" with some Velocity code; Click "Save & View" Check is "Velocity Code" button works

Edit in full screen

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Exit Full Screen"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click on the "Exit full screen" green button Check is full screen feature works properly-
"Preview" in full screen Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back To Edit" Check if preview works from full screen-
"Save & Continue" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Save & Continue" Page is saved-
"Save & View" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Save & View" Page is saved and redirected to View mode-
"Cancel" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Cancel" Cancels modifications made to document and redirects to View mode-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Preview"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to edit" Redirect back to Edit Page-
"Save & Continue"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the Page and remains in Edit Mode-
"Save & Continue"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Check "Is minor edit"; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the Page as a minor version and remains in Edit Mode-
"Save & Continue"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Type in a Comment; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the Page with a comment and remains in Edit Mode-
"Save & View"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click "Save & View" Saves the Page and redirects to View Mode-
"Save & View"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Check "Is minor edit"; Click "Save & View" Saves the Page as minor version and redirects to View Mode-
"Save & View"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Type in a Comment; Click "Save & View" Saves the Page with a comment and redirects to View Mode-
"Cancel"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click "Cancel" Cancels and returns to View Mode-
"Exit Full Screen"Hover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click on the "Exit full screen" blue button Check if editor becomes full screen-
"Preview" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back To Edit" Check if editor becomes full screen  and redirected back to Edit Page-
"Save & Continue" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if editor becomes full screen; Page saves; Page remains in edit mode-
"Save & View" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Save & View" Check if editor becomes full screen; Page saves; Redirected to View Mode-
"Cancel" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Cancel" Check if editor becomes full scree; Cancels and returns to View Mode-
"AutosaveHover over "Edit", Click on "Wiki"; Add some content; Check the "Autosave" checkbox;Check if editor automatically saves the page-


To learn more about XWiki's GWT rich text editor and discover all its features you may want to take a look at the WYSIWYG editor user guide.

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Edit a page" Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG" Check is WYSIWYG Editor loads-
"Edit Section"Click on the small pencil icon near the section head in order to edit;Check is WYSIWYG Editor loads--

Multilingual Page

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Add other languages to a page"Go to "Administer WYSIWYG"; Click on "Localization"; Select "Yes" to Enable multilingual support; Add "fr", "en", "ro"; Go to the page you want to add translations to; Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; On the panel from the right side, click on the language you want to translate to; Add content and save; Switching from one language to another should change the UI language and the content also;-

Edit Title

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Edit TitleHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Change the title from the "Title" field; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Redirect to Edit page-
Edit TitleHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Change the title from the "Title" field; Click "Save & Continue" Saves and remains on Edit Page-
Edit TitleHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Change the title from the "Title" field; Click "Save & View" Saves and redirects to View Page-
Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Link" >"Wiki Page..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Wiki Page..."; Click "X"  Check if modal works--
"Link" >"Wiki Page..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Wiki Page..."; Click on a page; Click "Select"; Click "Previous"  Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Wiki Page..." Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Wiki Page..."; Click on a page; Click "Select"; Type in a Label; Type in a Tooltip; Click "Create Link"  Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Wiki Page..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Wiki Page..."; Click on a page; Click "Select"; Type in a Label; Check "Open In New Window"; Click "Create Link"  Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Wiki Page..." visualHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Wiki Page..."; Click "All Pages"; Click on a page; Click "Select"; Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Wiki Page..." Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Wiki Page..."; Click "All Pages"; Click on a page; Click "Select"; Type in a Label; Click "Create Link" Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Wiki Page..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Wiki Page..."; Click "Search"; Type in a page name; Click "Search" Click on the page; Click "Select"; Type in a label; Click "Create Link" Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Attached File..." visual Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Attached File..."; Click "Upload new file"; Click "Select"; Select a file from your computer; Click "Upload"; Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Attached File..." Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Attached File..."; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly--
"Link" > "Attached File..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Attached File..."; Click "Upload new file"; Click "Select"; Select a file from your computer; Click "Upload"; Click "Previous" Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Attached File..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Attached File..."; Click "Upload new file"; Click "Select"; Select a file from your computer; Click "Upload"; Type in a Label; Type in a Tooltip; Click "Create Link"  Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Attached File..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Attached File..."; Click "Upload new file"; Click "Select"; Select a file from your computer; Click "Upload"; Type in a Label; Check "Open In New Window"; Click "Create Link"  Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Attached File..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Attached File..."; Click "All Pages" Click "Create Link"; Click on an attachment; Click "Select"; Type in a Label; Click "Create Link" Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Web Page..." visualHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Web Page..." Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Web Page..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Web Page..."; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly--
"Link" > "Web Page..." Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Web Page..."; Type in the Webpage Address; Type in the Label; Type in the Tooltip; Click "Create Link" Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Web Page..." Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Web Page..."; Type in the Webpage Address; Type in the Label; Check "Open In New Window"; Click "Create Link"Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Email Address..." Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Email Address..."Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Email Address..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Email Address..."; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly--
"Link" > "Email Address..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Email Address..."; Type in the Email Address; Type in the Label; Type in the Tooltip; Click "Create Link" Check if Link feature works properly--
"Link" > "Email Address..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Link > Email Address..."; Type in the Email Address; Type in the Label; Check "Open In New Window"; Click "Create Link"Check if Link feature works properly--


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Insert Image..." Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly-
"Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Click "Previous" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Select an image from your computer; Click "Upload"; Type the width of the image; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Select an image from your computer; Click "Upload"; Type the height of the image; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Select an image from your computer; Click "Upload"; Type the alternative text; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Select an image from your computer; Click "Upload"; Select the "Left" Horizontal Alignment; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Select an image from your computer; Click "Upload"; Select the "Center" Horizontal Alignment; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Image" > "Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Select an image from your computer; Click "Upload"; Select the "Right" Horizontal Alignment; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Image" > "Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Select an image from your computer; Click "Upload"; Select the "Top" Vertical Alignment; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Image" > "Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Select an image from your computer; Click "Upload"; Select the "Middle" Vertical Alignment; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click on "Upload new image"; Click "Select"; Select an image from your computer; Click "Upload"; Select the "Bottom" Vertical Alignment; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-
"Insert Image..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Image > Insert Image..."; Click "All Pages"; Select a space; Select a page; Click "Update"; Click on an image; Click "Select"; Click "Insert Image" Check if Image feature works properly-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Table" > "Insert Table..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Table > Insert Table..."; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly-
"Table" > "Insert Table..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Table > Insert Table..."; Click "Insert Table" Check if Table function works properly-
"Table" > "Insert Table..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Table > Insert Table..."; Uncheck "First Row Is A Header Row"; Click "Insert Table" Check if Table function works properly-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Macro" > "Insert Macro..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click "X" Check if modal closes properly-
"Box" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Box" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Chart" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Chart" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required fields; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Code" MacorHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Code" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Error Message" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Error Message" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Footnote" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Footnote" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Formula" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Formula" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Groovy" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Groovy" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"HTML" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "HTML" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Id" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Id" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Include" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Include" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Info Message" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Info Message" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Put Footnote" Macroy Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Put Footnote" macro; Click "Select"; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Python" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Python" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"RSS" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "RSS" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Script" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Script" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Table Of Contents" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Table Of Contents" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the fields; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"User Avatar" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "User Avatar" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Velocity" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Velocity" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Warning Message" MacroHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..." Click on the "Warning Message" macro; Click "Select"; Fill in the required field; Click "Insert Macro" Check if Macro works properly-
"Macro" > "Refresh"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..."; Insert a couple of macros; Click on "Macro" > "Refresh" Check if Macro works properly-
"Macro" > "Collapse All"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..."; Insert a couple of macros and make sure they are expanded; Click on "Macro" > "Collapse All" Check if Macro works properly-
"Macro" > "Expand All"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..."; Insert a couple of macros and make sure they are collapsed; Click on "Macro" > "Expand All" Check if Macro works properly-
"Macro" > "Edit macro properties..." functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..."; Insert a macro; Click on "Macro" > "Edit macro properties..."; Change the properties and click "Apply" Check if Macro works properly-
"Macro" > "Edit macro properties..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..."; Insert a macro and make sure it is expanded; Click on "Macro" > "Collapse" Check if Macro works properly-
"Macro" > "Edit macro properties..."Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Macro > Insert Macro..."; Insert a macro and make sure it is collapsed; Click on "Macro" > "Expand" Check if Macro works properly-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Office Document"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Import > Office Document"; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly
"Office Content (Copy / Paste)"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Import > Office Content (Copy / Paste)" Check if Copy/Paste function works
"Office Content (Copy / Paste)"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Import > Office Content (Copy / Paste)"; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly-
"Office Content (Copy / Paste)"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Import > Office Content (Copy / Paste)"; Fill in the required field; Click "Import" Check if the Import function works
"Office Content (Copy / Paste)"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Import > Office Content (Copy / Paste)"; Fill in the required field; Check "Filter Styles"; Click "Import" Check if the Import function works-

Text Formatting

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Make text "Bold"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Bold" button to make the text bold Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Bold"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Bold" button to make the text bold; Click on the "Bold" button again to remove Bold Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Italic"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Italic" button Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Italic"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Italic" button to make the text Italic; Click on the "Italic" button again to remove Italic Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Underline"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Underline" button Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Underline"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Underline" button to make the text Underlined; Click on the "Underline" button again to remove Underline Check if formatting applies
Make text "Strikethrough"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Strikethrough" button Check if formatting applies
Make text "Strikethrough"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Strikethrough" button to make the text Strikethrough; Click on the "Strikethrough" button again to remove Strikethrough Check if formatting applies
Make text "Subscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Subscript" button Check if formatting applies
Make text "Subscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Subscript" button to make the text Subscript; Click on the "Subscript" button again to return the text to its original size Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Superscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Superscript" button Check if formatting applies
Make text "Superscript"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Superscript" button to make the text Superscript; Click on the "Superscript" button again to return the text to its original size Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Bullets On / Off"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Bullets On / Off" button to turn Bullets on Check if formatting applies
Make text "Bullets On / Off" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Bullets On / Off" button  to turn Bullets on;  Click on the "Bullets On / Off" button  to turn Bullets off Check if formatting applies
Make text "Numbering On / Off"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Numbering On / Off" button to turn Numbering on Check if formatting applies
Make text "Numbering On / Off"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on the "Numbering On / Off" button  to turn Numbering on;  Click on the "Numbering On / Off" button  to turn Numbering off Check if formatting applies
Make text "Undo"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Format it; Click "Undo" Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Title 1"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on "Title 1" from the dropdown; Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Title 2" functionality Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on "Title 2" from the dropdown; Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Title 3"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on "Title 3" from the dropdown; Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Title 4"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on "Title 4" from the dropdown; Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Title 5"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on "Title 5" from the dropdown; Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Title 6"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on "Title 6" from the dropdown; Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Plain text"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Select some text; Click on "Title 1" from the dropdown; Click on "Plain text" from the dropdown Check if formatting applies-
"Insert Horizontal Ruler"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Insert Horizontal Ruler" Check if formatting applies-
"Insert Custom Character"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Insert Custom Character"; Click "X" Check if modal closes-
Make text "Insert Custom Character"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on "Insert Custom Character"; Click on a character Check if formatting applies-
Make text "Edit In Full Screen"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click on the "Exit full screen" green button Check if full screen feature works-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Preview"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to edit" Redirect back to Edit Page-
"Save & Continue"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the Page and remains in Edit Mode-
"Save & Continue"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Check "Is minor edit"; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the Page as a minor version and remains in Edit Mode-
"Save & Continue"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Type in a Comment; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the Page with a comment and remains in Edit Mode-
"Save & View"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click "Save & View" Saves the Page and redirects to View Mode-
"Save & View"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Check "Is minor edit"; Click "Save & View" Saves the Page as minor version and redirects to View Mode-
"Save & View"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Type in a Comment; Click "Save & View" Saves the Page with a comment and redirects to View Mode-
"Cancel"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click "Cancel" Cancels and returns to View Mode-
"Exit Full Screen"Hover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click on the "Exit full screen" blue button Check if editor becomes full screen-
"Preview" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back To Edit" Check if editor becomes full screen  and redirected back to Edit Page-
"Save & Continue" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Save & Continue" Check if editor becomes full screen; Page saves; Page remains in edit mode-
"Save & View" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Save & View" Check if editor becomes full screen; Page saves; Redirected to View Mode-
"Cancel" in full screenHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Cancel" Check if editor becomes full scree; Cancels and returns to View Mode-

Edit in Source

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Edit in SourceHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click "Source"; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Redirect back to Edit Page-
Edit in SourceHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click "Source"; Click "Save & Continue" Saves the Page and remains in Edit Mode-
Edit in SourceHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click "Source"; Click "Save & View" Saves the Page and redirects to View Mode-
Edit in SourceHover over "Edit", Click on "WYSIWYG"; Click "Source"; Click "Cancel" Cancels and returns to View Mode-

Access Rights

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Access RightsHover over "Edit", Click on "Access Rights"; Select the "Users" checkbox; for a specific user deny the view rights on the page by pressing twice in the checkbox until a deny sign appears; Login with the specified user;Logged in with that user should not allow you to view that page-
Access RightsHover over "Edit", Click on "Access Rights"; Select the "Users" checkbox; for a specific user deny the comment rights on the page by pressing twice in the checkbox until a deny sign appears; Login with the specified user;Logged in with that user should not allow you to comment on that page-
Access RightsHover over "Edit", Click on "Access Rights"; Select the "Users" checkbox; for a specific user deny the edit rights on the page by pressing twice in the checkbox until a deny sign appears; Login with the specified user;Logged in with that user should not allow you to edit that page-
Access RightsHover over "Edit", Click on "Access Rights"; Select the "Users" checkbox; for a specific user deny the delete rights on the page by pressing twice in the checkbox until a deny sign appears; Login with the specified user;Logged in with that user should not allow you to delete that page-
Access RightsHover over "Edit", Click on "Access Rights"; Select the "Groups" checkbox; for a specific group deny the view rights on the page by pressing twice in the checkbox until a deny sign appears; Login with the specified user;Logged in with that group should not allow you to view that page-
Access RightsHover over "Edit", Click on "Access Rights"; Select the "Groups" checkbox; for a specific group deny the comment rights on the page by pressing twice in the checkbox until a deny sign appears; Login with the specified user;Logged in with that group should not allow you to comment on that page-
Access RightsHover over "Edit", Click on "Access Rights"; Select the "Groups" checkbox; for a specific group deny the edit rights on the page by pressing twice in the checkbox until a deny sign appears; Login with the specified user;Logged in with that group should not allow you to edit that page-
Access RightsHover over "Edit", Click on "Access Rights"; Select the "Groups" checkbox; for a specific group deny the delete rights on the page by pressing twice in the checkbox until a deny sign appears; Login with the specified user;Logged in with that group should not allow you to delete that page-

Objects & Classes Editing



Space Administration


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Presentation"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Presentation" Redirects to Presentation Page-
"Presentation"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Presentation"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Presentation"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Presentation"; Click "Customize" Redirect to Skin Customization Page-
"Presentation"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Presentation"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-

Page Elements

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Page Elements"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Page Elements" Redirects to Page Elements Page
"Page Elements"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Page Elements"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-

Panel Wizard

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Panel Wizard" Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard" Redirects to Panels Page-
"Panel List" Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Change a field; Click "Save"Check if the fields are saved-
"Panel List"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; click on the accordion headers Accordion to work properly-
"Panel List"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; drag and drop a panel from the panel list to the side Check if Drag and drop works-
"Panel Expand/Collapse"On the left side in the Panels section, click once on a Panel's Head; Click again;Check if the Panels collapses/expands-
"Panel List"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; drag and drop a panel from the panel list to the side; Click "Save The New Layout"; Navigate to a different page and check if the panel is still where you dropped it-
"Panel List"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; drag and drop a panel from the side to the panel listCheck if Drag and drop works-
"Panel List"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; drag and drop a panel from the side to the panel list; Click "Save The New Layout"; Navigate to a different page and check if the panel is still where you dropped it-
"Page Layout"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "No side column"; "Click Save The New Layout";Go to a different page to check if the new layout is in place-
"Page Layout"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "Left Column"; Click on "Panel List"; Drag a panel to the left; "Click Save The New Layout";Go to a different page to check if the new layout is in place-
"Page Layout"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "Right Column"; Click on "Panel List"; Drag a panel to the right; "Click Save The New Layout";Go to a different page to check if the new layout is in place-
"Page Layout"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "Both Columns"; Click on "Panel List"; Drag a panel to the left and a panel to the right; "Click Save The New Layout"; Go to a different page to check if the new layout is in place-
"Page Layout"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "Go To Panels Home Page" -


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Rights"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Rights" Redirects to Rights Page
"Rights"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Rights";Select "Users" See if the list of users appears-
"Rights"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Rights"; Click once in one of the empty boxes See if the green check sign appears inside the box-
"Rights"Hover over "Space"; Click on "Administer Space"; Click on "Rights"; Click twice in one of the empty boxes See if the denied icon appears inside the box-

Wiki Administration

Edit Mode Settings

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Edit Mode Settings"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Edit Mode Settings" Redirects to  Edit Mode Settingspage-
"Edit Mode Settings"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Edit Mode Settings"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Default Editor to use"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Edit Mode Settings"; Change the default editor to "Text"Edit a page and see if the loaded editor will be the "Wiki" editor--
"Default document syntax "Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Edit Mode Settings"; Change the default syntax to "1.0". Create a new page.The page you created should be in 1.0 syntax--
"Default document syntax "Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Edit Mode Settings"; Change the default syntax to "2.1 (Experimental)". Create a new page.The page you created should be in 2.1 syntax--


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Localization"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Localization" Redirects to  Localization page
"Localization"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Localization"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Multi Lingual"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Localization"; Set multilingual to "Yes"; Go on the homepageOn the top right corner, you should have all languages displayed--
 //ToDO: How to create a translation page. Maybe link with existing tutorial ?    


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Programming"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Programming" Redirects to Programming page
"Programming"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Programming"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Email"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Email" Redirects to Email page
"Email"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Email"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-

OpenOffice Server

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"OpenOffice Server"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "OpenOffice Server" Redirects to  OpenOffice Server page
"OpenOffice Server"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "OpenOffice Server"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"OpenOffice Server"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "OpenOffice Server" Redirects to OpenOffice page-
"OpenOffice Server"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "OpenOffice Server"; Select "Start server (connect)"; Click "Update" Starts the server; Status should indicate started-
"OpenOffice Server"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "OpenOffice Server"; Select "Stop server (disconnect)"; Click "Update" Stops the server; Status should indicate stopped-
"OpenOffice Server"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "OpenOffice Server"; Select "Restart server"; Click "Update" Restarts the server; Status should indicate started-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Presentation"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Presentation" Redirects to Presentation Page-
"Presentation"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Presentation"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Presentation"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Presentation"; Click "Customize" Redirect to Skin Customization Page-
"Presentation"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Presentation"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
Change SkinHover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Presentation"; Change the skin field to a random value; Click "Save" Check if the skin is still Colibri-
Change SkinHover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Presentation"; Change the skin field to "toucan" value; Click "Save" Check if the skin has changed to Toucan-

Page Elements

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Page Elements"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Page Elements" Redirects to Page Elements Page
"Page Elements"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Page Elements"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-

Panel Wizard

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Panel Wizard" Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard" Redirects to Panels Page-
"Panel List" Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Change a field; Click "Save"Check if the fields are saved-
"Panel List"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; click on the accordion headers Accordion to work properly-
"Panel List"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; drag and drop a panel from the panel list to the side Check if Drag and drop works-
"Panel Expand/Collapse"On the left side in the Panels section, click once on a Panel's Head; Click again;Check if the Panels collapses/expands-
"Panel List"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; drag and drop a panel from the panel list to the side; Click "Save The New Layout"; Navigate to a different page and check if the panel is still where you dropped it-
"Panel List"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; drag and drop a panel from the side to the panel listCheck if Drag and drop works-
"Panel List"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; drag and drop a panel from the side to the panel list; Click "Save The New Layout"; Navigate to a different page and check if the panel is still where you dropped it-
"Page Layout"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "No side column"; "Click Save The New Layout";Go to a different page to check if the new layout is in place-
"Page Layout"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "Left Column"; Click on "Panel List"; Drag a panel to the left; "Click Save The New Layout";Go to a different page to check if the new layout is in place-
"Page Layout"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "Right Column"; Click on "Panel List"; Drag a panel to the right; "Click Save The New Layout";Go to a different page to check if the new layout is in place-
"Page Layout"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "Both Columns"; Click on "Panel List"; Drag a panel to the left and a panel to the right; "Click Save The New Layout"; Go to a different page to check if the new layout is in place-
"Page Layout"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Click on "Go To Panels Home Page" -
2 Panel ColumnsHover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Panel Wizard"; Click on "Page Layout"; Select "Both Columns"; Switch back to the "Panel List" tab and drag a panel on the left side of the page; Click on "Save the new Layout";  Go to the main page and check if the layout is not brobken-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Users"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Users" Redirects to Users Page-
"Users"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Users"; Click on the pen to edit; Edit a user and click "Save"; Modify the User info and Click "Cancel" Check if settings are discarded-
"Users"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Users"; Click on the pen to edit; Edit a user and click "Save"; Modify the User info and Click "Save"Check if settings are saved-
"Users" Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Users"; Click on the pen to edit; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly-
"Users"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Users"; Click on the pen to edit; Click "Change photo" Check if new profile image is updated-
"Users"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Users"; Click on the pen to edit; Click "Switch to Simple edit mode" Check if switch works-
"Users"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Users"; Click on the pen to edit; "Switch to Advanced edit mode"Check if switch works-
"Users"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Users"; Click on "Add new user"; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly-
"Users"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Users"; Click on "Add new user"; Fill in the fields; Click "Save" Check is new user was added-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Groups "Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Groups" Redirects to Groups Page-
"Groups"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Groups"; Click on the pen to edit Check if edit window appears-
"Groups"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Groups"; Click on the pen to edit; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly-
"Groups"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Groups"; Click on the pen to edit; Add user to group; Click "Add"; Click on the pen to edit; Click "Remove" Check if adding/removing a user from group works-
"Groups"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Groups"; Click on the pen to edit; Add subgroup; Click "Add" Check if adding subgroups works-
"Groups"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Groups"; Click on "Add new group"; Create a group; Delete the group; Check if adding/deleting  groups works-
"Groups"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Groups"; Click on "Add new group"; Click "X" Check if modal closes properly-
"Groups"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Groups"; Click on an existing group; Click on "Edit" button; Redirect to Group Edit page--


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Rights"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Rights" Redirects to Rights Page
"Rights"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Rights";Select "Users" See if the list of users appears-
"Rights"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Rights"; Click once in one of the empty boxes See if the green check sign appears inside the box-
"Rights"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Rights"; Click twice in one of the empty boxes See if the denied icon appears inside the box-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Registration"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Registration" Redirects to Registration Page-
"Registration"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Registration"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Import"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Import" Redirects to Import Page-
"Import"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Import"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Import"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Import"; Add a XAR attachment; Click "Cancel" Cancel uploading a XAR--
"Import" Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Import"; Add a XAR attachment; Click "Attach"; Click on the XAR attachment in the table, click "none" Selects none of the pages from the XAR--
"Import"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Import"; Add a XAR attachment; Click "Attach"; Click on the XAR attachment in the table, click "all" Selects all of the pages from the XAR--
"Import"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Import"; Add a XAR attachment; Click "Attach"; Click on the XAR attachment in the table, click "Import" Check if the XAR is imported into the Wiki--
"Import"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Import"; Add a XAR attachment; Click "Attach"; Click on the version in the tableCheck is the attachment has a version--
"Import"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Import"; Add a XAR attachment; Click "Attach"; Click on "Delete" in the table; Click "OK/Cancel"Check if attachment is deleted--


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Export"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Export" Redirects to Export page
"Export"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Export"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Export"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Export"; Redirects to Export Page-
"Export"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Export"; Fill in the fields; Click "Export" Save file dialog should appear-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Templates"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Templates" Redirects to Template page
"Templates"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Templates"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
Create Page from TemplateHover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Templates";  Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
Create Page from TemplateCreate a page and add some text; Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Templates";Click on "Create" button; In the "Template to use" field, put the name of created page; Click "Save and View"; Create a new page using the template; The contents of t he new page should contain the one from the Template-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Annotations"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Annotations" Redirects to Annotations page
"Annotations"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Annotations"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Annotations"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Annotations"; Change the "Annotations are activated" to "No"Check if the annotations are deactivated--
"Annotations"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Annotations";Change the "Display annotations by default " to "Yes"All the Annotations you made should be visible without invoking the top panel.--

Invitation Application

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Invitation Application"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Invitation Application" Redirects to Invitation Application page
"Invitation Application"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Invitation Application"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Search"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Search" Redirects to Search page
"Search"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Search"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Search engine to use"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Search"; Change the "Search engine to use" to "database"; Click "Update" buttonSee if Searching for something works--
"Jump to Page"Press the CTRL+G; A modal windows should appear; Type  the name of a page that exists and press "Enter"You should be redirected to that page--
"Jump to Page"On the "Quick Links" Panel on the left side click the "Jump to any page in the wiki" link; A modal windows should appear; Type  the name of a page that exists and press "Enter"You should be redirected to that page--

Search Suggest

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Search Suggest"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Search Suggest" Redirects to Search Suggest page
"Search Suggest"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Search Suggest"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Search Suggest"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Search Suggest"; Change the "Activated" dropdown to "No"; Click "Save"Search Suggest feature should be disabled--

Extension Manager

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Extension Manager"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Extension Manager" Redirects to Extension Manager page
"Extension Manager"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Extension Manager"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"WYSIWYG Editor"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "WYSIWYG Editor" Redirects to WYSIWYG Editor page
"WYSIWYG Editor"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "WYSIWYG Editor"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved and configuration is changed-

Message Stream

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Message Stream"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Message Stream" Redirects to Message Stream page
"Message Stream"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Message Stream"; Change a field; Click "Save" Check if the fields are saved-
"Message Stream"Hover over "XWiki"; Click on "Administer Wiki"; Click on "Message Stream"; Change the "Enable the message stream " dropdown to "No"Message Stream from your user profile or Homepage should not be there--

Comments/Annotations/Attachments/History/Information Tabs

 A blog post is used to test the tabs 


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Comments" CancelClick on "Comments ()"; Write a comment; Click "Cancel" Cancels the comment operation-
"Comments" AddClick on "Comments ()"; Write a comment; Click "Add Comment" Adds a comment; Comment should be visible in comment list-
"Comments" Add ReplyClick on "Comments ()"; Write a comment; Click "Add Comment";Click "Reply"; Write a reply; Click "Cancel" Adds a reply to a comment; Reply should be visible in comment list-
"Comments" DeleteClick on "Comments ()"; Write a comment; Click "Add Comment"; Click "X" Deletes a comment; Comment should dissapear-
"Comments" PreviewClick on "Comments ()"; Write a comment; Click "Preview Comment"; Click "Add Comment" Previews a comment; Comment should be saved-
"Comments" PreviewClick on "Comments ()"; Write a comment; Click "Preview Comment"; Click "Cancel" Previews a comment; Comment should be discarded-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Annotate" a piece of contentSelect the text you want to annotate. Press CTRL+M and write some text. Click on the "Annotations" button and select "Display Annotations"Small yellow icon near the annotated text. Check the Annotations tab from bottom and check if the newly added annotation is there-
"Delete Annotation"Select the text you want to annotate. Press CTRL+M and write some text. Click on the "Annotations" button and select "Display Annotations". Click on the small yellow icon and press the delete buttonCheck if the yellow icon disappears. Also, check the Annotations tab from bottom and see if the Annotation has disappeared.-
"Delete Annotation"Select the text you want to annotate. Press CTRL+M and write some text. Click on the "Annotations" button and select "Display Annotations".Go to the Annotations tab on the bottom of the page and press the delete buttonCheck if the yellow icon disappears. Also, check the Annotations tab from bottom and see if the Annotation has disappeared--
"Edit Annotation"Select the text you want to annotate. Press CTRL+M and write some text. Click on the "Annotations" button and select "Display Annotations". Click on the small yellow icon and press the delete buttonCheck if the Annotation has changed its content. Also, check the Annotations tab at the bottom of the page.-
"Edit Annotation"Select the text you want to annotate. Press CTRL+M and write some text. Click on the "Annotations" button and select "Display Annotations". Go to the Annotations tab on the bottom of the page and click on the small pencil icon and change the textCheck if the Annotation has changed its content. Also, check the Annotations tab at the bottom of the page.-
"Annotate" a piece of contentSelect the text you want to annotate. Press CTRL+M and write some text. Click on the "Annotations" button and select "Display Annotations". Repeat again this process exactly on the same text you selected before. Only the newer Annotations should be visible--
"Annotate" a piece of contentSelect the text you want to annotate. Press CTRL+M and write some text. Click on the "Annotations" button and select "Display Annotations". Repeat again this process logged as another user. Then, go to Annotations section from the page, and check the user you want to see annotations from.You should see only the annotations made with that username--
"Annotations Tab" Select the text you want to annotate. Press CTRL+M and write some text. Go to the Annotations() tab on the bottom of the page and click the small pencil icon; Change the test and click "Update"You should see only the annotations made with that username in the page; Also check if the Annotations tab is updated--
"Annotations Tab" Select the text you want to annotate. Press CTRL+M and write some text. Go to the Annotations() tab on the bottom of the page and click the small delete icon; Click "Yes" to confirm;You should not see the annotation anymore; Check it disappears from the page, and also from the Annotations tab;--


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Attachments" CancelClick on "Attachments ()"; Browse for a document; Click "Cancel" Cancels the attachment operation-
"Attachments" AddClick on "Attachments ()"; Browse for a document; Click "Attach" Attaches a file; Attachment should become visible in list-
"Attachments" Add another fileClick on "Attachments ()"; Browse for a document; Click "Add another file" Attaches another file; Attachment should become visible in list-
"Attachments" VersionClick on "Attachments ()"; Browse for a document;  Browse for a document; Click "Attach"; Attach again the same file Check if there is created another version on the same attachment; Check if both attachments are accessible-
"Attachments" Office Preview start the OpenOffice Server from Administration section; Click on "Attachments ()"; Attach a document like odt, doc; Click on the small eye icon corresponding to the attached documentA new browser tab will open where you will be able to see the document you imported-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"History"Click on "History" History tab visible-
"History"Click on "History"; Click on a version View the page at clicked version-
"History"Click on "History"; Click "delete"; Click "Yes/No" Delete version-
"Show Minor Edits"Click on "History"; Click "Show Minor Edits" Shows the list of version including minor versions-
"Show Minor Edits"Click on "History"; Click "Show Minor Edits"; Click "Rollback" Rolls back the document at desired version-
"Show Minor Edits"Click on "History"; Click "Show Minor Edits"; Click "Delete"; Click "Yes/No"Delete minor version-
"Show Minor Edits"Click on "History"; Click "Show Minor Edits"; Select a version range; Click on "Compare Selected Versions" Redirect to compare page-
"Show Minor Edits"Click on "History"; Click "Show Minor Edits"; Select a version range; Click on "Delete Selected Version Range" Delete minor versions range-
"Show Minor Edits"Click on "History"; Click "Show Minor Edits"; Click "Hide Minor Edits"; Click "Show Minor Edits" Shows only major/minor  versions-
"History"Create or go to a page that has a lot of major versions; Click on "History"; Click on the ">" to go to the next page of versions;SSee if the layout is not broken when moving next and previous on the history versions-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Information" functionality Click on "Information" Redirect to information panel-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Add a Tag"From a page, add some tags to it.Check if the added tags appear on the bottom of the page; Also, check if the tags appear on the homepage in the Tags section-
"Delete a Tag"From a page, add some tags to it. After adding the tag, hover over it and press the small delete button.Check if the deleted tag disappears on the bottom of the page; Also, check if the tag has disappeared from the homepage in the Tags section-
"Clicking a Tag"From a page, add some tags to it. Click on the tag you added.Redirected to a special page. Check if the document that has the tag you added is listed on this page.-
"Renaming Tag"From a page, add some tags to it. After page redirect, click on the "rename" button; You will be redirected to the rename tag page; put another name and click on "rename"Tag should be renamed--
"Deleting a Tag"From a page, add some tags to it. Click on the tag you added; After page redirect, click on "Delete" buttonTag should be deleted-


Blog RSS

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Blog RSS"From the "Quick Links" panel, click on the small RSS icon near the "Blog"Check if Blog RSS is properly displayed-

Configure Blog

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Configure Blog"Click on "Blog"; Click on the "Edit" button. Change the Blog Title and click "Save and View"Check if Blog homepage has another title. Also check if the breadcrumb has changed its name-
"Configure Blog"Click on "Blog"; Click on the "Edit" button.Insert something in the Description area and click "Save and View"Check if the description you added appears on the Blog homepage-
"Configure Blog"Click on "Blog"; Click on the "Edit" button.  Select from the "Blog type" the "Space Blog" and click "Save and View"Check if settings are saved-

Create Post

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Create a new post"Click on "Blog"; Fill in the Post Title; Click on "Create" Redirect to Edit page-

Edit Post

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Edit a post"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post" Redirect to Edit page-

Edit Title

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Edit TitleClick on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Change the title from the "Title" field; Save the page;Title is changed-

Edit Summary

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
Edit SummaryClick on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Type in some text in the Summary box; Click "Save & View";See the summary when viewing the Blog-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
CategoryClick on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Check a category; Click "Save & View"; In the left "Blog Categories" panel click the category you checked;Look for the post there-
"Add a category"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click "Add a Category"; Click "Cancel" Changes are discarded-
"Add a category"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click "Add a Category"; Fill in the new category name; Click "Add" Category is created-
"Add a category"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Hover over a category and click on the icon next to it; Click "Cancel" Changes are discarded-
"Add a category"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Hover over a category and click on the icon next to it; Fill in the new category name; Click "Add" Category is created-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Tags"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Add a tag to the "Tags" field; Click "Save & View" Changes are saved; Tags should appear in Tags section-

Publish Article

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Publish Article"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Check the "Publish" checkboxBlog article is published and the warning disappears from the blog page-
"Publish Article"Click on "Blog"; Go to the unpublished article. Click on the small icon near the pencil in order to publish it.Blog article is published and the warning disappears from the blog page-

Hide article

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Hide article "Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Check "Hide Article"; Click "Save & View" Changes are saved-
"Hide article "Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Check "Hide Article"; Click "Save & Continue" Changes are saved-
"Hide article "Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Uncheck "Hide Article"; Click "Save & View" Changes are saved-
"Hide article "Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Uncheck "Hide Article"; Click "Save & View" Changes are saved-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Preview"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to edit" Back to edit page-
"Save & Continue"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click "Save & Continue" Changes are saved-
"Save & Continue"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Check "Is minor edit"; Click "Save & Continue" Changes are saved as a minor version-
"Save & View"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click "Save & View" Changes are saved-
"Save & View"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Check "Is minor edit"; Click "Save & View" Changes are saved as a minor version-
"Cancel"Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click "Cancel" Discards changes-
"Preview" in full screen Click on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Preview"; Click "Back To Edit" Maximize edit window-
"Save & Continue" in full screenClick on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Save & Continue" Maximize edit window and changes are saved-
"Save & View" in full screenClick on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Save & View" Maximize edit window, save changes and continue editing-
"Cancel" in full screenClick on "Blog"; Click on the pen to "Edit this blog post"; Click on the "Edit in full screen" green button; Click "Cancel" Maximize edit window and discards changes-

Color Themes

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme Redirect to Default Theme page-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit" Edit page of Theme-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Click "Cancel"  Check button functionality-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Change the Page Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Change in Theme Preview-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Change the Page Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Change the Page Background Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Page Background Image; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Change in Theme Preview-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Page Background Image; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Page Background Image; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Page Background Image; Fill in the Page Background Image Position and Repeat; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Change in Theme Preview-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Page Background Image; Fill in the Page Background Image Position and Repeat; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Page Background Image; Fill in the Page Background Image Position and Repeat; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Page Header Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Change in Theme Preview-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Page Header Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Page Header Background Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Banner; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Change in Theme Preview-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Banner; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Banner; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Banner; Fill in the Banner Position and Repeat; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Banner; Fill in the Banner Position and Repeat; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Add a Banner; Fill in the Banner Position and Repeat; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Page Content Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Page Content Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Page Content Background Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Informative Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Informative Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Informative Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Details Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Details Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Details Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Link Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Link Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Link Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Title Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Title Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Title Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Menu Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Menu Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Menu Background Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Menu Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Menu Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Menu Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Selected Menu Entry Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Selected Menu Entry Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Selected Menu Entry Background Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Selected Menu Entry Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Selected Menu Entry Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Selected Menu Entry Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Background Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes" functionality Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Header Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Header Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Header Background Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Header Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Header Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes" functionality Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Panel Header Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Collapsed Panel Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Collapsed Panel Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Collapsed Panel Background Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Collapsed Panel Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Collapsed Panel Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Collapsed Panel Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Collapsed Panel Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Collapsed Panel Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Collapsed Panel Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Border Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Border Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Border Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Secondary Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Secondary Background Color; Click "Save & Continue"  Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Secondary Background Color; Click "Save & View"; Create a new document; Insert a Table; Click "Save & View"  Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Background Color for Highlighted Elements; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Background Color for Highlighted Elements; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Background Color for Highlighted Elements; Click "Save & View"; Go to Main; Hover over the Recent Changes Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Primary Action Button Text Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Primary Action Button Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Primary Action Button Text Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Primary Action Button Background Color; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Primary Action Button Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Primary Action Button Background Color; Click "Save & View" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Secondary Action Button Text Color; Click "Preview"; Hover over an Action Button; Click "Back to Edit" Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Secondary Action Button Text Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Secondary Action Button Text Color; Click "Save & View"; Hover over an Action Button Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Secondary Action Button Background Color; Click "Preview"; Hover over an Action Button; Click "Back to Edit"Back to Theme Edit-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Secondary Action Button Background Color; Click "Save & Continue" Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Edit "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click the Default Theme; Click "Edit"; Fill in the Secondary Action Button Background Color; Click "Save & View"; Hover over an Action Button Changes in Theme Preview are saved-
Create "Color Themes"Click on "Color Themes"; Click on create new theme;Redirect to blank theme page--


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Create a new panel"Click on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Fill in the new panel name; Click "Create"; Select the Type of the panel; Select the Category; Fill in the Panel Description; Fill in the Panel Content; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to edit page-
"Create a new panel"Click on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Fill in the new panel name; Click "Create"; Select the Type of the panel; Select the Category; Fill in the Panel Description; Fill in the Panel Content; Click "Save & Continue" Changes are saved; continue editing-
"Create a new panel"Click on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Fill in the new panel name; Click "Create"; Select the Type of the panel; Select the Category; Fill in the Panel Description; Fill in the Panel Content; Click "Save & View" Changes are saved-
View Panel visualClick on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Click on a panel Redirect to Panel's page-
Edit Panel visualClick on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Click on the "Edit" link next to a panel; Click "maximize" Back to Panel's page in edit mode-
Edit PanelClick on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Click on the "Edit" link next to a panel; Click "maximize" link; Click "Exit Full Screen" Maximized edit mode-
Edit PanelClick on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Click on the "Edit" link next to a panel; Click "maximize"; Modify the text; Click "Preview"; Click "Back to Edit" Back to edit page-
Edit PanelClick on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Click on the "Edit" link next to a panel; Click "maximize"; Modify the text; Click "Save & Continue" Changes are saved-
Edit PanelClick on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Click on the "Edit" link next to a panel; Click "maximize"; Modify the text; Click "Save & View" Changes are saved-
Edit PanelClick on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Click on the "Edit" link next to a panel; Click "maximize"; Click "Cancel" Maximize in and out works-
Delete PanelClick on "Panels"  from Spaces Macro on Main Page; Click on the "Delete" link next to a panel; Click Yes/No Able to delete document-

Document Index

Space index

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"See space index"For a space click on "Space" then click the "Document Index" Redirect to Document Index page-
Page "copy"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "copy"; Fill in the fields; click "copy" Redirect to Copy page-
Page "delete"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "delete"; Click "Yes/No" Redirect to confirmation page-
Page "rename"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "rename"; Click "Cancel" Redirect to Rename page-
Page "rename"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "rename"; Select a new space; Insert the new page name; Click on "Rename" Redirect to Rename page-
age "rights"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "rights" Redirect to Rights page-
"See space index"For a space click on "See space index"; Sort elements in the table by "Page" ascending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See space index"For a space click on "See space index"; Sort elements in the table by "Page" descending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See space index"For a space click on "See space index"; Sort elements in the table by "Date" ascending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See space index"For a space click on "See space index"; Sort elements in the table by "Date" descending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See space index"For a space click on "See space index"; Sort elements in the table by "Last Author" ascending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See space index"For a space click on "See space index"; Sort elements in the table by "Last Author" descending Sort Elements by desired criteria-

Document index

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"See space index"For a space click on "Space" then click the "Document Index" Redirect to Document Index page-
Page "copy"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "copy"; Fill in the fields; click "copy" Redirect to Copy page-
Page "delete"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "delete"; Click "Yes/No" Redirect to confirmation page-
Page "rename"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "rename"; Click "Cancel" Redirect to Rename page-
Page "rename"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "rename"; Select a new space; Insert the new page name; Click on "Rename" Redirect to Rename page-
Page "rights"For a space click on "See space index"; Click "rights";Redirect to Rename page-
"See document index"For a space click on "See document index"; Sort elements in the table by "Page" ascending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See document index"For a space click on "See document index"; Sort elements in the table by "Page" descending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See space index"For a space click on "See document index"; Sort elements in the table by "Date" ascending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See document index"For a space click on "See document index"; Sort elements in the table by "Date" descending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See document index"For a space click on "See document index"; Sort elements in the table by "Last Author" ascending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"See space index"For a space click on "See document index"; Sort elements in the table by "Last Author" descending Sort Elements by desired criteria-
"Tree" TabFor a space click on "See space index"; Click "rename"; Select a new space; Insert the new page name; Click on "Rename" Redirect to Rename page-
"Orphaned Pages" tabRemove a page's parent from Wiki or WYSIWYG editor; Click on "See space index"; Click on "Orphaned Pages" tab; The page should be listed as orphan-
"Attachments" tabFor a space click on "See space index";Click on  "Attachments" tab;All attachments from the wiki should be listed-
"Deleted Documents" tabDelete a document;Click on "See space index"; Click on "Deleted Documents" tab;The deleted document should be listed--
"Deleted Attachments" tabDelete an attachment from a page;Click on "See space index"; Click on "Deleted Attachments" tab;The deleted attachment should be listed-


Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Search"On the top right corner, enter some text in the field and press enter;Redirects to Search page-
"Search"On the top right corner, enter some text in the field and press enter; On the page you are redirected to, filter out the a spaceCheck if the resulted pages are only from that space-
"Search" RSS On the top right corner, enter some text in the field and press enter; On the bottom of the page you are redirected to, click the "RSS feed for search on"Check if the results are displayed properly in a RSS form-

Search Suggest

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Search Suggest"On the top right corner, enter some text in the field;Wait for the AJAX window to appear with the results-

User Status

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Follow User"Login with your user. Go to another users homepage and click on "Follow" icon.Check if the "Following" icon becomes "Unfollow"  and see if the user listed in the table.--
"Unfollow User"Login with your user. Go to your user page. Click on the x button to unfollow a user.The user should disappear from the table--
"Unfollow User"Login with your user. Go to another users homepage and click on "Unfollow" icon.Check if the "Unfollow" icon becomes "Follow" and see if the user is no longer listed in the table.--
"Send Message to Everyone"Login with your user. On the homepage, on the Activity Stream, select "Everyone" from the dropdown, enter your message and click on "Share"Check with another user that the message is visible on the Activity Stream.-
"Send Message to Followers"Login with your user. On the homepage, on the Activity Stream, select "Followers" from the dropdown, enter your message and click on "Share"Check with a user that is following you that the message is visible on his Activity Stream. Also, check with a user that is not following you that your message is not visible.-
"Send Message to Group"Login with your user. On the homepage, on the Activity Stream, select "Group" from the dropdown, enter your message and click on "Share"Check with a user within the group that your message is visible on his Activity Stream. Check with another user not belonging to the group that your message is not visible.--
"Send Message to User"Login with your user. On the homepage, on the Activity Stream, select "User" from the dropdown, enter your message and click on "Share"The user will see your message on their Activity Stream page. Check with another user that the message is not visible.--
"Delete Message"Login with your user. Add a new message, or hover over an existing one. Click on the x button in order to delete. A modal window will appear to ask for confirmationCheck if the message is deleted and disappears.--



Dashboards Macro

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Create dashboard page"Create a new page using the "Add" menu from top left corner. Edit the page using the WYSIWYG Editor and click on Macro -> Insert Macro. As an alternative way, you can edit the page in wiki mode and add a dashboard by typing {{dashboard}}You should have a blank dashboard. To see if the dashboard was  successfully added, edit the page using Inline mode. Check for the "Add Column" and "Add Gadget" buttons--
"Edit Dashboard"From the dashboard page you created, click "Edit" then click on "Inline Form"Redirected to inline edit page. The "Add Gadget" and "Add Column" buttons should be visible.-
"Add a Gadget"From the dashboard page, click "Edit" then click on "Inline Form"; Click on "Add Gadget" button; Select a gadget from the list;Click on "Insert"; Click on "Save and View"; Add several gadgetsCheck if the newly added gadgets appears on the dashboard-
"Add a Column"From the dashboard page, click "Edit" then click on "Inline Form"; Click on "Add Column" button; Click on "Save and View"; Add 3 or 4 columnsThe layout of the dashboard should change, creating new empty columns.-
"Drag-and-Drop" GadgetFrom the dashboard page, click "Edit" then click on "Inline Form"; Drag and drop gadgets in the position you want; Click on "Save and View"The gadgets you moved should appear in the desired position-
"Edit Dashboard" add "style" parameterFrom the dashboard page, click "Edit" then click on "Inline Form"; Hover over a gadget and the small gear icon; Click on the pencil icon that appears; In the style field, type "panels";The gadgets should now look like panels from the left side;--
"Dashboard with source parameter"Create a new page using the "Add" menu from top left corner. Edit the page with the wiki editor and include the dashboard created in the previous step. To specify a dashboard that is outside the page, add the source parameters. You should have something like {{dashboard source="Space.Page" /}}, where Space.Page is the space and page where you created the dashboard.The dashboard should be included in your new page.--
"Include dashboard" pageCreate a new page using the "Add" menu from top left corner. Edit the page with the wiki editor and include the dashboard created in the previous step. To include a dashboard we will use include macro. Type something like:
{{include document="Space.Page" /}}, where Space.Page is the space and page where you created the dashboard; Save the page;
You should see a blank dashboard. Try editing Inline the page and you should see the dashboard buttons.--
"Include dashboard" pageCreate a new page using the "Add" menu from top left corner. Edit the page with the wiki editor and include the dashboard created in the previous step. To include a dashboard we will use include macro. Type something like:
{{include document="Space.Page" /}}, where Space.Page is the space and page where you created the dashboard; Edit the page with the Object Editor and add some gadgets by adding objects of XWiki.GadgetClass; fill in all the fields; Save the page
Your dashboard should have the gadgets you added with the Object viewer;-
"Include dashboard" page with context parameterCreate a new page using the "Add" menu from top left corner. Edit the page with the wiki editor and include the dashboard created in the previous step. To include a dashboard we will use include macro. Type something like:
{{include document="Space.Page" context="new"/}}, where Space.Page is the space and page where you created the dashboard; Save the page;
You should see the dashboard you imported.-
"Raw gadget edit"Edit Inline your dashboard or the page that includes your dashboard. Edit a gadget and in its content, put another syntax instead xwiki/2.0 syntax.Gadget should work properly, no matter what syntax is used in its content.--
"Velocity title gadget"Edit Inline your dashboard or the page that includes your dashboard. Edit a gadget and insert some scripting elements in the Title field.Check if the title script is executed properly.--
"Velocity title gadget"Edit Inline your dashboard or the page that includes your dashboard. Edit a gadget and insert some scripting elements in the Title field.Check if the title script is executed properly.--
"Dashboard RSS"On the main page, from the "Quick Links" panel, click on the RSS icon near the "Wiki Dashboards"Check if the Dashboards content is properly presented in RSS form--

Attachment Selector Macro

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"Change User Profile Picture"Hover over your username from the top-right menu; click on "Profile"; Click on the small image icon on the top-left corner of the avatar image. Attach an image;See if the image is uploaded; See if the modal window disappears; See if the avatar was set as the last image you uploaded-
"Change User Profile Picture"Hover over your username from the top-right menu; click on "Profile"; Click on the small image icon on the top-left corner of the avatar image; Select a image by pressing on the check-mark above it;Check if the avatar has changed; See if the modal window disappeared;-
"Delete User Profile Picture"Hover over your username from the top-right menu; click on "Profile"; Click on the small image icon on the top-left corner of the avatar image; Delete a image by pressing the delete button next to it.Check if the image disappears from the list and it is deleted;--

Spaces Macro (from Home Page)

Feature Steps to followExpected ResultResultJIRAOther Issues
"See space index"For a space click on "See Space Index" buttonRedirect to Space Index page-
"Create a new space"Click on "Create a new space"; Fill in the new space name; Click "Create" Redirect to Space WebHome page-
"Create a new space"Click on "Create a new space" twice;The field and button should appear/disappear

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