Translations Report for XE & XEM 4.3
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24
Issues found
- Missing translation for accordion in Panels Administration
- Unable to find exactly the right keys
- Reported:
- Unable to find exactly the right keys
- Small encoding/escaping issue
- escaping/encoding issue in key panelwizard.nopanels.
- Reported:
- Translation of button needs fix in Page Layout Administration. Currently: "Aller à la page d'accueil des Panels"
- Key exists in French translations in key xe.panels.wizard.homepage. Possible escaping issue. Fix value
- Reported:
- Confirmation messages after installations with EM are in English
- Thomas created:
- Seems hardcoded in a java logger in ./xwiki-commons/xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-extension/xwiki-commons-extension-api/src/main/java/org/xwiki/extension/job/internal/
- Missing translations in Annotations administration.
- seems to be hardcoded in ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-annotations/xwiki-platform-annotation-ui/src/main/resources/AnnotationCode/AnnotationConfig.xml. Key must be added
- Reported:
- Missing translations in Search administration
- seems to be hardcoded in ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-search/xwiki-platform-search-ui/src/main/resources/XWiki/SearchConfigClass.xml. Key must be added
- Reported:
- Missing translations in Search Suggest administration
- seems to be hardcoded in ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-search/xwiki-platform-search-ui/src/main/resources/XWiki/SearchSuggestConfig.xml. Key must be added
- Reported:
- Missing translations in Logger administration
- Keys exist in, but they don't exist in Values to keys have to be added:
- Reported:
- For user profiles make sure we have keys for all the properties in the XWiki.XWikiUsers class. Otherwise, when a new section is added it will be displayed in English. See example with "Show hidden documents" below:
- Fixed in 4.3
- Fixed in 4.3
- "Forgot your username or password" area on login page not translated.
- this is hardcoded in login.vm - Forgot your <a href="$xwiki.getURL('XWiki.ForgotUsername')">username</a> or <a href="$xwiki.getURL('XWiki.ResetPassword')">password</a>?</div>. Key needs to be added
- Reported:
- Search suggest is not translated
- hardcoded in /xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-search/xwiki-platform-search-ui/src/main/resources/XWiki/SearchSuggestConfig.xml. Keys need to be added
- Reported:
- Missing translation at the end of step 3 in "App within minutes". Please see screenshot below:
- French key value has to be added for platform.appwithinminutes.liveTableEditorIconHint
- Reported:
- The "Blog Archive", "Recent Blog Posts" and "Blog Categories" panels have English names
- For Blog Archive - hardcoded in ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-blog/xwiki-platform-blog-ui/src/main/resources/Blog/ArchivePanel.xml and in ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-blog/xwiki-platform-blog-ui/src/main/resources/Blog/Archive.xml. Key as to be added
- For Recent Blog Posts - hardcoded in ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-blog/xwiki-platform-blog-ui/src/main/resources/Blog/RecentPostsPanel.xml. Key has to be added
- For Blog Categories - hardcoded in ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-blog/xwiki-platform-blog-ui/src/main/resources/Blog/CategoriesPanel.xml. Key has to be added
- Reported:
- The edit mode for the Blog WebHome is not translated.
- Reported:
- Reported:
- "Add a category" in blog not fully translated.
- hardcoded in - ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-blog/xwiki-platform-blog-ui/src/main/resources/Blog/CategoriesCode.xml. Key needs to be added.
- Reported:
- When editing a color theme, the popup information that appears when hovering a palette is not translated. This is the case for all popups. Also, when editing a color theme, the information that appears in the dialog after clicking on a palette is not translated. This is the case for all dialogs. Please see the example belowBelow an example:
- Seems to be hardcoded in each theme we have:
- ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-colorthemes/xwiki-platform-colorthemes-ui/src/main/resources/ColorThemes/ColorThemeClass.xml
- ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-colorthemes/xwiki-platform-colorthemes-ui/src/main/resources/ColorThemes/DefaultColorTheme.xml
- ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-colorthemes/xwiki-platform-colorthemes-ui/src/main/resources/ColorThemes/Dusk.xml
- ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-colorthemes/xwiki-platform-colorthemes-ui/src/main/resources/ColorThemes/ColorThemeTemplate.xml
- ./xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-colorthemes/xwiki-platform-colorthemes-ui/src/main/resources/ColorThemes/Ruby.xml
- Keys have to be added instead of using Pretty Names
- Reported:
- Seems to be hardcoded in each theme we have:
- Rename and delete tag buttons currently in English
- Reported:
- Reported:
- "See thread" link for "Annotations" in English. To reproduce annotate some text, in the comments tab add a reply to the annotation, hover the annotation.
- hardcoded in ./xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-annotations/xwiki-platform-annotation-ui/src/main/resources/AnnotationCode/Macros.xml. Key needs to be added
- Reported:
Missing translations in the product for
Missing keys in the product for
Missing language files in l10n for
Issues found
- Tooltips in the Applications panel for "Blog" and "Dashboard" currently in English: "RSS Feed for the Blog" and ""RSS Feed for wiki updates"
- In Workspaces Administration the "Workspace" option from the "Configuration" menu needs to be translated
- In Workspaces Administration the "Workspace Users" option from the "Utilisateurs et Groupes" menu needs to be translated
- In "Workspace Users" there is a key that is not included in the translation doc: "platform.workspace.inviteMessageLabel"
- In "Workspace", in the "Membership type" subsection, the following 3 options are only available in English and don't have keys:
- Open for any user to join
- Any user can request to join but an admin must accept
- Only an admin can invite a user
Missing translations in the product for