
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2020/01/28

Blog - posts for August 2013

Aug 23 2013

Bug Fixing Day 32

Yesterday we had our Bug Fixing Day #32. For the 5.x development cycle we've decided to intensify our bug fixing and invert the bugs created vs bugs fixed ratio so that we're always in the green, by having weekly BFDs.

We managed to close 7 bugs (4 real fixes) and we now are 35 bugs behind our current 1400 days objective. ...

Aug 13 2013

XWiki 5.2 Milestone 1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki Enterprise 5.2 Milestone 1. The first milestone of the 5.2 release brings a lot of bug fixes and a few improvements, notably the ability to toggle email address obfuscation and a better-looking user profile menu.

See the release notes for more information.

Aug 09 2013

Improvements Review (XWiki 2.4 - 5.1)

I've prepared for XWiki SAS's Seminar a presentation reviewing the improvements and new features we added inside XWiki Enterprise between version 2.4 and version 5.1. 

For features that existed before 2.4 there is a comparison view of how it looks now and how it looked back then. I've also listed the people that were involved in making the features come true. ...

Bug Fixing Day 31

Yesterday we had our Bug Fixing Day #31. For the 5.x development cycle we've decided to intensify our bug fixing and invert the bugs created vs bugs fixed ratio so that we're always in the green, by having weekly BFDs.

We managed to close 5 bugs (5 real fixes). We've succeeded in closing more bugs during the last 1300 days than bugs created! emoticon_smile (We're ahead by 3 as of now...). Great job everyone! 1300 days is more than 3.5 years. That's a great achievement already. ...

Aug 08 2013

Hackathon 2013

Every year, XWiki SAS is organizing a seminar for all its employees during the summer. And every year, we take that opportunity to do a Hackathon during this seminar. This year was no exception! ...

Aug 02 2013

Bug Fixing Day 30

Yesterday we had our Bug Fixing Day #30. For the 5.x development cycle we've decided to intensify our bug fixing and invert the bugs created vs bugs fixed ratio so that we're always in the green, by having weekly BFDs.

We managed to close 16 bugs with 7 real fixes. We're now behind by 4 bugs only for our new 1300 days objective! ...

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