Hackathon 2013

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2020/01/28

Aug 08 2013


Guest blog post by Vincent Massol, as employee of XWiki SAS.


Every year, XWiki SAS is organizing a seminar for all its employees during the summer. And every year, we take that opportunity to do a Hackathon during this seminar. This year was no exception! We started the seminar with the first hackathon session, during which the teams formed, everyone choosing what they wanted to work on and with whom. Then every day during 10 days, we worked a bit on our hackathon after the work sessions (presentations & brainstorming) and fun activities organized by XWiki SAS (this year it was a treasure hunt). Then during the last day, each team presented what they had worked on and their results.

We also engaged the community by sending a hackathon email on the xwiki.org devs lists and this year we were lucky to have Edo Beutler and Fabian Pichler participate!

We used the following Hackathon 2013 page to see what everyone was working on and the status.

Selected Hackathon Topics

As usual we got some great contributions:

TopicMembersAvailable at
Next level syntax highlighting and auto completionVincent, Eduard MoraruAutoCompletion App, Syntax Highlighting App
Gather and search all XWiki logs using logstash, redis, elastic search and kibanaVincent, Guillaume FenollarAvailable for xwiki.org (protected)
Multipage Export based on Wiki CollectionsRaluca, MariusCollection Application
Admin Tools refactoringGuillaume FenollarVersion 4.0 of Admin Tools Application
XEclipse syntax coloring, collapse, indentation for velocity,groovy,xwiki2.0 syntaxLudovic, FabioAdded groovy syntax coloring, Integrated XWiki+Velocity parser which will allow more features, added Cold Folding UI for XWiki Macros+Velocity foreach/if/macro, more work needed to implement indentation, also need groovy parser for groovy code folding, committed on https://github.com/ldubost/xwiki-eclipse Cleanup needed for real commit in XEclipse repo
Clojure macro and Clojure REPL Fabio, CalebREPL Console Application
Manage all languages of a translation in one pageFlorian, NicolasNot published yet
JSON renderer (get a full model of the document wiki content as JSON to make easier to manipulate it in Javascript)Thomas Mortagnehttps://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XRENDERING-304
Exploration of the Atmosphere Realtime Client/Server FrameworkDenisNot published yet
design.xwiki.org (Created wiki, Created Feature and Iteration classes)GuillaumeD, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)http://design.xwiki.org
Publish/Unpublish by dateEdo Beutler, Fabian PichlerPublish/Unpublish Extension
Upgrade xwiki-platform-chat to work with latest XWiki versionDenishttps://github.com/xwiki-contrib/xwiki-platform-chat
Timeline, using jQueryBenjamin, Flavius, Nicolas, MaxjQuery Timeline

Random Screenshots

Some random screenshots of the work achieved:


As previous years it was very fun and we got very nice results which have already found their way in the XWiki product or will find their way in the future. It's a great way to innovate.

FTR here are some previous year results:

Now let's eagerly wait for the next Hackathon! 

Make sure to Join us next year!


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